SOC 401 Quiz # 1


study of experience

4 Aspects of Alienation

(1) product/object; (2) process; (3) other workers/boss; (4) species being

Species Being

humans are only species that makes objects that aren't necessary for survival

Realm of Necessity

things that are necessary for survival; means to an end; human > animal

Realm of Freedom

any activity that is just an end to itself


to put one's self into the object one makes; self-consciousness must be a part of this process; identity construction

Use Value of a Commodity

its purpose (i.e. shoes - they protect feet)

Exchange Value of a Commodity

its price; metaphysical properties; determined by how much labor time goes into production; markets redistribute/change value, but they don't crate it in the first place; LABOR creates value; substance is abstract labor time


any object that is bought and sold on a market

Theory of Alienation

humans alienate themselves when we don't see ourselves in the world that we made


universal commodity; dead labor; represents time


when the object has power over the person

Commodity Form

social relations among people appear to be social relations among things

Surplus Value



when money expands or becomes more money (profit)


simple circulation; selling in order to buy

= extra)

circulation of capital; buying in order to sell

Labor Theory Value

all commodities represent abstract labor time; workers agree to work for less than the value they generate; labor is the only commodity that can create more value than it itself is worth

Necessary Labor Time

time it takes for worker to create enough value for the employer to break even

Surplus Labor Time

time put in after necessary labor time; when profit takes place

Absolute Surplus Value

employer makes worker work longer hours

Adam Smith's "Wealth of Nations

when all individuals are competing against each other in a 'free' market, the 'invisible hand' will organize society


society is a living organism - we must cure society of its ills


experience of normlessness (similar to Marx's concept of alienation); people have to believe their life has some meaning/purpose or they will suffer (existentialists argue the opposite - they embrace nothingness)

Collective Conscience

shared belief system; produces structure of solidarity which is imperative for individual and societal well-being

Mechanical Solidarity

happens automatically; existed in pre-modern society but collapsed in modern society (i.e. rural communities)

Organic Solidarity

interdependence; we don't have it, but need to strive for it; includes free spontaneous division of labor (i.e. metropolitan cities); right now we have an abnormal/pathological/sick division of labor

Forced Division of Labor

strictly regulated form of organization; structural condition in which the distribution of social functions does not correspond to the distribution of natural talents

Anomic Division of Labor

slavery, class, caste; unregulated/dog-eat-dog capitalism