Sociology 261 exam 2

Effective Environment

Subjective meanings applied to social situations and surroundings


Framework we use to make sense of our lives

Moral Entrepenurs

Individuals and groups who create and promote specific views of immoral behavior and deviant people

Diagnostic Framing

Issue is defined as problem and determine what it is and what it is about. Also tells us what emotional reaction we should have to the problem.

Prognostic Framing

Gives a solution to the problem (could be a wide range of solutions) EX:safe sex

Motivational Framing

Call to arms. Make the case of why people need to get involved. Helps address the problem to come up with a solution.

Atrocity Tales

Horror stories of sensational or brutal behavior

Denial of Responsibility

No control of behavior

Denial of Injury

No one was hurt by the activity

Denial of Victim

The victim deserved what they got.

Condemnation of Condemners

Pretend to present rule breaking behavior because they who condemned it moral deviant.

Appeal to Higher Loyalties

Argue that your responsibility is to a higher good.


A statistical relationship between 2 or more variables.


Those who deviant activities are known to a audience ad therefore labeled with a stigmatized identity. These individuals will try to esponge their deviant identity using destigmatization.


Morally purified self. EX: finding religion or alcoholic going to rehab.


Erase defective self by rising about the deviant status.

Deviance Avowal

Attempt to manage their deviant/spoiled identity by separating the stigmatized act from the deviant role. Allows to separate themselves from the typical deviant or criminal act themselves.

Role Distancing

Emphasis on difference between yourself and others who fall into deviant categories.


Individuals who deviant activities are not known to those likely to stigmatize them. ("Secret Deviance")


Help them conceal their deviance and provide deceptive explanations for their deviance. (a lie or cover)

Participation Observation Equals?


Survey Equals?


Media Depiction

Looking at the certain images the perpatraters are perceived in the press

Public Opinion

How the population views and informally reacts to certain criminals and perpatraitors


Steal for resale. They steal repeatedly. They are more aware of surveillance.


Steal for personal use. More likely on impulse and spontaneous. Less aware of security.

Domestication of Murder

Looked at murder attacks become more brutal as relationship between the victim and murderer are closer and more emotional.

College Binge Drinker

Term used to describe episodic heavy drinkers.


Medical Term.Used to describe a pattern of heavy dysfunctional drinking

Epiphanic Moment

Decisive turning point in perceptions and in ones behavior

Hitting Bottom

Term used by AA members to refer to their low points and make the association that they are alcoholic.

The 1 stage for alcoholics who don't get help...

Habitual Heavy Drinking

The 2nd stage for alcoholics who don't get help...

Extended Benders

The 3rd stage for alcoholics who don't get help...

Alcoholic Induced Illness

The 4th stage for alcoholics who don't get help...


High Bottom

Accept the alcoholic label and commit themselves to AA principles. This is way before they feel any pain or loss.

Low Bottom

Alcoholics who have suffered deep pain, humiliation and or social loss.

Rape Free College Campus

sexual assault is treated seriously (expulsion) Frats discourage heavy drinking. Women are respected . LGBT treated equally

Rape Prone College Campus

not dealt with seriously. Heavy drinking is encouraged. Taking advantage of intoxicated females is accepted. Homophobia, bragging occurs, pornography is a guide to sexuality.


Undesirable causes of heavy drinking.