Personal Finance Planning

personal finance planning

arrange to spend, save, and invest money to live comfortably, have security, and achieve goals


things you want to accomplish

Opportunity cost

require to lose, suffer, or sacrifice


financial cost of another person's losses or injuries


a task a person or a machine performs for you


a physical item that is produced and can be weighted or measured


study of decisions that go into making, distributing,and using goods and services


the system of production and distribution and consumption


offering goods and services for SALE


the ability and desire to PURCHASE goods and services

Federal Reserve System

central banking organizations of the United States


Increase in the level of prices for goods and services


a person who uses goods or services


the price that is paid for the use of another's money

Time Value of Money

increase of an amount of money due to earned interest or dividends


the original amount of a debt on which interest is calculated

future value

the amount your original deposit will be worth in the future based on earning a specific interest rate over a specific period of time


income from capital investment paid in a series of regular payments

present value

Assigned dollar value that is printed on a stock certificate

Fixed expenses

Remain the same

Variable Expenses

Always Changes

List other possible expenses that are not listed in this worksheet

Rent, A/C, wages

Does Janet have enough money monthly income for monthly expenses?

Janet does have enough money

Explain why utilities are a variable expense?

Because the utilities charge change each month

What ways can this budget be balanced?

Balancing your checkbook

Six steps to create a financial plan?

1. Look at your current financial situation. 2. Make financial goals. 3. Identify options. 4. Evaluate your alternatives. 5. Create and use your financial plan of action. 6. Review and revise your plan

What is the relationship between the timing of your goals and the type of good or service you want?

The financial goals that you set as a student will be different from goals you may have if you marry or have children.

What are 2 econopmic factors that affect financial decision?

Life situation and personal values

How might these factors influence your financial planning?

Might not have the money or goals you want to obtain

Why is it important to distinguish between your needs and wants?

Because a need is something you need to survive and a want is something really not needed to survive

What are the opportunity costs associated with financial decisions?

you have to make a decision with both of them

What is the time value of money?

the value of money with a given amount of interest earned or inflation accrued over a given amount of time

What are the 8 strategies you can apply to achieve your goals?

Obtain, Plan, spend wisely, save, borrow, invest, manage risk, plan for retirement