Sociology Midterm

The_______ framework looks at mate/interaction in terms of profit and loss.

d. social exchange

In research, the group not exposed to the independent variable is known as the

d. control group

The family and education are

b. social institutions

What is the theoretical framework used most often in studies of marriage and the family?

a. social exchange framework

The Census Bureau defines family as a group of two or more persons related by all of the following except:

a. law

The term means that one woman is married to several men.

a. polyandry

Our ____ identify who we are; our ____ identify what we do.

a. statuses; roles

Generation Yers tend to be all of the following except:

c. sacrifice through hard work to achieve economic stability

One form of ____ (generic term) is ____ (the specific term).

a. polygamy; polygyny

The family you begin when you marry and have children is your:

d. family of procreation

Two types of ____ include primary and secondary.

b. social groups

The family life course development framework emphasizes:

a. how families change over time

Which of the following is not a member of your primary group?

b. your boss at your primary place of employment

The price of oil in the Middle East impacting family vacation choices reflects:

d. global influences on choices

Your family of orientation is:

d. the family into which you were born

Individuals in which country report the highest life satisfaction?

a. Switzerland

Mike chose a career and wife similar to his father's career and wife. This reflects which influence on one's personal choices?

a. family of origin

What relationship involves a legal contract and a public ceremony?

a. marriage

The ____ framework is concerned with family rules of interaction and boundaries.

b. systems

Which of the following is close to an irrevocable choice?

b. deciding to have a child

The self-fulfilling prophecy is part of the ____ framework.

d. symbolic interaction

In contrast to the traditional family, what is an example of a postmodern family?

c. a gay couple rearing children

According to your text, if you don't make a decision to be faithful to your partner,:

b. you have made a decision to be vulnerable to cheating

Which theoretical framework views the family as an institution to stabilize society?

b. structural-functionalist

Not to decide is to decide" means that not making a decision:

d. is making a decision by default

Conflict theorists regard conflict as:

d. natural, normal, necessary for change and growth

Polygyny is legal in:

d. no state

If your child needs to go to the doctor and you have a final exam, you are experiencing:

d. role conflict

The phrase, "Most choices are revocable" means that:

a. choices can be changed

The "sociological imagination" shows how ____ affect(s) individual lives.

d. both social structure and culture

The ____ is known as a "universal social grouping.

a. nuclear family

Why are random samples important in research?

a. they provide for generalization of findings to a larger population

If you have made a commitment to marry but feel it is a mistake, you should:

a. listen to your senses and act accordingly

According to the "looking-glass self," children who are often criticized by their parents:

b. develop negative self-concepts

The decision making style of most college students is:

a. I am in control

Role conflict exists when:

a. the expectations of one role conflict with the expectations of another role

Which of the following is not a member of your secondary group?

d. your sibling

A mother in a family is an example of a ____.

c. status

The Oneida Community of the 19th and 20th century is known for:

d. pantogamy

Your coworkers in a job context are an example of a:

d. secondary group

According to Freud's psychosexual theory, love results from:

a. blocked biological sexual desires

When a woman is experiencing jealousy, she is most likely to:

a. eat

According to your text, infatuation is characterized by the tendency to:

d. both a and b

This term refers to being annoyed and disgusted by a repeated behavior of one's partner.

d. social allergy

In terms of believing in falling in love at first sight:

b. men are more likely

This theory of love emphasizes the emotional bonding of two adults to care for infants.

d. evolutionary

The "four year itch" identified by Fisher is:

d. the term for when parents of one child are most likely to divorce

When men say "I love you," they use the phrase (more often than women):

b. as a ploy to get the partner to have sex

Phenylethylamine (PEA) is a(n) ____ substance produced in the brain that is associated with people's reporting that they are experiencing love feelings.

a. amphetamine-like

What is the significance of the fact that 95 percent of U.S. adults marry within their race?

