Sociology Test 1

In the relation to the study of education in Ameica, _______ would emphasize the daily activities within the schools and the various forms of communications between teachers and students. they would also examine the influence of peer groups and look at th

symbolic interactions

in relation to the sociology of sports in the United States, __________ would begin by pointing out that sports are closely linked to social inequalities. for example, some sports (golf, tennis, swimming) are expensive, so participation is largely limited

conflict theories

researchers in one study examined the effects of church membership, divorce, and migration on suicide rates in the United States and concluded that suicide rates are typically higher where divorce and migration rates are higher and church membership is lo


researchers in one study systematically analyzed the contents on the notes of suicide victims to determine recurring themes, such as feeling of despair or failure. they hoped to determine if any patterns could be found that would help in understanding why


In a hypothesis, the researcher considers the _________ to be the cause of the relationship.

Independent variable

david has developed the hypothesis that the stress felt by unemployed men increases the probability of spousal abuse. stress would be considered the __________ variable and spousal abuse would be considered the __________ variable.

independent, dependent

john develops a scale to assess job satisfaction among industrial workers. he is especially concerned that the workers in his study will interpret the scale items on his questionnaire in an inconsistent fashion. johns concern reflects the issue of:

reliability of his measure

joyce wants to do a study of domestic abuse but lacks the time and money to gather her own data. consequently, she analyzes data previously gathered by the National Opinion Research Center that is related to this topic. In this case, Joyce is conducting:

secondary analysis

Lucy has volunteered at the local crisis center. while she is performing as a volunteer, she is given permission to gather data on the number of women who report being abused, and the number of women who later participate in counseling. lucy is using ____

participant observation

all social structures share two characteristics. They _____________ in form, and ___________ change.

persist, resist

which of the following does not describe a characteristic of structural functionalism?

an emphasis on words, symbols, and meaning

which theory asks the following question, rapid social change means institutions, reference groups, our values, norms, and beliefs no longer provide a framework for our lives?


The USA Today video on US cities along the US/Mexico border concluded:

US border towns are among the safest in the United States

Which of the four research methods discussed in class have the following characteristics? it is exploratory and descriptive studies people in a "natural setting" but it is time consuming and difficult to replicate.

participant observation

its utility limited by setting with an artificial quality and the problem of researcher bias describes which research method?

participant observation

Independent variable is to ____________ as dependent variable is to________________.

cause, effect

the stanley milgrim study, Obedience to Authority used which research method?


the Baumgartner and Morris in their study, The Daily Effect? found

viewers exhibit more cynicism toward the electoral system and the news media at large

Detective John Brooks described the Fayetteville Police Dep. policies on enforcement of Tearooms at Veterans Park and Wilson Park. Which of the following is not correct.

The dep. has no tolerance policies. sex in public parks is against the law and the laws are strictly enforced

Frederick J. Desroches' Tearoom Trade: A Law Enforcement Problems, concludes that the crime control model is not an appropriate enforcement too. Why?

Fails to achieve general deterrence, tearooms meet the definition of "tolerable deviance", it is a victimless crime, and enforcement often has tragic consequences for the suspect

Which of the following is NOT true about the use of surveys?

a method pioneered by sociologists

We watched a segment on Alfred Kinsey in The First Measured Century. Which statement best describes Kinsey's work?

He used surveys and interviews in conducting the first scientific study of human sexuality in American society.

Representative Chris Lee of New York recently resigned from the house of rep. after posting a photo of himself shirtless on twitter. the photo went viral. according to howard becker's labeling theory, the act of posting the photo would be called:

primary deviance

the theoretical perspective that posits reality is negotiable and the world is arbitrary, inherently meaningless, and indifferent to our existence:

symbolic interaction

the products of a knowledge and information-based economy have replaced manufactured goods as the largest sector of our economy. according to marx, these changes represent:

Changes in substructure

Dr schwab was deeply concerned by what he experienced during his recent trip to the Peoples Republic of China. China has compressed development into a single generation that took the US and Europe a century to accomplish. Rapid development in China has be

State Capitalism

Globalization has permitted new forms of social organization, heretofore, impossible. Walmart, UPS, Google, and Facebook are examples of successful companies in the global economy. which of the following were NOT major contributors to this new form of cor

Sam Walton, Bill Gates, Jack Welch and other inspired leaders who alone changed corporations

Wednesday's video, "girl in the dressing room" demonstrated which of the following concepts from the symbolic interaction theoretical perspective

defintion of the situation, symbols-lipstick, reality making and breaking

social movements like the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street are best understood using the symbolic interactions concept of

frame analysis

which of the following is the major reason for arkansas poor score of the new economy scoreboard?

high primacy or the concentration of the state's population in the Little Rock and NWA Metros

the findings by Elizabeth Dobson in her study, "semi-strong form market hypothesis: evidence from CNBC's jim cramer's mad money stock recommendations suggests that jim cramer adive is

Ok if you use the non-lightning around portion of the program

which of the following id not a factor in the phenomenon of the empty nest syndrome?

parents who never grew up

according to our first lecture, "I Strain" refers to

Psychological Reductionism

which of the major theoretical perspectives used in sociology has a microlevel analysis

symbolic interaction


systematic study of human society and social interaction.

