Sociology Chapter 11

what is a family

intimate group in which 2 or more people live together in a committed relationship care for one another and any children share close emotional ties

what is kinship?

connections among individuals


socially and legally approved union between 2 individuals. sexual relationship is approved

nuclear family

a mother and father with children, adopted or biological

extended family

close relatives that live either with the nuclear family or are in close continuous relationship with them

families or orientation

the family into which an individual is born

families of procreation

family into which an individual enters as an adult and a new generation is brought up

matrilocal family

family where the husband is expected to live near the wives parents

patrilocal family

where the wife is supposed to live near the husbands parents


single spouse marriage


multiple spouses of any sex, both genders


one man with multiple wives q


one woman with multiple husbands


when the relationship is distant unfriendly or alienated

fictive kin


Talcott Parsons and Functionalist theory of Family

Functionalist. Says family has two main functions of primary socialization and personality stabilization. Family perform essential functions - procreation, socialization, economic security. Family contributes to societies basic needs and perpetuates socia

primary socialization

children learn the cultural norms of society

personality stabilization

the family assists adult family members and perpetuates social order

Symbolic Interactionist theory of family

People create meanings of families and the roles of its members. Exchange theory and trading assets

Exchange theory

people seek to minimize costs and maximize rewards in their relationship

trading assets

trading money for sex. Rich old guy hot young wife.

Conflict theory of family

families are sources of inequality, families perpetuate stratification

Feminist theory of families

focuses on role of women in the family and the unequal treatment. domestic division of labor. certain family members benefit more than others. emotion work

domestic division of labor

the way in which tasks are allocated in the household are unequal

emotion work

women tend to shoulder the burden for the caring activities of the household


type of household where the parents are not present

Four conditions of changing families

spread of western culture, advocation of smaller families, large scale migration from rural to urban

why women have children out of wedlock (Edin and Kefalas)

confidence that they can do it. higher value on children and the fact that it brings order to their chaotic life


a family in which at least one partner has children from a previous marriage


two people living together in a sexual relationship of some permanence without being married to each other

Lawrence Stone

three phases to the changing family.

Phase 1

nuclear family. 1500s-1600s. importance of parents relatives and community. arranged marriages. sex only to reproduce. not about romance or love

phase 2

transitional family (1600s-1700s). protestant reformation changes idea of the family. nuclear family is more separate. martial and parental love. patriarchy

phase 3

modern family. family as a group is tied by close emotional bonds domestic privacy. child rearing. affective individualism

affective individualism

marriage ties based on personal selection, sexual attraction or love