d. due to social influences, it is an illusion that we are free to marry anyone we want

According to Demir (2008) involvement in a romantic relationship:

c. is associated with increasing one's happiness independent of one's personality

Diamond (2003) found that in regard to love:

c. individuals are biologically wired to fall in love with either sex

Using evolutionary theory of love, when is a couple with one child likely to divorce?

b. fourth year

What percent of the marriages in China, India, and Indonesia (three countries representing 40 percent of the world's population) are arranged by parents?

d. 80 percent

Love style where the person keeps you at a distance and dates others simultaneously is:

a. ludus

What is the most common style of love of women and men college students?

b. eros

When couples who fell in love at first sight are compared with those who did not:

c. there is no difference in marital quality

The term "infatuation" comes from the same root word as "fatuous," meaning:

c. silly or foolish

This type of jealousy involves an attack at the partner or the alleged person to whom the partner is showing attention.

c. Possessive jealousy

Ross (2006) found the effect of telling your partner of your tastes/interests was:

b. relationship satisfaction might decrease

In regard to love being able to solve any problem a couple may confront:

a. men are more likely than women to believe this

High self esteem is associated with all of the following except:

d. it allows one to be successful in the economic arena

Which type of lover assesses his or her partner on the basis of assets and liabilities?

a. pragma

Individuals who have had the front part of their brain removed due to brain cancer:

a. are incapable of feeling love

Which of the following is most likely to include jealousy?

a. new relationships of less than one-year duration

In regard to using their "heart" or "head" in making relationship choices:

a. most college students reported using their heart

The hormone oxytocin has been referred to as the:

b. "cuddle chemical" because of its significance in bonding

Sternberg's concept of liking is which of the following?

c. intimacy without passion or commitment

Schoebi (2008) studied hard (anger) and soft (depression) emotions and found that when one partner displayed hard emotions, the other partner:

a. mirrored those emotions

Maria and Max have just begun to see each other regularly�who will fall in love first?

b. Max

The two most common emotions of a stalking are:

a. anger and jealousy

The love a parent has for a child is:

d. agape

Ira Reiss's wheel theory of love has all of the following elements except:

c. libido attraction

Another word for "conjugal" love is ____ love.

c. married

Which of the following is an example of anxious jealousy?

b. obsessive ruminations about the partner's alleged infidelity

This psychological factor is associated with the development of love?

c. self-disclosure

What style of love might your grandparents have for each other?

a. storge

Kate delights in male partner having emotional/sexual relationships with other women. The term to describe this phenomenon is:

d. compersion

Halpern et al. (2005) studied adolescent females and found that for each one point increase in body mass index (BMI), the probability of involvement in a romantic relationship ____ by 6%.

b. decreased

The lover representing this love style does not become involved in interracial, long-distance, or age-discrepant relationships.

a. pragma

What is the most enduring of all relationships?

d. the relationship between two sisters

A person who aspires to be characterized as an androgynous person wants to:

d. have a personality that reflects a blend of masculinity and femininity

Which of the following theories of gender role development emphasize that biological readiness influences how the child responds to gender cues in the environment?

c. cognitive-developmental

Gender dysphoria refers to which of the following?

a. a condition in which one's gender identity does not match one's biological sex

The fact that parents name their children Tom or Mary, dress them in pants or dresses, and end out birth announcements as blue or pink reflects that the family is:

a. a gendered institution

Another term sometimes used for a female genital alteration is ____.

b. clitoral circumcision

Bars are a good place to meet a potential partner" is a belief:

b. held by undergraduate men more than undergraduate women

Thomas Beatie, the pregnant man, is an example of:

a. a transsexual female to male

I am a man trapped in a female body" is a feeling expressed by:

a. a transsexual

African American families are stereotyped as being ____, but the more common pattern is that they are ____.

