Sociology Quizzes Chapters 11-15

*1. As a sociological concept, race refers to:
� A set of distinct physical characteristics that are the basis for a scientific classification of human beings.
� The four clearly defined groups into which humans are easily categorized.
� Physical variatio

Physical variations in human beings singled out by members of a community or society as socially significant.

2. Which of the following is an example of situational ethnicity?
� A person who is Italian pretends to be Irish on St. Patrick's Day.
� A white person tries to dress the way he thinks black men dress.
� A Chinese American refuses to eat in a Thai restaur

A third-generation Cuban American speaks Spanish only in Miami.

3. Which of the following is an example of cultural racism?
� Forbidding newly arrived Brazilian immigrants to speak Portuguese in public places.
� Putting Christmas trees in company offices, but forbidding Jewish workers to put a menorah or dreidel in th

All of the above.

4. What do sociologists mean by the phrase "racial literacy"?
� Students should be required to read the works of African American authors, along with other literature.
� All students need to read books by the classical British authors.
� Black children sh

Black children should learn methods of dealing with white racism.

5. ________, thinking in terms of fixed and inflexible categories, often involves the psychological mechanism of ________, directing hostility or anger toward objects that are not really the source of those feelings.
� Institutional racism; situational et

Stereotypical thinking; displacement

6. The riots that occurred in some of Boston's predominantly white housing projects in the 1970s because of bussing students to integrate schools are examples of:
� Displacement.
� Stereotyping.
� Antiracism.
� Situational ethnicity.
� Multiculturalism.


7. Why is the term minority group potentially ambiguous and confusing, particularly for sociologists?
� Because sociologists use the term to mean disadvantaged, not necessarily a group of less than 50 percent of the population.
� Because sociologists ofte

Because sociologists use the term to mean disadvantaged, not necessarily a group of less than 50 percent of the population.

8. Croatia has become a monoethnic state because of the racialized policies of mass expulsion during the 1990s. This is an example of:
� Ethnocide.
� Ethnic cleansing.
� Antiracism.
� Pluralism.
� Symbolic ethnicity.

Ethnic cleansing.

9. What is meant by the feminization of migration patterns?
� As more women are elected to leadership positions, countries will loosen their immigration rules.
� Women business owners are more likely than businessmen to employ women immigrants.
� Women ar

The number of women migrants has increased in part because of the demand for "mail-order brides.

10. Which of the following is a fact regarding racial and ethnic inequality in the United States today?
� Since the civil rights movement of the 1960s, increasing numbers of African Americans have joined the middle class by attaining a college education,

All of the above.

*1. What accounts for most of the difference in life expectancy in the United States now compared with 100 years ago?
� Better chances that young people will live to adulthood.
� Better chances that middle-age people will live to old age.
� Better chances

Better chances that young people will live to adulthood.

2. The elderly can be divided into three age groups. Aside from their younger age, what advantages do the "young old" have over the "oldest old"?
� The young old tend to be more educated.
� The young old grew up during a time of economic prosperity.
� The

All of the above.

3. A common criticism of functionalist theory is that it:
� Is too focused on social inequalities and not enough on the abilities of the elderly.
� Paid too little attention to the inevitable mental and physical decline of the elderly.
� Unrealistically a

Emphasized the need for the elderly to adjust to existing conditions rather than participate in changing them.

*4. Among the elderly, which group is more likely to have problems of isolation and loneliness?
� Men, because they are less sociable than women.
� Women, because they are more likely to outlive husbands and have more difficulty finding another mate.
� Yo

Women, because they are more likely to outlive husbands and have more difficulty finding another mate.

*5. What is the best explanation for adult children physically abusing their parents?
� The latent anger of children boils over when they are responsible for ailing parents.
� The financial burden of caring for parents comes at the same time that adult ch

The adult children are resentful that they are financially dependent on their elderly parents.

6. With respect to health care, how do the elderly differ from other age groups in the United States?
� They are almost all covered by government-funded health insurance.
� They are remarkably less likely to suffer from health problems.
� They have a bett

They are almost all covered by government-funded health insurance.

