Sociology Chapter 10


the personal traits and social positions that members of a society attach to being female or male

gender stratification

the unequal distribution of wealth, power, and privilege between men and women

Israeli Kibbutz

a collective Jewish settlement where both men and women share equally in work and decision making

the Israeli Kibbutz is evidence that

culture is what defines what we consider masculine and feminine

margaret mead

if gender is based on biology, then all cultures should define masculinity and femininity the same; if gender is defined culturally, then each cultures definition will vary

George Murdock

studied more than 200 preindustrial societies and found some global agreement on which tasks are considered masculine and feminine (roles were assigned based on physical characteristics)

global perspective research

George Murdock, Margaret Mead, and the Israeli Kibbutz


form of social organization in which females dominate males


a form of social organization in which males dominate females


the belief that one sex is innately superior to the other

institutional sexism

when sexism is built into the institutions or frameworks of society (economy, educational system, government, and legal system, etc.)

the costs of sexism

1. sexism limits the talents and the ambitions of half of the population
2. masculinity in our culture encourages risk taking behavior
3. patriarchy drives men to seek control of women and themselves
4. masculinity is linked to violence, suicide, and stre

gender roles

attitudes and activities that a society links to each sex

many cultures favor infant ___ over ___

boys over girls

how does gender affect the peer group

1. young children tend to form single-sex play groups
2. these play groups teach additional gender lessons, such as what each gender prefers for activities and games

boys tend to prefer

organized, competitive games with clear rules, objectives, and winners and losers

girls tend to prefer

activities with fewer rules and rarely focus on winning as the ultimate goal; rather communication and cooperation focused instead

how does gender shape our interests and beliefs about our own abilities and even career choices

men are more likely to take courses in engineering, physics, and philosophy and women are more likely to take courses in music, dance, drama, and social sciences

how does the mass media shape how we see both men and women

men are typically seen as the leaders and aggressors, and are presented taller than women with dominant expressions while women are seen as homemakers and sexual objects, often appearing childlike or submissive in seated or lying down positions

in less than a century, women have gone from _____

20% to 59% being members of the workforce

what has led to more women in the work force

1. decline in farming
2. growth of cities
3. shrinking family size
4. rising divorce rate

what kind of work do women typically do

-administrative support work (secretaries/office workers) or service work (child care/health care)
-these two types of jobs tend to be at the low end of the pay scale, with limited opportunity for advancement and men as supervisors

what kind of work do women typically do

building trades, law enforcement, engineers, doctors, lawyers, corporate managers

glass ceiling

the invisible barrier that prevents women and minorities from advancing to the top jobs in organizations

describe modern day gender and education and compare it to professional fields

women earn the majority of associate, bachelor's and masters degrees but men still dominate most professional fields. our society continues to define competitiveness, drive, and success as masculine qualities

women in the military

the number of us soldiers has increased in the last century, but US law still forbids women from taking part in "offensive" warfare because our view of women as nurturers clashes with the idea of them being trained to kill


any category of people distinguished by physical or cultural difference that a society sets apart and treats as inferior

intersection theory

analysis of the interplay of race, class, and gender, which often results in multiple dimensions of disadvantage

____ argues that outside of the police and military, _____ is the most violent organization in the US

Richard Gelles; family

how is violence against women built into other cultures

1. female genital mutilation
2. arranged marriages
3. laws that allow husbands to physically abuse their wives and children

sexual harassment

comments, gestures, or physical contacts of a sexual nature that are deliberate, repeated, and unwelcome

52% of victims of all violent crimes are ___


our culture tends to define masculinity in terms of ____. how?

aggression and violence; "real men" are tough, take risks, and are not hurt easily and male sports are more violent than women sports

why are most victims of sexual harassment women

our culture encourages men to be sexually assertive
most people in positions of power are male and they oversee women


sexually explicit material that causes sexual arousal; violates community standards of decency; lacks any redeeming social value

why is pornography a power issue

it dehumanizes women and portrays them as "playthings" of men

there is much speculation that pornography encourages

violence against women

structural-functional approach to gender

gender serves as a means to organize social life; Talcott Parsons observations

Talcott Parsons

observed that gender helps integrate society; forming a complementary set of roles that link women and men into family units.. gender plays an important role in socialization because boys and girls are taught these roles

social-conflict analysis of gender

gender involves differences in power as well as behavior
conventional ideas about gender create division and tension
Friedrich Engels

Friedrich Engels

pointed out that capitalism makes male domination even stronger

how does capitalism make male domination even stronger

1. creates more wealth, giving men greater power
2. expanding capitalist economy depends on turning people, especially women, into consumers who seek personal fulfillment by buying and using products
3. society assigns women the task of maintaining the ho


support of social equality for women and men, in opposition to patriarchy and sexism

five general principles supported by most feminists

1. working to increase equality
2. expanding human choice
3. eliminating gender stratification
4. ending sexual violence
5. promoting sexual freedom

types of feminism

1. liberal feminism
2. social feminism
3. radical feminism

liberal feminism

rooted in classic liberal thinking that individuals should be free to develop their own talents and pursue their own interests

socialist feminism

evolved from the ideas of karl marx and friedrich engels; capitalism increases patriarchy by concentrating wealth and power in the hands of a small number of men

radical feminism

-finds liberal feminism inadequate
-believe that patriarchy is so firmly entrenched that even a socialist revolution would not end it
-society must eliminate gender itself

opposition to feminism

-controversial as it calls for considerable change
-provokes criticism from both men and women who hold conventional ideas