a. matriarchal, egalitarian

A dichotomous sex classification means that:

b. individuals are recognized as being primarily male or female

Religion influences gender roles in that religion promotes:

d. both a and b

A father who punishes his sons for dressing like their mother reflects this gender theory.

a. social learning

Which of the following is not a factor reflecting the parental investment of women?

d. family or orientation

When 9th grade children watch "romantic" TV (soaps, Lifetime movies) they are:

b. more likely to develop traditional gender role attitudes

Which of the following has contributed to occupational sex segregation?

b. traditional gender roles

Your textbook promotes which of the four views about gender?

c. both women and men are restricted by traditional gender role expectations

Viewing yourself as a woman or a man is a reflection of your:

c. gender identity

Women show more concern for the following job characteristics than men:

d. all of the above

This person is a member of the fastest growing segment of the U.S. population.

b. Hispanic

Gender postmodernism calls for a new category (third sex) of people who:

a. would be recognized as capable of many different identities

Female genital alteration in the United States is:

b. a federal crime

The castration/sex reassignment experiment by John Money at Johns Hopkins shows:

b. biological wiring largely dictates gender identity

At what age does a child view gender as permanent?

c. 6 to 7 years old

According to Freud, children acquire the characteristics and behaviors of their ____ parent through a process of ____.

b. same-sex; identification

Love is a more important factor than age and race in choosing a mate" is a belief:

a. held by undergraduate women more than undergraduate men

Caribbean women view ____ as the symbol of womanhood.

b. motherhood

A person who has "transcended" gender roles is one who:

a. can cry or be aggressive without regard to whether this is like a woman or man

Women are more likely to contract an STD or HIV from a man than vice versa:

b. because women receive more body fluids from men than vice versa

Which of the following can be accused of being sexist?

d. both the woman who calls men "dogs" and the man who says women are "easy

Walzer (2008) noted that divorce "redoes" gender. By this, the researcher meant that:

d. both a and c

Four-year-old Mary tells her mother that she does not want her hair cut short because then she will be a boy, and she does not want to be a boy.

d. Mary does not understand gender permanence.

Latino family gender role patterns are moving toward:

c. both a and b

The sex chromosomes of a normal female are ____; of a normal male ____.

a. XX; XY

Ken likes to play football and cries at sad movies. He is:

b. androgynous

According to Corra, et al. (2006), an analysis of General Social Survey data over a 30 year period, ____ reported ____ marital satisfaction than ____.

c. women, lower, men

Afghanistan women under the Taliban were said to have only two places to occupy:

d. the husband's bed and the graveyard

The point of Margaret Mead's research of three tribes is New Guinea is that:

c. culture constructs gender in different ways

What percent of births are of intersexed individuals?

c. 2 percent

Name of the researcher responsible for studying gender roles in three New Guinea tribes.

c. Margaret Mead

The technique of brainstorming involves:

a. suggesting as many alternatives as possible, without evaluating them

Which of the following is/are part of the symbolic interactionist view of communication?

d. all of the above

Khalsa (2006) noted that reporting HIV infection is ____ in most states:

c. mandatory

An open-ended question is one that:

b. encourages a person to give an answer that contains a lot of information

Reflective listening involves which of the following?

b. paraphrasing or restating what the person you are listening to has said to you

What percent of communication is estimated to be nonverbal?

c. 80%

College students are most likely to be involved in:

c. win-win relationships

What percent of undergraduates will contract an STI during college?

b. 25%

Connie wanted her husband Phil to take a second job so they could save for a new car. When Phil found a second job, Connie complained that Phil was not spending enough time with the family. The conflict that resulted best illustrates which of the followin

b. inconsistent rules

Bos et al. (2007) found that the greater the congruence between two people, a person experiences

b. fewer stressful events and lowered depression

Mary is miserable in her marriage to an abusive alcoholic but says her parents and children are better off if she stays married. What defense mechanism is operative?

b. rationalization

If I say to you, "If you haven't had a conflict with your partner, you haven't been going together long enough", to what am I referring?

