Financial Literacy Quiz

What is the minimum amount to deposit money?


APT Annual Percentage Yield ???

Banks compound daily which makes your money grow more quickly

Checking accounts that pay interest on the amount you have deposited in the account (RESTRICTED)

Money Markey Account

Debit Card ??

A card that allows users to pay for purchases by drawing money from bank account

Automatic Teller Machine, allows users to perform various banking tasks ??????


Outstanding Check

A check that has not yet been returned to the bank for payment

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, independent agency for federal gov't (insures $250,000)


Credit Union

A non-profit financial institution

A bank account that allows to make deposits, write checks, and withdraw your money at any time

Checking Account

Liquid Investment

Can be bought, sold, or concerted to cash quickly

A fee you must pay the bank for having an account

Service Charge

Check Register

A record of your checking account transactions

Online Banking, allows you to transfer funds by computer instead of using paper checks or cash

Electronic Banking


Writing a check for more than what you have

Check paid by bank even if there is not enough money in your account

Overdraft Protection

Post Dated Check

A check with a date for the future

An account that earns a higher rate of interest than a regular savings account (RESTRICTED BASED ON TIME!)

Certificate of Deposit (CD)

Do checking and saving accounts have interest?

Yes, if you're getting interest, there will be restrictions

Advantage of Debit card

Spend what you ONLY have

Disadvantage of Debit card

-Can't spend more than what you have
-directly linked to checking account
-lose track of spending
-spending money on yourself than bills

How would compound interest affect balances in checking and savings accounts?

Account earns more $ on deposited accounts