sociology chapter 9 notes

difference between sex and gender

-sex is the biological and anatomical differences that distinguish females from males
-Gender is social expectations about behavior regarded as appropriate for the members of each sex

genetic make up behavioral differences in gender

-Male shows more aggression women lack
-there is a lack of empirical evidence of any behavioral difference
-Hormonal make up have effect on behavior

gender socialization for gender differences

-gender roles are learned from socializing agents such as family, friends and school
-they are culturally produced.

social construction of gender

-combination of biological sex and socialization into that gender


-male dominance over females
-this varies between countries
-there has been a lot of progress onwhere women used to suffer

three questions we look at when looking at gender inequality

1.) Do women and men have equal access to valued societal resources
2.) Do women and men have similar life options
3.) Are women's and men's role and activities valued similarly

Women in the work place

- rate of employment for women was relatively low until well into the 20th century in the U.S.
- in 1910 more than a third of gainfully employed women were maids or house servants
-59.5% women age sixteen and older were in the labor force 2008
-change cau

inequalities at work

-1850 clerks was high class job and very few women worked as clerks
today they are a low paying job and most clerks are women

gender typed

-occupations that once are seen as mainly as a "woman's job" inertia sets in
-woman have constituted a majority of workers in previously male-dominant professions
- while this has increased a considerable proportion are still employed in "woman dominant

gender gap

paying less to women in the same position and hourly work as a man in the same position.
-gap has increasing lowered over the years

comparable worth

compares pay levels of jobs held disproportionately by women with pay levels of the jobs held disproportionately by men and tries to adjust pay so that the women and men who work in female-dominant jobs are not penalized

glass ceiling

- the promotion barrier that prevents a woman upward mobility within an organization
-problematic in male dominant positions

glass escalator

-contrast of "glass ceiling", men in female dominant professions push men to the top of their corporate ladders

economic inequality in global perspective

-across the globe men outpace women in most workplace and economic indicators
-yet, they also have made huge stride for women
-women work more than men and still make less than the men on average

sexual harassment in the workplace

-another pervasive document ed obstacle for women
-unwanted or repeated sexual advancements, remarks or behaviors that are offensive to the recipient and cause discomfort or interference with job performance

the types of sexual harassment

1.) "quid pro quo"- a demand of sexual acts from a worker as a job condition or promises work-related benefits in exchange for sexual acts
2.)"hostile work environment" in which a pattern sexual language, lewd posters or sexual advances makes a worker so

factors of the reluctance to report

1.) many don't recognize that sexual harassment is an actionable offense
2.) fear that they will not be believed, and that the charges wont be taken seriously
3.) may be difficult to differentiate between harassment and joking on the job

balancing work and childcare

-managers ask women whether they have or intend to have children
-the women might need extra time off to care for their children
-almost all women in senior management jobs have not had any children


-more women work but still do the more significant amount of time into the house
-women in the 1976 did 26 hours housework, now do 16.5 hours hours.
-men went from 6 hours of house work to 12 hours
-women are still dependent on the men's paycheck so still

education and unequal treatment

-interaction between teacher and student is different and inequitably between sex.
-male students interact more with their teacher than girls and get attention and instruction from their teacher
-boys tend to get more of the attention from the teacher

gender inequality in politics

-women play an increasing important role in U.S politics but still are far behind from equality
-most women politicians are democratic
-politics are considered "man's work

women target for violence

-one out of three women have been beaten, coerced into sex, or abused in some other way
- one in five women are injured as a result of beatings by spouse than any other cause, a problem that is well ignored.
-between 100 and 140 million women worldwide ha


-the forcing of non-consensual vaginal, oral or anal intercourse
-observed, between consensual and rape lies "a continuum of pressure, threat, coercion, and force"
-rape is considered an act of violence, rather than pure sexual act
-always men on women; e

why are women so often the targets of sexual violence

-men are socialized to regard women as sex object, to feel a sense of sexual entitlement and instill fear into women by dominating them
-make men insensitive to the difference between rape and consensual sex contribute to high levels of victimization.

functionalist theory to sex inequality

-social differences contribute to social stability and integration
-family operates most effectively with a clear-cut sexual division of labor in which female act in expressive roles(care for kids) while
men preform instrumental roles(labor/work)
-this ha

feminist approaches

-all are concern with women inequality but have different explanations to this problem substantially.
-variety deeply embedded social processes, such as sexism, patriarchy, capitalism, and racism

three main feminism perspectives

-black feminism

liberal feminism

-looks for explanations of gender inequalities in social and cultural attitudes.
-draw attention to many separate factors that contribute to inequalities between men and women.

Radical feminism

-belief that men are responsible for and benefit from the exploitation of women
-the analysis of patriarchy is the main concern to this branch of feminism

black feminism

-feminism outlined above apply equally to the experiences of both white and nonwhite women
-concentrates on the particular problems facing black women
-emphasize the influence of the powerful legacy of slavery, segregation and the civil rights movement on


-supported the campaign for women's rights but realized that the question of race could not be ignored.
-expressed the multiple disadvantage of race and gender