c. the inevitability of conflict

Branching" refers to which of the following?

d. not staying focused on an issue

Fred recently found out that his partner is infected with HIV. Fred refuses to get tested for HIV and has begun to drink excessive amounts of alcohol. Which defense mechanism may be operating?

c. escapism

A wife who folds her hands and rolls her eyes is using what form of communication?

a. nonverbal

Suppose you and your partner are discussing where the two of you will go for spring break. You want to go to the beach; your partner wants to visit family. Your partner says to you: "You don't want to visit my family because you don't like my parents." Wh

You feel that I don't like your parents.

Which of the following is an open-ended question?

a. How do you feel about having children?

When women talk to men, they tend to focus on:

a. relationships and emotions

What % of undergraduates in lose-lose relationships expected their relationships to continue?

a. zero

Diane lost her job and ran out of gas. When she got home she yelled at her husband. Which defense mechanism may be operating?

d. displacement

All of the following are closed ended questions except:

d. How do you feel about me?

Even in "monogamous" relationships, there is considerable cheating. Vail-Smith et al. found that ____ of the male undergraduates reported having oral, vaginal, or anal sex outside of a relatioship that their partner considered monogamous.

b. 27.2%

A couple has in conflict about whether or not their children should attend church. The wife feels it is important for their children to attend church regularly but her husband does not feel regular church attendance is that important. This would demonstra

c. value differences

Do you love me?" is an example of:

a. a closed ended question

In a couple's relationship, the woman is significantly more likely than the man to:

c. both disclose and expect her partner to disclose

Gloria flirts with her office mate and accuses her husband of having an affair. Which defense mechanism may be operative?

a. projection

Which of the following is not a type of lie identified by Ennis et al. (2008)?

b. accusatory lie ("You did it.")

Fighting fair" means which of the following?

a. fighting so as not to hurt the partner or damage the relationship after the disagreement

Nancy was criticizing Mike for being chronically late but ended up criticizing him for his alcohol abuse, cheating and lying. Her attack on him is an example of:

b. branching

When men talk to women, they tend to focus on all of the following except:

d. needs of the partner

Howard Markman and his colleagues have been studying 150 couples at yearly intervals to determine those factors most responsible for marital success. They found that ____ is the single biggest predictor of marital success over time.

c. communication skills/constructive arguing

A message is congruent when:

c. the verbal and nonverbal behavior match

Symbolic interactionists emphasize that ____ involves each partner understanding the other's logic and feelings

b. taking the role of the other

Which spouse is more likely to bring up a problem for discussion?

b. the wife

Even in "monogamous" relationships, there is considerable cheating. Vail-Smith et al. found that ____ of the female undergraduates reported having oral, vaginal, or anal sex outside of a relationship that their partner considered monogamous.

c. 19.8%

All of the following are ways of exercising power in a relationship except?

d. gift giving

The most frequent lie college students tell a new partner is:

d. the number of previous partners they have had

What should you say when your partner tells you something you do that upsets him/her?

c. reinforce the process of communication by thanking your partner for telling you

A win-win solution:

a. is one in which both people involved in a conflict feel satisfied with the resolution

Most communication is:

a. nonverbal

A disadvantage to online dating, when Internet partners engage in intense mutual disclosure of themselves to each other, is that they have the:

a. potential to fall in love too quickly

What are the median ages for the first marriage of women and men?

b. 26 and 28

Palimony" refers to which of the following?

b. money one cohabitant might pay another if the relationship ends

This refers to those who have multiple cohabitation experiences prior to marriage are more likely to end up in marriages characterized by violence, lower levels of happiness, lower levels of positive communication, and higher levels of depression.

b. The Cohabitation Effect

Almost 60% of women have cohabited (lived together) with someone before age ____.

b. 24

Couples who have the shortest courtship from first meeting to marriage:

c. are individuals who have been married before and are dating again

This website reveals the dangers of Internet dating.

