Sociology Chapters 7-11


structured social inequality or, more specifically, systematic inequalities between groups of people that arise as intended or unintended consequences of social processes and relationships.

Social equality

a condition whereby no differences in wealth, power, prestige, or status based on nonnatural conventions exist.


a two-directional relationship, one that goes both ways.

Ontological equality

the notion that everyone is created equally in the eyes of God.
- This view of equality makes us feel better about poverty

Equality of opportunity

the idea that inequality of condition is acceptable so long as the rules of the game, so to speak, remain fair.

Bourgeois society

a society of commerce (modern capitalist society, for example) in which the maximization of profit is the primary business incentive.

Equality of condition

the idea that everyone should have an equal starting point.

Equality of outcome

a position that argues each player must end up with the same amount regardless of the fairness of the "game".
- Most commonly associated with communist or socialist ideologies

Free rider problem

the notion that when more than one person is responsible for getting something done, the incentive is for each individual to shirk responsibility and hope others will pull the extra weight.

Estate system

politically based system of stratification characterized by limited social mobility.

Caste system

religion-based system of stratification characterized by no social mobility.

Class system

economically based system of stratification characterized by relative categorization and somewhat loose social mobility.


the working class. (Marx)


the capitalist class. (Marx)

Contradictory class locations

the idea that people can occupy locations in the class structure which fall between the two "pure" classes defined by Marx.
- idea developed by Erik Olin Wright

Status hierarchy system

a system of stratification based on social prestige.

Elite-mass dichotomy system

system of stratification that has a governing elite, a few leaders who broadly hold the power of society.


a society where status and mobility are based on individual attributes, ability, and achievement.

Socioeconomic status (SES)

an individual's position in a stratified social order.
- measured by occupation, wealth, income, and education.


money received by a person for work or from returns on investments. How society is stratified today.


a family's or individual's net worth (that is, total assets minus total debts).

Upper class

a term for the economic elite.

Middle class

a term commonly used to describe those individuals with nonmanual jobs that pay significantly more than the poverty line - though this is a highly debated and expansive category, particularly in the United States, where broad swathes of the population con

Social mobility

the movement between different positions within a system of social stratification in any given society.

Structural mobility

mobility that is inevitable from changes in the economy.

Status-attainment model

approach that ranks individuals by socioeconomic status, including income and educational attainment, and seeks to specify the attributes characteristic of people who end up in more desirable occupations.

Female circumcision

the removal of a woman's sexually sensitive clitoris.


an intellectual, consciousness-raising movement to get people to understand that gender is an organizing principle of life. The underlying belief is that women and men should be accorded equal opportunities and respect.


the biological differences that distinguish male from female.


refers to desire, sexual preference, sexual identity, and behavior.


denotes a social position, the set of social arrangements, that are built around sex categories.


line of thought that explains social phenomena in terms of natural ones.

Biological determinism

line of thought that explains social behavior in terms of biological givens.
- your social behavior should be a direct result of your sex

Hegemonic masculinity

dominant and privileged, if invisible, category of men. regarded as the norm

Gender roles

sets of behavioral norms assumed to accompany one's status as a male or female. related more to social status than biology


a nearly universal system involving the subordination of femininity to masculinity.

Structural functionalism

theoretical tradition claiming that every society has certain structures (the family, the division of labor, or gender) that exist in order to fulfill some set of functions (reproduction of the species, production of goods, etc.).

Sex role theory

Talcott Parsons's theory that men and women perform their sex roles as breadwinners and wives and mothers, respectively, because the nuclear family is the ideal arrangement in modern societies, fulfilling the function of reproducing workers.
Doesnt allow


the social identity of a person who has sexual attraction to and/or relations with other persons of the same sex.


occurs when a person's sex or gender is the basis for judgment, discrimination, and hatred against him or her.

Sexual harassment

an illegal form of discrimination, involving everything from inappropriate jokes on the job to outright sexual assault to sexual "barter" - all intended to make women feel uncomfortable and unwelcome, particularly on the job.

