Chapter 9 Personal Finance

How does a company spend the money they earn from common stock?

they use the money to make and sell the products; expand the business

What happens if there is a profit in the company (to the stockholders)?

then earn a return or gain on their investment

Why do people buy and sell stocks?

large return, stock splits, dividends

Why do companies issue stock?

to raise money to start and maintain an ongoing business

What is a private corporation?

one who's shares are owned by a relatively small group of people; shares are not publicly traded

What is a public corporation?

one that sells its share openly in stock markets where anyone can buy them

What are three reasons why companies issue common stock?

a form of equity, dividends are not mandatory, and voting rights and control of the company

What is a proxy?

a document that transfers stockholders' voting rights to someone else

What is a preemptive right?

gives current stockholders the right to buy new stock before it is offered to the general public

What must a company who issues stock do?

send a quarterly report to stock holders

What is preferred stock?

a stock that must receive dividends

What is the par value?

the assigned dollar value that is printed on a stock certificate

Is preferred stock safer or less safe than common stock?


When do preferred stock holders get to vote?

limited voting rights

What is the order (least safe to most safe) for investments?

common stock, preferred stock, corporate bonds

What are the three types of preferred stock?

cumulative preferred stock (dividends are paid before common stockholders get any), convertible preferred stock (can be exchanged for a specific number of shares of common stock), and participation feature (very rare, extra money left over after dividends

What are the 8 types of stocks?

blue-chip stock, large cap stock, small cap stock, cyclical stock, defensive stock, penny stock, growth stock, income stock

What is a blue chip stock?

considered a safe investment, well known, at the top of it's class

What is an income stock?

a stock that pays higher than average dividends

What is a growth stock?

a corporation whose potential earnings are higher than the average earnings predicted for all other firms

What is a cyclical stock?

market reflects state of economy, when market is improving, so is stock; when market is decreasing, so is the stock

What is a defensive stock?

a stock that remains stable during declines in the economy

What is a large cap stock?

issued a large number of shares of stock; large amount of capitalization

What is capitalization?

the total amount of stocks and bonds issued by a corporation

What is a small cap stock?

a stock issued by a company with capitalization with less than 500 million

What is a penny stock?

a stock that generally shares for less than $1 a share, can be up to $10 per share

What is bull market?

when investors are optimistic about the economy and buy stocks

What is a bear market?

occurs when investors are pessimistic about the economy and sell stocks

What is current yield?

yield = dividend/stock price

What is total return

current return + capital gain = total return

What is earnings per share?

after tax profits/ total shares = earnings per share

What is the price/earnings ratio?

P/E Ratio = market value per share/earnings per share
P/E Ratio = Average Common Stock price/net income per Share

What is the fundamental theory?

assumes that a stock's value is determined by looking at the company's future earnings

What is the technical theory?

based on the idea that a stock's value is really determined by the stock market itself

What is the efficient market theory?

argues that stock price movements are completely random

What is the primary market?

where stocks are sold for the first time?

What is an initial public offer

occurs when a company sells stock to the general public for the first time

What is a secondary market?

a market for existing financial securities that are currently traded among investors

What is a securities exchange?

a marketplace where brokers who represent investors meet to buy and sell securities

What is an account executive?


What is a portfolio?

consists of all the securities held by an investor

What is commission?

a fee charged by the brokerage firm for the buying and selling of a security

What is a market order?

a request to buy or sell a stock at the current market value

What is a limit order?

a request to buy or sell a stock at a specific price

What is stop order?

a type of limit order to sell a particular stock at the next available opportunity after its market price reaches a certain amount

What is a round lot?

100 shares or multiples of 100 shares of a particular stock

What is an odd lot?

contains less than 100 shares of a stock

What are three long term investment strategies?

buy and hold technique, dollar cost averaging, direct investment and dividend reinvestment plans

What are two short term investment techniques?

buying stocks on margin, short selling

What is short selling?

selling a stock that has been borrowed from a brokerage firm and must be replaced at a later date