b. on

Almost _____ of single Americans have used the Internet to find a romantic partner.

a. three-fourths

Bogle (2008) noted three outcomes of hooking up. Which of the following is NOT one of the three outcomes?

c. an unplanned pregnancy is the most common outcome

Who is more likely to contract a sexually transmitted infection?

a. women are more likely to contract an STI from men

Wilson et al. (2006) studied speed daters and found that those who selected each other:

a. had a lot in common

Most cohabitants view themselves as:

d. committed to each other

About how many households in the U.S. consist of couples who live together?

b. 6 million

According to Albright, what percent of persons who meet online marry each other?

a. 7 percent

Which of the following is not helpful in keeping a long distance relationship together?

b. dating others to see if your love for each other is real

Adams et al. (2008) interviewed participants who had experienced speed-dating and found that _____ were more likely to see the event as one of exploration.

b. men

The Alternatives to Marriage Project is closed to which of the following groups?

d. it is open to all groups

Which of the following has a particularly difficult time finding a suitable mate?

d. educated black women

Cohabitants who plan to live together and never marry are:

a. rare

A primary reason employers are reluctant to offer benefits to domestic partners is:

c. fear that a partner may be HIV infected which would involve considerable cost

Adams et al. (2008) interviewed participants who had experienced speed-dating and found that ______ were more likely to view speed-dating as an investment of time and energy to find someone.

a. women

All of the following tend to be true of the woman who asks men out for dates except:

c. they are sexually unfaithful

If you lived in Iceland, you would likely:

c. live with a person before marrying that person

In which country would you most likely find people cohabitating before marriage?

b. Sweden

DePaulo (2006) found that undergraduates describe unmarried people as:

d. lonely, unhappy and insecure

Lyndon et al found that if you are involved in a long distance dating relationship, the one factor that best predicts your chance of staying together is:

a. moral commitment of both partners to keep the relationship together

In which state listed below would you find the most benefits for your domestic partner?

d. New Jersey

Children born to unmarried cohabitants:

d. are legitimate, can inherit, and are due support

To be defined as "domestic partners" the individuals must be all of the following but:

d. have been in a relationship for at least 12 months

Whether today's individuals are embracing singlehood forever or delaying marriage is:

c. unknown

In general, living with your partner before marriage:

b. is associated with an increased risk of getting divorced

Wienke and Hill (2009) compared single with marrieds and cohabitants (both heterosexual and homosexual) and found:

d. singles were less happy regardless of sexual orientation

The primary reason for remaining single is:

b. freedom to do as one wishes, control over one's own life

According to Jessica Donn (2005) the following is (are) are associated with high subjective well being:

d. all of the above

A spouse married by "common law" can:

d. all of these benefits

Researchers not that, although hooking up may be an exciting sexual adventure, it is fraught with feelings of _______.

c. regret

Bogle interviewed 57 college students and alumni at two universities and found that ____ was the primary means for heterosexuals getting together on campus.

c. hooking up

The Cupid Cowboy is:

d. Ivan Thompson who took single males to Mexico to meet a woman to marry

The "cohabitation effect" suggests that cohabiting couples tend to:

d. end up in unhappy marriages and get divorced

The outcome of "hooking up" generally is:

b. sex occurs and the partners don't see each other again

Film director Woody Allen fell in love with and subsequently married his stepdaughter. The cultural mate selection rule that he broke which resulted in societal disapproval is:

b. exogamy

In a study of Internet ads, which ad received the highest number of responses from men?

a. "financially independent woman...successful and ambitious

The "most serious fault of a man" reported by a national sample of women was:
Choose one answer.

c. being too controlling

According to Bratter and King (2008), which couple is the most likely to divorce?

c. white female/black male

According to exchange theory, we choose a mate based on:

d. who offers the greatest rewards at the lowest cost

Which of the following terms refers to the tendency for husbands to be more advanced than their wives in age, education, and occupational success?