7. Why do the elderly have such a strong political voice in the U.S. government?
� They are growing in numbers.
� They have high voter turnout, accounting for up to one fifth of the vote.
� They have an effective organization representing their interests

All of the above.

*8. The question of generational equity will become more acute as:
� An increasingly poor elderly population is supported by an increasingly wealthy younger cohort.
� The proportion of the elderly in the population continues to shrink.
� Fewer and fewer p

Fewer and fewer people of working age pay more and more in taxes to support elderly retirees.

9. The combination of the graying of the population and globalization will mean:
� Traditional patterns of family care will be challenged.
� A probable increased burden on government support programs for the elderly.
� Challenges to traditional ways of th

All of the above.

10. Why has respect for the elderly declined throughout the world?
� Younger families are too busy to deal with the elderly's cranky behavior.
� The elderly are too great an economic burden on younger families.
� The elderly are demanding to work longer,

The elderly are too great an economic burden on younger families.

1. Where there is a political apparatus ruling over a given territory, whose authority is backed by a legal system and by the capacity to use military force to implement its policies, a(n) ________ exists.
� State.
� Government.
� Politics.
� Power.
� Aut


2. Which of the following is a characteristic of a nation-state?
� It has a government apparatus with sovereign rights within the borders of a territory.
� The government is able to back its sovereignty by control of military power.
� Many of its citizens

All of the above.

3. Why has the welfare state recently come under attack?
� The movement of jobs to lower-cost countries has made it more difficult to raise tax revenues.
� The spread of neoliberalism.
� Anti-immigrant sentiment.
� All of the above.
� None of the above.

All of the above.

*4. What played a significant role in the recent democratization of formerly nondemocratic countries?
� Mass media, such as television and the Internet.
� Liberal philosophies.
� Sovereignty.
� Wealth.
� All of the above.

Mass media, such as television and the Internet.

5. What are some of the actions taken by the Chinese government that affect the use of the Internet?
� It has forbidden anyone to send information regarding HIV/AIDS.
� It has closed thousands of Internet caf�s.
� It has banned information about democracy

All of the above.

6. How do European countries provide their citizens with more services than the U.S. government provides its citizens?
� Europeans are nicer and care more about people.
� Europeans are wealthier than Americans.
� European governments tend to have a parlia

Europeans pay higher taxes than Americans.

7. Which system is more likely to result in political parties that converge on the "middle ground" and often come to resemble each other so closely that there is little distinctive difference in their key policies?
� Multiparty system.
� Constitutional mo

Two-party system.

8. Voter turnout in the United States is among the lowest in the world. What reason do many Americans give for why they don't vote?
� They cannot read the ballot.
� They do not want to pay the poll tax required to vote.
� They have not met the candidates.

They believe it is too much effort to vote.

9. What is necessary for effective democracy in modern, large, bureaucratic states, according to Max Weber?
� A large substratum of bureaucrats who have the expertise to run the government.
� Parties that represent different interests and have different o

All of the above.

*10. Which of the following best characterizes the women's movement and its interest in women's equality?
� Historically, the movement has brought together women from diverse backgrounds and united them in the interest of equality.
� The women's movement

None of the above accurately describes the women's movement.

1. In which type of job would a worker most likely be dissatisfied?
� Creative professions.
� Helping professions that are white-collar, relatively high-status jobs that pay reasonably well.
� Helping professions that require physical labor, late-night ho

Helping professions that require physical labor, late-night hours, and low levels of educational attainment.

2. Taylorism resulted in:
� Workers' loss of control over knowledge of the production process.
� Reduced autonomy for craft workers.
� Deskilling and degrading of labor.
� All of the above.
� None of the above.

All of the above.

3. Karl Marx argues that workers in capitalist society:
� Lack ownership of the products they make and often cannot even afford to buy them.
� Are dehumanized by tedious and demeaning labor processes over which they have no control.
� Find themselves in c

All of the above.

