SOC 005 Final

Nuclear Family?

One or two parents and their children.

Extended Family?

Parents and children, also grandparents,aunts, uncles, cousins, who often live close to one another and operate as a family unit.

Families of Affinity?

People with or without legal or blood ties who feel they belong together and define themselves as family.


The sharing of a household by an unmarried couple.

Blended Families?

Families in which children have some combination of biological parents and stepparents.

In Vitro fertilization?

Uniting eggs and sperm in a laboratory.

Surrogate motherhood?

An arrangement by which one woman carries and bears a child for another woman.

Structural functional theory?

points out the role that family plays in the smooth operation of society.

Symbolic interaction theory?

Views family life as the interaction of individuals.

Social conflict theory?

Highlights the link between families and social inequality.

Feminist theory?

Highlights the link between families and gender inequality.

Conservatives define family as?

As the foundation of a healthy society and therefore define cohabitation, a high divorce rate, and single parenting as social problems.

Liberals define family as?

Define family diversity as a positive and therefore support personal choice of the family form.

The radicals on the left?

Claim that conventional families support inequality based on class, gender, and sexual orientation.

When most people think in high income countries think of families what they have in mind is?

The nuclear Family.

The chances of children living with both biological parents until age 18 is greatest if the parents?

Marry before any children are born.

Over recent decades, the chances that a 23 year old person in the US is married have ?

Gone down.

The most common pattern of care for US children is?

Sending children to a child care center.

Since about 1980 the US divorce rate has been?

Going up.

The concept of the blended family refers to a family in which?

Children have some combination of biological parents and stepparents.

The first state to legalize same sex marriage was?


Friedrich Engels claimed that marriage developed as a strategy to?

Allow rich men to pass wealth to their sons.

Life Course?

The socially constructed stages that people pass through as they live out their lives.


The study of aging and the elderly.


A social system that gives society's oldest members the most wealth, power, and prestige.

Life expectancy?

The average life span of a country's population.

Graying of the united states?

refers to the increasing share of the US population over age sixty-five.


Prejudice and discrimination against older people.


Informal and unpaid care provided to a dependent person by family members, other relatives, or friends.

Age stratification?

Social inequality among various age categories within a society.


Assisting in the death of a person suffering from an incurable disease.


Homelike care that provides physical and emotional comfort to dying people and their families.

Disengagement theory?

Theory that society must disengage elders from important roles, passing responsibilities from one generation to the next.

Activity theory states?

That elders who remain involved in many social activities have greater life satisfaction.

Social conflict theory in regards to elders?

Highlights age as a dimension of social stratification.

Conservatives in regards to age?

claim that individuals should be responsible for their social standing; they oppose government policies that treat categories of people differently.

Radicals on the left in regard to age?

Believe the way to address poverty and other problems experienced by the elderly is to create a more equal society for the benefit of everyone.

What affect does industrialization have on the social standing of the oldest members of a society relative to younger adults?

Their relative social standing goes down.

Social isolation is the most serious problem for?

Elderly women.

Most complaints of age discrimination come from people who are?

In their forties.

Average income is lowest for people who are about the age of?

Sixty five and older.

The structural functional approach to aging involves?

disengagement theory.

People of which political position support the idea of substantially increasing government assistance to elderly people within the existing political system?


Crime against property?

Crime that involves theft of property belonging to others.

Crime against persons?

Crime that involves violence or the threat of violence against others.

Corporate crime?

an illegal act committed by a corporation or persons acting on its behalf.

Organized crime?

a business operation that supplies illegal goods and services.

Victim-less crime?

Offenses that directly harm only the person who commits them.

Institutional violence?

Violence carried out by government representatives under the law.

Anti institutional violence?

violence directed against the government in violation of the law.

Serial Murder?

The killing of several people by one offender over a period of time.


Moral vengeance by which society inflicts suffering on an offender comparable to that caused by the offense.

Community based corrections ?

Correctional programs that take place in society at large rather than behind prison walls.

Labeling theory?

the idea that crime and all other forms of rule breaking result not so much from what people do as from how others respond to those actions.

Durkheim argued?

that crime is a normal part of society.

Conservatives and crime?

Blame the rise in crime rates on the growing permissiveness in society that has resulted from a decline in traditional value.

Liberal and crime?

Claim crime is caused by a harmful environment that is the result of poverty and lack of jobs. People resort to crime because there is no opportunity to succeed in life through honest work.

Radicals on the left and crime?

Point to the injustice of economic inequality in capitalist societies as the reason for crime.


Any chemical substance other than food or water that affects the mind or body.


Produce alertness.


Slow activity and dull pain.

Hallucinogens ?

can distort sensory perceptions.


Behavior on the part of others that helps a substance abuser continue the abuse.

Structural-functional drug approach?

Societies rely on some drugs to ease social interaction and help people cope with the demands of modern living.

Symbolic interaction drug approach?

A drug that one society defines as beneficial may be banned as dangerous in another society or at another time in history.

Social conflict drug approach?

The degree to which illegal drug use is punished reflects the social standing of the drug users.

Conservatives drug views?

Conservatives favor tough drug laws and urge parents to provide moral instruction to children.

Liberals drug views?

support expanded education and drug treatment programs.

Socialists drug views?

Radicals on the far left argue that current drug laws tend to criminalize the poor.

Social Epidemiology?

The study of how health and disease are distributed throughout a society's population.


The rapid spread of a disease through a population.

Socialized medicine?

A medical care system in which the government owns and operates most medical facilities and employs most physicians.

Direct fee system?

a medical care system in which patients or their insurers pay directly for the service of physicians and hospitals.

Health maintenance organizations?

Private insurance organizations that provide medical care to subscribers for a fixed fee.

Prenatal care?

Health care for women during pregnancy.

Sick role?

A pattern of behavior expected of people defined as ill.

Conservatives and health?

Free markets provide the best care.

Liberals and health?

Government must ensure universal care.

The radical left and health?

Blame the profit motive for inequalities in health care in the united states.

The chapter defines health as?

a state of complete physical, mental, and social well being.

People living in low income nations are likely to die from?

acute diseases such as malaria at any time in life.