d. mating gradient

In a study on marriage while in college, the researchers concluded?

d. Both the marital distress was higher and the academic adjustment was more difficult

Who is the least likely to draw up a prenuptial agreement?

a. individuals in first marriages

Which of the following is a psychological factor of mate selection?

d. narcissism

If your goal is to have a happy and successful marriage, the minimum amount of time you should know a person before getting married is:

a. two years

The partner who says "I will commit suicide if you don't marry me" is using:

c. a psychological blackmail tactic

The more spouses have in common, the:

d. the more likely one of them is to have an affair

Carol is a risk taker, loves to party, and smokes. She is attracted to Frank who is conservative, does not drink and does not smoke. What theory of mate selection explains Carol's attraction?

a. complementary needs

The phrase "opposites attract" reflects which of the following mate selection theories?

d. complementary-needs theory

Which of the following parents is most likely to approve of interracial dating?

d. African-American mother

According to the mating gradient, an upper class 25-year-old male will marry a(n):

a. middle class 23-year-old female

The primary purpose of a prenuptial agreement is to:

c. specify how property between the spouses will be divided if there is divorce

The ____ theory of mate selection explains why Mary (Catholic, college freshman, white) is attracted to Bob (who is also Catholic, a freshman, and white).

a. homogamy

Your text recommends that the issue of a premarital agreement be brought up and signed:

a. six months before the wedding

Although parental and in-law dissatisfaction is rare, Amato et al (2007) found that _____ of parents disapprove of the partner their son or daughter has plans to marry.

b. 13%

In the research on "Becoming involved with someone on the rebound�How fast should you run?," what is the answer suggested by the researchers?

d. "run as fast as you can

Which of the following is more willing to cross racial lines to marry?

a. blacks

The terms "rewards," "costs," "profit," and "loss" reflect mate selection theory?

c. exchange theory

Bob recently fell, hit his head, and his speech and walk/gate were affected. Jane is vulnerable to marrying him for which of the following reasons?

d. pity

According to ____ theory, men and women select each other as mates on the basis of their concern for the survival of future offspring.

d. sociobiological

Sara is in love with Daniel, but is afraid of telling her parents because Daniel is of a different race than Sara and her family. Sara's fear that her family will disapprove of her interracial relationship with Daniel reflects which of the following cultu

c. endogamous pressures

According to the principle of least interest, Jane loves Mike more than he loves her. He wants to live together and she does not. What are they likely to do:

d. live together

The reason cousins or close relatives in most states do not marry is due to:

b. exogamous pressures

An effective way to identify who has the power in a relationship is to:

c. identify how the principle of least interest is operating

Which of the following is not a personality factor predictive of divorce?

d. oblivious to importance of exogamy

According to Freud:

c. both women and men tend to select a partner similar to the other sex parent

Mac is African-American and Julie is white. His parents are more accepting of their interracial relationship than her parents. The explanation for this greater acceptance is:

a. mothers in Black families play a crucial role of being open and accepting

Of the following married couples, the most likely to get divorced is:

b. a couple who married just after graduation from high school

If you want a happy and durable marriage, your partner should be one with whom:

d. you have the most in common

Jane's parents are alcoholics, argue constantly, and are abusive. Jane is vulnerable to getting married for which of the following reasons?

b. escape from an unhappy home life

Complementary-needs theory says that a disorganized person would seek.....?

a. an organized person

The strongest predictor of getting divorced is:

a. getting married as an adolescent

Exogamy refers to cultural pressure to marry outside your own ____ group.

a. family

According to Fisher (2009) all of the follow are true except:

negotiator" personality types are attracted to "directors

Which of the following is not a factor predictive of divorce?

d. homogamy of values/goals

In our society, there is a marriage custom that dictates that the bride wear something old, new, borrowed and blue. The "blue" represents which of the following?

