SOC 101

According to your text who is at most risk of committing suicide?

White males

Society operates in the way that it does because that is the most ORDERLY and EFFICIENT way for it to operate is something you may here from a person who is taking the ________ approach.

Structural Functionalist Theory

Society Operates to benefit some categories of people and harm others is a position held by some one taking a ____ approach

Conflict theory

Society is an ongoing process and the REALITY that PEOPLE experience.


Most Western Nations are

High Income nations

Sociologist gather data for study using various research methods.Which are ?

Surveys & Experiments
Participating Observations & Existing Sources

What might a sociologist say about people's selection of marriage partners?

Typically, A person marries someone of similar social position.

Sociology defines itself as

the systematic study of human society.

According to Emile Durkheim, categories of people with a higher suicide rate typically have?

Lower social integration

In the United States today, the suicide rate is highest for which of the following?

White males

Because there is more social isolation in rural areas of the United States than in urban areas, we would expect suicide rates to be?

higher in rural areas

The nations of Western Europe,Israel,Japan and Australia fall into which category of countries?

High Income nations

Social Problems in the United States, such as poverty and gender inequality, are?

more serious in poorer countries

Which of the following statement best illustrates the career advantage a person gains by studying sociology?

A police officer understands which categories of people are at high risk of becoming victims of crime.

Among the historical changes that stimulated the development of sociology as a discipline was?

the rise of industrial economy and growth of cities.

According to Mead, the difference between the "I" and the "me" is

the "I" is innate while the "me" is learned

_____ is a way of understanding the world based on science


A statement that explains how and why specific facts are related is called an _____.


If we state that children raised in single parent families are high risk of being single parents themselves, we have constructed an ______ of family life.


The theoretical approach in sociology that assumes society is a complex system whose parts work together to promote solidarity and stability is the_____.

structural-functional approach

The recognized and intended consequences of a social pattern are referred to as

Manifest Functions

Unrecognized and unintended consequences of a social pattern are called?

Latent Functions

The social-conflict approach draws attention to?

patterns of social inequality.

A sociologist using the gender-conflict approach might state that

in many ways, men are in positions of power over women.

Which theoretical approach would highlight the fact that, on average, African American families have less income than white families?

the race-conflict approach

Which theoretical approach claims that it is not so much what people do that matters as much as what meaning they attach to their behavior?

Symbolic-Interaction Approach

What is the term for the value that occurs most often in a series of numbers?

the mode

What term refers to the value that occurs midway in a series of number (that is, the middle case)?

the median

In the process of measurement, reliability refers to

whether repeating the measurement yields consistent.

______ refers to measuring the exactly what one intends to measure


The ideal of objectivity means that a researcher must.

try to adapt a stance of personal neutrality toward the outcome of the research

Which research method asks subjects to respond to a series of items in a questionnaire or an interview?

A survey

A small number of people that are used to represent a much larger population is called a


You wish to conduct an exploratory and descriptive study of people in a particular neighborhood. You have plenty of time, but you have little money or other resources. What research method should you use?

Participant Observation

Which sociological research method is best used to study what cannot be directly observed, such as attitudes and values, among large numbers of people?

The Survey

The United States is the most ______ of all countries.


What is the term for the beliefs, values, behavior, and material objects that together make up the way of life for a group of people?


According to Mead's theory on socialization, some but not all people will eventually learn to

recognize their own behavior as seen through the "generalized other".

Our cultural values are closely related to and in many important ways identical to the values of capitalist economic systems. This is a statement most likely held by someone applying the ___________ theoretical perspective.

Social Conflict

Cars, computers, and iPhones are all examples of which of the following?

Material Culture

The term _____ refers to a shared way of life, and the term ____ refers to a political entity

Culture; nation

The United States is multicultural because

in this country we find many different languages and ways of life.

Sociologists define a symbol as

anything that carries meaning to people who share a culture.

The fact that instant messaging is based on a new set of symbols shows us that

Culture Changes over time

Cultural transmission refers to the process of

passing cultural patterns from one generation to another

Standards by which people who share culture define what is desirable, good, and beautiful are called


The dominant values of U.S. culture include

a belief in individuality

While one dominant value of U.S. culture is the right to equal opportunity and freedom, another is

racism and group superiority

Key values of U.S. culture

are sometimes in conflict with one another

________ are rules about everyday, casual living; ________ are rules with great moral significance


Wrong-doing, such as an adult forcing a child to engage in sexual activity, is an example of violating cultural


_____ distinguish between right and wrong; _____ distinguish between right and rude

Mores; folkways

The fact that some married men and married women are sexually unfaithful to their spouses is an example of ____ culture, while the fact that most adults say they support the idea of sexual fidelity is an example of ____ culture.

real; ideal

In hunting and gathering societies

men hunt animals while women gather vegetation.

The social standing of women and men in hunting and gathering societies is

fairly equal, with men and women each making a vital contribution to survival.

Agrarian technology developed based on the use of

the plow, animal power, and the development of metals.

In terms of social inequality, agrarian societies generally

have much more inequality than less productive societal types.

The distinction between high culture and popular culture is based on

the social standing of the people who display the cultural pattern

Cultural patterns that are widespread among a society's population are referred to as

Popular Culture

Subculture refers to

cultural patterns that set off a part of a society's population

Harley Davidson motorcycle riders, computer programmers, and jazz musicians all display _____ patterns.


Cultural change is set in motion in three general ways. What are they?

Invention, discovery, and diffusion

Cultural universals are elements of culture that?

are part of every known culture

Which sociological concept gives an explanation of why the sexual "double standard" is found in our society?

how masculinity and conversely femininity are defined

The case of "The Girl in the Window" shows that

without social experience, a child is incapable of meaningful thought or meaningful action.

What concept refers to the lifelong social experience by which human being develop their potential and learn culture?


In the nature versus nurture debate, sociologists claim that

nurture is far more important than nature

Family is important to the socialization process become

families pass along social identity to children in terms of class, ethnicity, and religion

Thinking about how patterns of child-rearing vary by class, lower-class parents generally stress _____, while well-to-do parents typically stress _____.

obedience; creativity

The special importance of the peer group is the fact that is

lets children escape the direct supervision of parents.

In the historical perspective, the importance of the mass media to the socialization process has

increased over time

Based on what you have read in this chapter, you would correctly conclude that

A society shapes how we think, feel, and act.

As discussed during lecture, the "hidden curriculum" of public schools has the intended effect of ______.

Teaching obedience

As discussed in lecture, elite private schools are designed to train students to _______, while most public schools train students to ______.

lead; Follow

Which of the following is NOT an agent of socialization identified in class discussion?


When examining the relationship between education and television watching, we can say that the more education one has ___________.

the less television one watches

Research has shown that wealthy parents _______ than parents who are not wealthy

talk to and read to their children more

Cultural Capital is

certain knowledge, skills, connections, and advantages which gives one higher social status and ability to interact in different situations

It is easiest to see the world sociologically

during rapid change
during times of crisis
Viewing the margins of society

This is a theoretical approach that takes a micro level

Symbolic Approach