
It is considered rude in Elbonian society to mention one's own accomplishments, so employers interview job candidate's former employers, teachers, and friends to find out what they can do. Elbonia is most likely a/n _______ society.


Socializing occurs within the context of several social institutions, including the family, schools, religious institutions, and the mass media. This process results in individuals becoming perfect reflections of society's values.


Perceiving, evaluating, motivating, and even talking to one's self is called:

reflexive behavior

The most fundamental aspect of the self is

The capacity to be self-aware

When 5- year olds play soccer, they usually chase the ball around in one large clump, and no one remembers to play their assigned positions. This is because children this age are in the _____ stage.


This refers to the perspective of society and its constituent values and attitudes.

Generalized other

Mead believed that taking the told of the other- the ability to imagine the situation of other people-is the basis of:

The looking glass self

Socializing is a process that occurs at which stage of life?

Throughout one's life

In an individualist culture, personal identity is:

based on one's personal achievements

Lucy can't take a compliment. Whenever her friends tell her that she's smar, or attractive, she refuses to believe them. It's likely that she detected negative reactions from others during during:

the development of the looking glass itself

Which of the following is an example of a 'total institution'?

The military

According to the author, Annette Lareau, what is the tendency of behavior by middle-class children raised with "converted cultivation?

A sense of entitlement

What are the typical responses by working-class and poor children to interactions with professional (teachers, doctors)?

Both A and C (uncomfortable with and distrustful of patients and affirmed b their knowledge of what is required in interactions with professionals)

What does the author conclude is the relationship between race and social class in these childrearing studies?

Social class strongly affects how parents raise their child, but race does not.

Annette Lareau concludes that social class and its values and resources do not fully determine the outcomes for children's lives. What does she conclude is also significant?

Both a and C ( life contingencies are also influential, for example, stress-related illnesses, premature deaths, disciplining practices, and different levels of humor in children and dults. The agency of actors, that is, the individual choices and decisio

Why do we usually for quick impressions of others?

Because we must make choices about our behavior based on what we expect others to do.

According to Erving Goffman, everyday life is a series of social interactions in which people are motivated to:

sell" a preferred identity to others

What is an essential attribute of the front and back stages in impression management?

They must be kept separate.

Clothing and body adornment differ from other attributes such as age, race, or gender because they:

can be manipulated to influence others' impressions of us.

Research shows that most people believe physically attractive people are:

sensitive and kind

Goffman argues that people work to control the conduct of others in an interaction, especially their responsive treatment of him or her. This is called

Influencing the definition of the situation.

After waiting on a rude customer, Dina complains to another server in the dining room. The manager overhears this, and warns Dina not to do it again. What was Dina's offense?

Back stage behavior in the front stage.

Each of the following is an example of impression managements EXCEPT:

going to a jobb interview wearing the clothes you wore to class.

According to the concept of impression management, a young man meeting a date for the first time will most likely try to:

present a favorable impression of himself.

Embarrassment is the feeling we get when our identities are publicly discredited. White is it sociologically interesting?

It is felt only by the person whose impression management has failed.

Patrick accidentally cuses at the dinner table in front of his girlfriend, her parents, and younger siblings. Who is responsible for resting social order in they awkward moment?

All of the adults equally, but not the children.

What is the usual cause cause of a 'spoiled identity'.

An attempt at impression management failed.

A nuclear family is:

A household consisting of parents and their children

In looking at families in the past, sociologist William J. Goode contended that:

the idealized traditional family never existed.

In the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, before divorce became legal, people who were unhappy in their marriages had no options so they stayed together.


Which of the following is NOT a traditional purpose (function) of the family?

college education

In what was have the traditional purposed of the family changed?

All of the above

Whihc statmenet best compares U.S. family leave policies with those of European nations?

U.S. policies are less generous that those in European nations.

It is more likely for a person to marry someone from a similar social class that from a different social class. Why is that?

Likelihood of contact and shared values, tastes, and backgrounds

Domestic violence continues to be a social problem. Which of the following is/are an important explanation for its continuing occurrence in the U.S.?

Family life contains endless sources of stress and tension.

Financial uncertainty makes a stable family life very difficult.


Research shows that:

Children from single-parent homes fare worse than children from two-parent families.

Which of the following reasons for marrying are NOT found in marriages of the past?

Political alliances between countries.

When did the "male breadwinner, love-based marriage" come to dominate the cultural expectations for marriage?

After the combined crises of the Great Depression and World War II

Which of the following societal events challenged the model of the "male breadwinner, love-based marriage?

Only a and b

Which of the following is a positive function of deviance?

Deviance encourages social change.

In a discussion about euthanasia, Ariane argues that under certain circumstances, the taking of a human life may actually be morally justifiable. Her argument reflects

a relative definition of deviance.

Acts of artistic nonconformity or political protest are generally NOT considered defiance because they are not considered crimes.


What is the basic argument of Merton's strain theory?

People who lack legitimate means to pursue their goals will use deviant means.

Sutherland argued that people learn deviant patterns of behavior. From whom do they primarily learn these patterns?

all of the above

What basic assumption underlies deterrence theory?

People consider the costs and benefits of behavrio before they act.

In the example described in the test, Kelly Michaels was exonerated of child moleststion charges after having spent five years in jail, but she is still seen as a child molester. Which theory of deviance would explain why Ms. Michaels is still considered

Labeling theory

According to conflict theorists, the acts that are most likely to be criminalized are those that

represent a physical threat to collective safety.

Which industrialized country has the highest incarceration rate?


Which kind of crime poses the greater economic threat to Americans?

Welfare crimes

According to the authors of this arc tile, WAMM does not merely dispense marijuana to treat sever pain and end of life discomforts, but actively works to:

Create community control over decisions about medical care.

Erving Goffman argued that

People in everyday life work to creat favorable identities.

Which of the following is an example of an individual attribute that does NOT influence our first impressions of others?