d. fidelity

A new pre-wedding trend is the:

d. bachelorette party

What percent of Amato's et al. (2007) spouses did not get along with in-laws?

a. less than five percent

In age discrepant relationships, what is a Cougar?

b. an older female seeking a younger male

In our society, there is a marriage custom that dictates that the bride wear something old, new, borrowed and blue. The "new" represents which of the following?

d. that a new life is about the begin

In our society, there is a marriage custom that dictates that the bride wear something old, new, borrowed, and blue. The "old" represents which of the following?

b. the durability of the impending marriage

In the study on wedding nights, which of the following is true?

b. men described the experience more positively than women

According to your text, what factors are used to define a marriage as "successful?

a. marital stability and happiness

The ketubah in the traditional Jewish wedding is the:

c. marriage contract

Which of the following place an extraordinarily high value on racial purity?

d. Japan and Korea

Not so soon, not so many" is the norm in regard to children in this country.

d. Canada

According to Coontz, what is the "legitimate goal of marriage"?

a. companionship

Hispanic families in the US tend to have higher rates of:

d. all of the above

People in marriages in which one or both spouses profess ____ tend to report lower levels of marital satisfaction.

b. no religion

Of married couples in the United States, what percent have an interreligious marriage?

a. 37%

Your text implies which of the following in regard to cross-national marriages?

b. potential partners reared in different cultures should spend considerable time in each other's cultural home before making a marital commitment

In Kenya, bride wealth means:

d. the amount of money a groom will pay the parents of his bride to be

All of the following are true of Canadian families except:

b. same sex unions are more disapproved of than in the U.S.

In the study on wedding nights, what was the worst part?

b. the accommodations and the partner's demeanor

Sayer et al. (2004) documented that contrary to the "family oriented 1960s,"...

a. mothers and fathers today spend more time in child care activities

Catherine Zeta Jones and Michael Douglas have what type of marriage?

b. May-December

When wives married 30 years are compared with wives married three years, the former:

d. are more likely to challenge their husband's authority

Which of the following couples best meet the criteria for marital success?

b. Kala and Charles, who have been married for 32 years and who love each other

Getting a driver's license, graduating from college and getting married are all:

d. rites of passage

Which of the following are true of love in the United States?

b. love is expected to precede marriage

Which of the following religious faiths encourages interracial marriages?

b. Baha'i

Suppose you want to assess a couple's level of marital success. According to your text, you might ask the couple which of the following questions?

d. all of the above

Which state does not offer covenant marriage?

a. Alabama

In our society, there is a marriage custom that dictates that the bride wear something old, new, borrowed, and blue. The "borrowed" represents which of the following?

d. something already worn by a happy bride

Wilson and Cousins (2005) confirmed that partners' similar rankings of _____ is important in predicting long-term relationship success.

a. sexual desire

In regard to sex, according to national data cited in your text, married people are more likely than single individuals to experience ____ with their partners.

c. both extreme physical pleasure and emotional satisfaction

Which of the following are not likely to occur at a traditional Jewish wedding?

d. "Here Comes the Bride" is played

Of the categories below, the context for the best physical and emotional sex is between:

b. a married couple

The fact that less than 1% of 60 million marriages consist of a black and white spouse reflects:

d. that the freedom to marry whomever you choose is an illusion

The greatest expected benefit of marriage in the United States is:

c. companionship

Over 60 percent of foreign students enrolled in U.S. colleges and universities are:

a. Asian

The three largest American Muslim groups in the United States are:

a. African Americans, Arabs, and South Asians

If you were involved in an interracial marriage and wanted to live in a state where you would be among a lot of other spouses in interracial marriages, where would you live?

b. Hawaii

A study of age-discrepant relationships cited in your text found that most women in these relationships reported that they were ____ in their relationships.

b. happy

A rite of passage is:

a. an event that marks the transition from one social status to another