What is a systematic study because theoretical perspectives and research methods are applied?



large scale social grouping that shares the same geographical territory and is subject to the same political authority and dominant cultural expectations

global interdependence

relationship in which the lives of all people are intertwined closely and any on nation's problems are apart of a larger global problem.

Commonsense knowledge

guides ordinary conduct in everyday life


popular but false notion that may be used, either intentionally or unintentionally, to perpetuate certain beliefs

sociological imagination

ability to see the relationship individual experiences and the larger society


process by which societies are transformed from dependence on agriculture and handmade products to an emphasis on manufacturing and related industries


process by which an increasing proportion of a population lives in cities rather than in rural areas


belief that the world can best be understood through scientific inquiry

Who is associated with positivism?


Who is considered the father of sociology?


social darwinism

belief that those species of animals, best adapted to their environment survive and prosper

Who believed the limits of human potential are socially based, not biologically based?


Social facts

patterned ways of acting, thinking, and feeling that exist outside any one individual but that exert outside any one individual but that exert social control over each person

What is Marxian Framework?

the class conflict between the capitalist class and the working class

who is the bourgeoisie class?

capitalist class

who owns and controls the means of production- the tools, land, factories, and money for investment that form the economic basis of a society?

capitalist class

who is the proletariat class?

working class

who must sell their labor because they have no other means to earn a livelihood?

working class


a set of logically interrelated statements that attempts to describe, explain, and predict social events

functionalist perspective

based on the assumption that society is a stable, orderly system

manifest functions

intended and/or overtly recognized by the participants in a social unit

latent functions

unintended functions that are hidden and remain unacknowledged by participants

Conflict perspectives

groups in society are engaged in a continuous power struggle for control of scarce resources

Macrolevel analysis

examines whole societies, large-scale social structures, and social systems

Microlevel analysis

fouces on small groups rather than large scale social structures

symbolic interactionist perspectives

society is the sum of the interactions of individuals and groups


immediate reciprocally oriented communication between two or more people


anything that meaningfully represents something else

subjective reality

said person's view point

postmodern perspectives

existing theories have been unsuccessful in explaining social life in contemporary societies that are characterized by postindustrialization, consumerism, and global communications

What perspectives are macrolevel?

functionalist and conflict

what perspective is microlevel?

symbolic interactionist

what perspective is both micro/macro?


quantitative research

the goal is scientific objectivity, and the focus is on data that can be measured numerically

qualitative research

interpretive descriptions (words) rather than statistics (numbers) are used to analyze underlying meanings and patterns of social relationships


statement of the expected relationship between two or more variables


any concept with measurable traits or characterists that can change or vary from one person, time, situation, or society to another

independent variable

presumed to be the cause of the relationship

dependent variable

assumed to be the effect


the extent to which a study or research instrument accurately measures what is supposed to be measured


extent to which a study or research instrument yields consistent results when applied to different individuals at one time or to the same individuals over time

what are the research methods?

survey, research, analysis, experiments


a poll in which the researcher gathers facts or attempts to determine the relationships among facts

What is the most widely used research method?



is a data-collection encounter in which an interviewer asks the respondent questions and records the answers

secondary analysis

researchers use existing material and analyze data that were originally collected by others

participant observation

the process of collecting systematic observations while being part of the activities of the group that the researcher is studying


carefully designed situation in which the researcher studies the impact of certain variables on subjects attitudes or behaviors

Environmental problems are an example of ____________. People throughout the world share the same biosphere. When environment degradation, such as removing natural resources or polluting the air and water, takes place in one region, it may have an adverse

global interdependence

becky is taking a course at a university in Bombay, India as a part of a student exchange program. she is having difficulty accepting many of the local customs including the status of cows, the caste system, and the apparent lack of respect women receive.

sociological imagination

one person being unemployed may be an example of _______, whereas widespread unemployment as a result of economic changes such as a plant closings is an example of ________.

personal troubles, public troubles

during the ________, massive economic, technological, and social changes occurred as machine technology and the factory system shifted the economic base of nations from agriculture to manufacturing.

industrial revolution

French philosopher Auguste Comte's philosophy became known as _________, a belief that the world can be best understood through scientific inquiry.


according to french sociologist Emile Durkheim, ____________, are patterned ways of acting, thinking, and feeling that exist outside any one individual but that exert social control over each person.

social facts

in the marxian framework, the _______ comprises those who own and control the means of production.


the _________ are the tools, land, factories, and money for investment that form the economic basis of a society.

means of production

german social scientist Marx weber stresed that sociologists should employ __________ (understanding or insight) to gain the ability to see the world as others see it.


a ____________ is defined as a set of logically interrelated statements that attempts to describe, explain, and (occasionally) predict social events.


the ________ states that societies develop social structures, or institutions that persist because they play a part in helping society survive. these institutions include the family, education, government, religion, and the economy.


According to sociologists Robert K. Merton, ___________ are unintended functions that are hidden and remain unacknowledged by participants.

latent functions

when analyzing the tobacco industry, which theoretical perspective would most likely look at tobacco interests versus health care interests?


C. Wright Mills used the term "________" in referring to a small clique composed of the top corporate, political, and military officials.

power elite

a physician wears a white lab coat and a stethoscope. the patient sees these as representing knowledge and authority. the coat and stethoscope are:

symbols of power inequality among the individuals