
How many children born in industrial today will live to be 15 years of age?


If the world were to return to the agrarian society, what would happen?

75% would parish

When and where did the Industrial Society form?

England 1760


the study and classification of human societies


rules and expectations by which a society guides the behavior of its members


Symbol systems and the information they convey; the attitudes and behavior that are characteristic of a particular social group or organization


An entity made up of interrelated parts

Forces that go into sociocultural evolution

Continuity, innovation, and selection

Development of human society

Gene, culture, and environment


Cultural information about the ways in which the material resources of the environment may be used to satisfy human needs and desires

demographic variables

The 3 factors that influence population growth, fertility, mortality, & net migration

genetic variables

skin color, hair texture, height, body type

What are the key elements of hunting and gathering society?

Nomadic, women gather while men hunt, and based upon age and sex/gender


the head of a tribe or clan


medicine man


An "average" or measure of central tendency that is the middle number in a series of numbers arranged in order from lowest to highest

labor intensive industry

An industry which depends on large numbers of workers to produce its products

capital intensive industry

An industry which depends the means of production are privately owned and the basic problems of production and distribution are settled within a market system, with minimal governmental regulation or control

industrial revolution

the revolution on technology that began ion England in the 18th century and has since spread through most of the world system


A market structure in which only a FEW sellers offer similar or identical products


a market in which there are many buyers but only ONE seller

Adam Smith

Scottish political economist and philosopher. His Wealth of Nations (1776) laid the foundations of classical free-market economic theory, government should not interfere with economics. Advocates Laissez Faire and founder of "invisible hand

welfare state

A system in which the government takes responsibility for its citizen's social and economic needs.

subsistence economy

a type of economy in which human groups live off the land with little or no surplus

market economy

an economic system based on free enterprise, in which businesses are privately owned, and production and prices are determined by supply and demand

command economy

A system in which the central government makes all economic decisions

vertical mobility

the movement of an individual from one social position to another of a different rank

Children in industrial societies live to about what age?

75 years old

Why do women earn less than men?

Women are concentrated on lower paying jobs

crude death rate

The number of deaths per year per 1,000 people.