Personal Finance Test #1


Fundamental belief or practice about what is desirable, worthwhile, and important to an individual


Goods or services that are required for survival or for something

Opportunity Cost

Value of next best alternative that bust be some result of a decision


Give up one thing for another


Desire for goods/services that can increase quality of life, not necessary

What make up financial decisions?

Values, needs, wants

Short Term

Goal that will take less than a year to achieve

Long Term

Goal that will take more than a year to achieve


Specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, time bound


State exactly what is to be done with money involved


The amount that it may cost to reach the goal


Step by step plan to reach my goal


Think thought, trade offs/ opportunity costs, examine consequences

Time Bound

Short term/long term

Financial planning

Managing money to reach goals

Financial goal

Specific objectives accomplished through financial planning


Statistics show that goals written down are more likely to be achieved than mental goals

What is one way that a goal can benefit you

Gives a person something to work for

Is it realistic to write goals for every decision you make?

No, goals should be made for things that will require time and effort

What is one way that you can ensure you reach your goal after it is written?

Continuously evaluate your goals