

period between puberty and adulthood.
* unique stage because no longer a child but
not an adult in the eyes of society.
* Not recognized in all societies. In Ndembu
young people go from childhood directly to
adulthood after performing puberty rites.
* did


physical maturing that makes someone physically capable of sexual reproduction.

anticipatory socialization

preparing for a role by the learning of rights, obligations, and expectations of that role. Becomes much more important during adolescence. Ex: part-time job, club membership, dating.


tendency for individuals to marry people who have social characteristics similar to their own. Research after Waller concluded that there are similarities between qualitities looked for in a casual date and marriage partner especially status attainment wh

social integration

degree of attachment people have to social groups or to society as a whole

puberty rites

formal ceremonies that mark the entrance of young people into adulthood, but differ from society to society.
Ex: tattooing, scarring of skin, endurance tests, strength tests, filing of teeth.

adolescence as a stage of the life cycle.

Three factors important in developing adolescence as a distinct stage -
1) Education - Mandatory by law (till 16).
2) Labor Force - exclusion of youth by child labor laws till 16.
3) Juvenile Justice System - distinguishing between adult and juvenile offe

Characteristics of Adolescence

Five characteristics generally apply.
1) biological growth and development.
2) Undefined status.
3) increased decision making.
4) increased pressures and
5) search for self.

biological growth & development

controlled by brain and endorphine system. Spurts in height & weight, changes in body proportions, development of primary and secondary sexual characteristics, and complexion problems. Biological changes can cause anxiety or embarrassment.

Undefined Status

expectations by society are vague. difficult for adolescents to determine their status. adults often critical about dress, music, behavior. State laws about marriage, drinking, driving, & voting can vary causing unclear expectations.

Search for Self

ability to establish personal norms to guide their behavior, sort through values to determine importance, and set priorities for their life. If you know who you are, what you want and what you value most, you make the most of adulthood. anticipatory socia


* most commonly found in societies that allow individuals to choose their own spouse.
* Emerged as a form of social interaction after WWI.
* Main purpose is recreation and/or amusement, but may lead to marriage and is the means through which a mate is fou


interaction between unmarried men & women for the express purpose of marriage (between steady dating and engagement on the dating continuum). Not casual - required meeting parents and obtaining permission, marriage-minded intentions, close supervision, ro

Dating continuum

Casual dating progresses to steady dating to engagement to marriage. degree of committment to the relationship increases along the continuum. Flexible system

Why dating started?

prior to industrial revolution, the timing of marriage was determined by when a man aquired property from his parents to support a family. After industrial revolution, young adults less dependent on parents for economic security.

Development of dating

Economic freedom reduced parental control over courtship and set the stage for dating.

Reasons for the emergence of dating

1) Economic Freedom - more city jobs so less parental control;
2) child labor laws - more free time;
3) free public education - coed so more time spent together;
4) Telephones & Autos - communication and transportation advances gave young people more free

Sociological analysis of American dating patterns

1st offered by Williard Waller. Found that courtship selection was based on character, honesty and dependability. Dating was based on status, looks, money, clothes cars, dancing ability. Waller concluded that dating and courtship were different processes.

Why Date?

1) form of recreation;
2) mechanism for socialization;
3) fulfills basic psychological needs such as conversation, companionship, & understanding;
4) helps attain status.
In casual dating items 1&4 are most important, but as committment increases #2 & #3

Dating Patterns

Traditional - prior to 1960s
Contemporary - after 1960

Traditional Dating Patterns

male arranged date;
weekly time table for dating;
being "dateless" was shameful;
date revolved around set activities;
followed dating continuum.

Contemporary Dating Patterns

more spontaneous;
not prearranged;
M&F initiate dates;
based on friendship;
the group is the primary focus.
Amish youth follow more traditional dating pattern.