Glass ceiling

an invisible limit on women’s climb up the occupational ladder.

Glass escalator

the promotional ride men take to the top of a work organization, especially in feminized jobs.


a group of people who share a set of characteristics -typically, but not always, physical ones- and are said to share a common bloodline.
- it is a social construct that changes over time and place.


the belief that members of separate races possess different and unequal traits.

Scientific racism

nineteenth-century theories of race that characterize a period of feverish investigation into the origins, explanations, and classifications of race.


the belief that one’s own culture or group is superior to others and the tendency to view all other cultures from the perspective of one’s own.

Black Feminism

- Gender doesn't function in a vacuum
- women are located in a matrix of domination - overlapping factors of class, gender, and race

Social Darwinism

the application of Darwinian ideas to society, namely, the evolutionary "survival of the fittest


literally meaning "well born"; the theory of controlling the fertility of populations to influence inheritable traits passed on from generation to generation.


movement to protect and preserve indigenous land or culture from the so-called dangerous and polluting effects of new immigrants.

One-drop rule

the belief that "one drop" of black blood makes a person black, a concept that evolved from U.S. laws forbidding miscegenation.


the technical term for multiracial marriage; literally meaning "a mixing of kinds" it is politically and historically charged-sociologists generally prefer exogamy or outmarriage.


the formation of a new racial identity, in which new ideological boundaries of difference are drawn around a formerly unnoticed group of people.


one’s ethnic quality or affiliation. It is voluntary, self-defined, nonhierarchal, fluid, and multiple, and is based on cultural differences, not physical ones per se.

Symbolic ethnicity

a nationality, not in the sense of carrying the rights and duties of citizenship but identifying with a past or future nationality. For later generations of white ethnics, something not constraining but easily expressed, with no risks of stigma and all th

Straight-line assimilation

Robert Parks's 1920 universal and linear model for how immigrants assimilate: first they arrive, then they settle in, and finally they achieve full assimilation in a newly homogenous country.


Clifford Geertz's term to explain the persistence of ethnic ties because they are fixed in deeply felt or primordial ties to one's homeland culture.

Pluralism (salad bowl)

the presence and engaged coexistence of numerous distinct groups in one society.


the legal or social practice of separating people on the basis of their race or ethnicity that don't give them equal rights.
- Still evident in today's schools, housing, and prisons


the mass killing of a population based on racial, ethnic or religious traits.


describes a subordinate, oppressed group of people.

Collective resistance

an organized effort to change a power hierarchy on the part of a less-powerful group in a society.


negative thoughts and feelings about an ethnic or racial group.


harmful or negative acts (not mere thoughts) against people deemed inferior on the basis of their racial category without regard to their individual merit.

Culture of poverty

the argument that poor people adopt certain practices that differ from those of middle-class, "mainstream" society in order to adapt and survive in difficult economic circumstances.


the notion, building on the culture of poverty argument, that the poor not only are different from mainstream society in their inability to take advantage of what mainstream society has to offer but also are increasingly deviant and even dangerous to the

Perverse incentives

reward structures that lead to suboptimal outcomes by stimulating counterproductive behavior; for example, welfare - to the extent that it discourages work efforts

Absolute poverty

the point at which a household's income falls below the necessary level to purchase food to physically sustain its members.

Relative poverty

a measurement of poverty based on a percentage of the median income in a given location.

Parenting stress hypothesis

a paradigm in which the psychological aspects of poverty exacerbate household stress levels; this stress, in turn, leads to detrimental parenting practices such as yelling, shouting, and hitting, which are not conducive to healthy child development.


the process by which problems or issues not traditionally seen as medical come to be framed as such.

Sick role

- concept by Parsons that describes the social rights and obligations of a sick individual.
- Rights:
o To not perform normal social roles
o Not to be held accountable for their condition
o Try to get well
o Seek competent help and comply wi


illness in a general sense.



