Sociology 200, Test 1

Social networks

ties between people, groups, and organizations


a large group of people who live in the same area and participate in a common culture


The study of societies and the social worlds that individuals inhabit within them


The increased flow of goods, money, ideas, and people across national borders

Sociological Imagination

the capacity to think systematically about how many things we experience as personal problems are really social issues that are widely shared by others born in a similar time and social location as us

Termed the phrase "sociological imagination

C. Wright Mills


belieft about members of a group that are usually false, or at least exaggerated, but are the basis of assumptions made about individual members of the group


refers to any behavior, practice, or policy that harms, excludes, or disadvantages individuals on the basis of their group membership

Social Theories

Overarching frameworks that suggest certain assumptions and assertions about the way the world works

Research Methods

Ways of systematically studying these questions in order to develop new evidence that allows new answers to be generated`

Person who the term "sociology" is credited to

Aguste Comte- 1839

Father of Sociology

Emile Durkheim


The growing permeability of national borders and the increase in flows of goods, services, and people across national borders


A process of economic change characterized by the decline of farming and the growth of factories and large-scale goods production


A complex term used to stand for structured and enduring practices if human life that are built around well-established rules and norms or are centered in important organizations like the government, legal courts, churches, schools, or the military

Interdisciplinary Research

A method of research that integrates ideas, theories, and data from different academic fields


A basic rule of society that helps us know what is and is not appropriate to do in a situation. Norms evolve over time as social attitudes and expectations change, although those changes are typically very slow.


A social group or social network that is unified by a common institutional structure, such as a government agency, a school, a business firm, the military, a religion, and many others.


A position within an institution or organization that come with specific social expectations for how to behave and be treated. Some roles may be assigned to us at birth (woman, man, white black), and some may be achieved through our actions (doctor, profe

Social Context

The social environments, including economic and cultural conditions, that influence people's lives

Social hierarchy

A set of important social relationships that provide individuals and groups with different kinds of status in which some are elevated above others

Social interaction

The way people act together, including how they modify and alter their behavior in response to the presence of others. Social interaction is governed by norms.

Social movement

Conscious effort by ordinary people to change some aspect of their society by using extrainstitutional means. "extrainstitutional means" refers to collective action undertaken outside existing institutions, like courts and legislatures, although movements

Social sciences

anthropology, political science, economics, and sociology. Researches the social world of human beings. Began to emerge as people moved from abstract ideas to thinking about how to study the way things work in the real world.

Social structure

The external forces, most notably social hierarchies, norms, and institutions, that provide the context for individual and group action


The study of societies and the social worlds that individuals inhabit within them


An organized association of workers created in order to protect and fight for rights or resources for their members. Unions can be organized at a single workspace, across multiple workplaces of the same company or in the same industry.

Unit of Analysis

The level of a topic that a researcher focuses on. It is the "what" or "who" being studied

Urban area

A geographical area with a high population density


the growth of cities