Vocab Section 5

Direct Deposit

an automatic deposit of net pay to employee's bank account

Automated Teller Machine

a computer terminal that allows a withdrawal of cash from an account

Debit Card

a cash card that allows you to withdrawal money to pay for purchases from your checking or savings account

Point of Sale Transaction

a purchase by a debit card of a good or a service at a retrial store or a restaurant

Commercial Bank

A for-profit institution that offers a full range of financial services including checking, savings and lending

Savings and Loan Association

a financial that specializes in savings and mortgage loans

Credit Union

a non profit financial institution owned by its members organized for their benefit

Certificate of deposit

A saving alternative where money is left on deposit over a period time to earn a specific rate or return

Money Market Account

A savings account that requires a minimum balance and earns interest that varies from month to month

Rate of Return

A percentage of increase in the value of your savings from earned interest


A process where interest is earned on both the principal (the original amount you deposited) and on any previously earned interest

Annual Percentage Yield

The amount of interest that a 100 dollar deposit would earn after compounding for one year

Overdraft Protection

An automatic loan made to an account if the balance will not cover checks written

Stop Payment Order

A request that a bank not cash a particular check


A signature of the payee; the party to whom the check has been written

Bank Reconciliation

A report that accounts for the differences between the bank statement and the checkbook balance


An arrangement to receive cash, goods or services now and pay for them in the future

Consumer Credit

The use of credit for personal needs


An entity that lends money

Closed In Credit

Credit as a one time loan that you will pay back over a period of time

Open In Credit

A loan with a certain limit on the amount of money you can borrow

Line of Credit

The maximum amount of money a creditor will allow you to borrow

Grace Period

A time period where no finance charges will be made to your account

Finance Charge

The dollar amount you pay to use credit

Net Income

Take-home pay

Annual Percentage Rate

The cost of credit on a yearly basis expressed as a percentage


A form of security to help guaranty that the creditor will be repaid

Simple Interest

Interest computed only on the principal (amount that you borrowed)

Minimum Monthly Payment

The smallest amount you can pay and remain in good standing

Credit Rating

A measure of a persons ability and willingness to make payments on time


You will agree to be responsible for loan payments if the other person fails to make them


A legal process in which some or all of assets of a debtor are distributed among creditors