John Jacques Rousseau (18th Century)

said that private property leads to social inequality which leads to social conflict

Adam Ferguson and John Millar

o Agree that private property creates inequality but they see that as a good thing
o It means some are getting ahead and creating assets

Thomas Malthus

o Wrote his major work in 1798; priest with a cleft pallet
o Viewed inequality favorably as a means of controlling the population
o Equal distribution of resources would increase world population to unsustainable levels
� Ultimately would cause mass starv

master-slave dialectic

- described by George Hegal
� Model of mutual dependence (master depends on slave to do some things, slave depends on master to do other things)
� He said the master-slave dialectic will die out as society gains more free people over time

psychoanalytic theories

o Functions on individualistic explanations as opposed to societal ones
o Assumption�natural differences between sexes dictate behavior

Conflict Theory

o Patriarchal capitalists benefit through systems that subordinate women
o Socialist feminists argue that all social relations stem from gender inequality

Sexual Identity

set of practices and attitudes leading to identity formation
Ex: (Heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, etc.)

Emergence of Sexual Identities

� Late 1800s�growing body of medical literature classified people as homosexuals, instead of just actions
� American Psychiatric Association removed homosexuality from its list of disorders in 1973

Michel Foucalt

- led the way to post-structuralist notions of the body and sexuality as historical productions.
-human sexuality is created entirely through social interaction

Kinsey Report

Americans have wide variety of sexual behaviors or desires

Kinsey Sexuality Scale

based on sexual thoughts, behaviors, identity; scale of 0-6 with 0 being heterosexual, 3 being bisexual, and 6 being homosexual.

Integrative Perspective

� Idea that sexual identities are determined by both social and biological factors
� Some studies link biology (genetics, sex hormones) to sexual orientation

Queer Theory

� Sexual life is artificially organized into categories that reflect the power of heterosexual norms
� Rejects the idea of biological influences on sexuality


� Racial classification based on skull measurements
� Blumenbach (father of modern anthropology) founded the five classifications of race


� Socially constructed
o Who is considered white depends on the historical period
� Involves invisible privileges

Assimilation (melting pot)

new group ends up melting into the new group.
o Process in which immigrants arrive, settle in, and mimic local behaviors
� Everyone eventually blends in completely
o Also known as primordialism
� The idea that ethnic ties are fixed for biological or cultu

Residential Segregation

structural racism
� Set of social factors that have a racist outcome

Poverty line

o Federally defined income limit
o Definition created in the 1960s
o Estimates the level of absolute poverty
- Assumes food is 1/3 of expenses

Poverty and Social Problems

o Poverty connected to crime, poor educational outcomes, divorce
o Debate in America: is poverty the cause or effect of social ills?


exchange time, money, etc. to cover temporary shortfalls

William Julius Wilson

Deemphasized welfare, said urban poverty caused by:
� Deindustrialization
� Globalization
� Suburbanization
� Discrimination

3 Theories on how poverty affects children

1. Kids are deprived of basic necessities
2. Parenting stress hypothesis
� Stress of poverty leads to detrimental practices (shouting, hitting)
3. Personal characteristics that cause poverty also cause negative parenting
(very little evidence that parenta

Moving to Opportunity

� Families in public housing were randomly selected to move into low poverty areas
� Adults- happier, healthier, less stress from fear of violence
� Children- school outcomes improved, injuries and asthma decreased

Social Determinants Theory

social status position can determine your health


determined by genetics and environment
� Black women born in the 1980s are �" shorter than previous generations (1960s)
o True for mid to low income only
o Diet is considered one of the main components (eat worse food)

Whitehall study

- study about healthy
-done on civil servants in Britain
� Lower status = higher rates of morbidity (illness) and mortality (death)
� Conclusion: stress from low social status leads to poor health

Health Discrepancies

-starkest differences are between whites and blacks
� Due to socioeconomic status and racist environment

Infant mortality

significantly higher for African Americans than any other race

(DSM) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual

interesting because it represents the social construction of mental illness
? DSM II - included homosexuality as a psychiatric disorder but it was removed in 1973
? DSM III - largely atheoretical (no certain cause)
- major changes that took place between