

Situation in which a few people or small number of people dominate a society Ex: Upper class

Core Economics

Wealthiest most diversified economies with strong stable governments.

Peripheral Economies

Economies that rely on a few commodities or even a single commodity, such as coffee, peanuts, tobacco. Or a single mineral resource such as tin, copper, zinc, or oil.

Semi Peripheral Economies

Economies characterized by moderate wealth but extreme inequality.In the middle of Peripheral and Core economy. Ex:Middle East.


Situation in which a single producer dominates a market


Situation in which a few producers dominate a market


Large corporations that own smaller corporations acquired through merger or acquisition


any behavior or appearance that is somehow out of the cultural norm. Only occurs when a particular audience defines it. Most of the time it is cultural

Economic System:

institution that coordinates human activity in the effort to produce, distribute, and consume goods and services

Cold War

Massive military buildup that took place between 1945 and 1989 as the Soviet Union and the U.S sought to contain the spread of each others economic and political system

Agricultural Revolution

The first important Agricultural revolution took place around 10 thousand years ago when humans began to domesticate plants and animals

Industrial Revolution

Introduced mechanization and the addition of external sources of power such as oil and steam. Turned spinning wheel into a spinning machine


Form of domination in which one country imposes it's political, economic, social, and cultural institutions on an indigenous population


Economic system in which the raw materials and the means of producing and distributing goods and services remain privately owned.


Economic system in which the raw materials and the means of producing and distributing goods and services collectively owned
--� Extreme instances: Pursuit of personal profit is forbidden

World System Theory

World Economy has been involving for at least 500 years and is continuing to do so, encompassing different cultures and 200 countries, interconnected, for the most part, by a single division of labor: Capitalist and Proletariat (upper/upper middle Vs. low


personal traits in social positions that members in society attach to be female or male. cultural- gender roles that people make.


The belief that one sex is innately superior or inferior to the other. biological


a form of social organizations in which females dominate males


a form of social organizations in which males dominate females


Any category or group of people that are socially subordinate

Inner section Theory

How in a certain situation your race gender and social status are effecting your stance in a situation.
Those three thing intersect and they all influence each other, getting ahead in life, if you're not getting a job because your race then that effects y

Liberal Feminism

endorse reproductive freedom for all women and respect family as a social institution, however they seek changes such as more widely available maternity leave and childcare for parents who work. Women and men should work together to improve society by con

Socialist Feminism

Evolves from ideas of Karl Marx, in that capitalism increases patriarchy by concentrating wealth and power in the hands of a small number of men, family limits the woman's opportunities and turns her into a domestic slave.

Radical Feminism

Doesn't believe that a socialist revolution will end Patriarchy, instead they believe to attain equality, says society must eliminate gender itself. End Gender by end of motherhood.

Nuclear Family

Two parents and their unmarried children

Extended Family

Nuclear Family plus grandparents, uncles, aunts, and cousins

Arranged Family

Partners selected by the couples parents


The act of marrying someone outside of ones group
� Clan, tribe, village, religion, (any group)


The act of marrying someone inside of ones group


Married to two or more people of the opposite sex


Marriage of one women to two or more men


One man married to two or more women

Serial monogamy

Getting divorced then remarrying

Patrilineal Residence

A home where the married couple lives with the husbands family

Matrilineal Residence

A home where the married couple lives with the wife's family

Matrilineal Dissent

Norm that recognizes only the mothers family as a child's close relatives

Political system

The institution that regulates the use of and access to power that is essential to articulating and realizing individual, local, regional, national, international, or global interests and agendas.


Probability that an individual can achieve his or her will, even against another individuals opposition


Legitimate power in which people believe that the differences in power are just improper and that a particular leader is entitled to give orders.

Traditional Authority

A type of authority that relies on the sanctity of time-honored norms that govern the selection of people into a powerful position and that specify responsibilities and appropriate conduct in the individuals selected.
Ex: Teacher, Coach, King

Charismatic authority

Type of authority that derives from exceptional and exemplary qualities in a person that issues commands
Ex: Hitler


The organized structure the directs and coordinates peoples involvement in a country/city/state political activities


Type of political system that gives power to the people as a whole. Puts authority in the hands of elected leaders


(the total concentration of power) Highly centralized political system that regulates peoples lives


Total authority. Political system that denies popular participation in government.

Pluralism Model

An analysis of politics that sees power as dispersed among various competing interest groups all having the opportunity to participate

Power Elite Model

An analysis that sees power as concentrated among the rich. Coined by C. Wright Mills.

Marxist Political Economy Model

An analysis that explains politics in terms of the societies economic system


A label that changes your self concept I a negative way

Patrilineal Dissent

Norm that recognizes only the fathers family as a child's close relatives

Merton's 5 theories of structural restrain

Retreatism, conformity, rebellion, Innovation, and ritualism

Primary Deviance

Not as serious acts of deviance. Speeding ticket, cheating- early stages of deviance

Secondary Deviance

serious acts of intentional deviance. On purpose- deviant identity.

Institutionalized Discrimination

Establish customary ways to do things in society... that everyone follows but no one is doing anything about it.
Example: woman being paid less. A business who only regulates AA people in store. Follows them around based on their race. No one is stopping

Phenomenal logical theory

Robbing rich and give to the poor. When someone does something bad and thinks its good.

Differential Association Theory

2 parts to this theory
How people learn bad behavior
1) they have association with criminal patterns (parents, neighborhood)
2) lack of guidance (no one there to help them, to steer them in the right direction)

Retreatism, conformity, rebellion, Innovation, and ritualism

Mertons 5 theories of structural restrain


rejecting cultural goals and means to retrieve those goals. Individuals drop out individuals. Living in the woods, BY THEMSELVES


behavior that follows and maintains to group. Accept goals and accept means to get it


Rejection both cultural goals and means to achieve them. People that went and join Jim johns group is example. Drop out to a subgroup


Acceptance of goals but not means. Wants to obtain goals but will to break them. Someone who shoplifts. Wants nice clothes but doesn't want to pay so they steal.


rejects the goals and sort of sticks to rules of society. Example: someone who puts forth minimal effort in society. Lives off other people, no job, doesn't try very hard. No gals. No college or job.