4. A latent consequence of scientific management and mass production has been:
� A rigid production system.
� The alienation of workers.
� Close worker supervision and control.
� Decline in worker autonomy.
� All of the above.

All of the above.

5. Unionized workers at Bill's Bulb World would like to change the overtime regulations at work. What options do the union workers have to make changes?
� They can introduce a new regulation to management and discuss how to make changes.
� They can sugges

They can suggest new regulations to management, and if management does not agree, the union can vote to strike.

6. Which of the following statements about the U.S. economy is true?
� The 200 largest manufacturing corporations control more than half of all manufacturing assets.
� The 200 largest financial organizations control more than half of all financial activit

All of the above.

7. What has made possible the tremendous increase in transnational corporations over the past thirty years?
� The dominance of family capitalism.
� Advances in transportation and communications.
� The elimination of poverty in the developing world.
� All

Advances in transportation and communications.

8. Intel has approximately one-third of its workforce located outside of the United States. It selected Dalian, China, to be the home to its chip fabrication plant. Why did Intel select this site?
� Cheap labor is available for multinational corporations.

China has a growing supply of engineers and offers incentives.

9. Being a private secretary was once a very prestigious male occupation. What happened to cause this occupation to lose prestige?
� With technology there was really no need for someone to manage this type of administrative duties.
� Global outsourcing re

More women entered into the field, and as it became an occupation associated with women it became a clerical position.

10. What does the "race to the bottom" mean in relation to the global economy?
� Retailers and manufacturers will go anyplace on earth to find the lowest wages.
� Retailers and manufacturers will go anyplace on earth to avoid environmental restrictions.

All of the above are characteristics related to the "race to the bottom.

*1. Emir and Michael live in a large house with their adopted daughter, Lilly; Emir's son, Amid; and Michael's aging aunt, Cecilia. Judith Stacey would describe this family as a(n):
� Nontraditional family
� Extended family
� Blended family
� Postmodern f

Postmodern family.

2. Which of the following best characterizes the family in the United States today?
� Regardless of publicity, the dominant family structure in the United States has remained constant during the previous fifty years.
� Most families today are female-heade

The largest group of American families is that in which there is only one parent or both the husband and wife are working.

3. Which perspective has been most concerned with the domestic division of labor, unequal power relationships, and caring activities in the family?
� Functionalism
� Marxism
� Feminism
� Instrumentalism
� Fundamentalism


4. Feminist scholars who analyze the family often refer to the second shift. Which of the following scenarios best captures the meaning of this phrase?
� A female social worker returns home from work to drive her children to soccer practice, prepares dinn

A female social worker returns home from work to drive her children to soccer practice, prepares dinner, and completes a load of laundry.

5. Children in premodern United States and Europe often:
� Worked at an early age or left the family at an early age to do domestic work for others.
� Were betrothed at early ages.
� Experienced a great deal of permanence and stability.
� Lived in fairly

Worked at an early age or left the family at an early age to do domestic work for others.

6. With respect to the changes that are occurring in the family globally, which of the following statements is NOT true?
� Clans and other kin groups are declining in influence.
� There is a general trend toward the free choice of a spouse.
� Women's and

Changes are occurring in both urban and rural areas.

7. Which group has a strong commitment to family interdependence, family and friend networks that help members financially, and higher median incomes than non-Hispanic whites?
� Mexican Americans
� Puerto Ricans
� Cuban Americans
� Asian Americans
� Nativ

Asian Americans

8. In the age group of twenty-five to forty-seven, far fewer African American than white women are married and living with a husband. Which of the following factors contribute to this situation?
� Historical conditions, including the effects of slavery.

All of the above have combined effects on contemporary cultural practices.

9. What advantages do female-headed African American families have over female-headed white families?
� African American women are more likely to receive Temporary Assistance for Needy Families.
� The high unemployment rate among African American families

Female-headed African American families have more extended kinship relationships.

10. Why have divorce rates risen over the past few decades?
� Changes in the law have made getting a divorce easier.
� Marriage today has less to do with handing down property and status from generation to generation, except for the wealthy.
� Women are m

All of the above.