Forensic Science Unit 1

Define Forensic Science

The application of science to those criminal and civil laws that are enforced by police agencies in a criminal justice system

Arthur Conan Doyle wrote:

Sherlock Holmes

The first study of fingerprints was done by:

Francis Galton

Identification by measurement of the body was developed by:

Alphonse Bertillion

Define Toxicology and Who founded it

Examination of body fluids and organs to determine the presence or absence of drugs or poisons. Founded by Mathieu Orfilla


Provide information of victims through characteristics of teeth, alignment, and mouth structure when compared to dental records

Who decides what evidence is admitted in court (gatekeeper) for forensic evidence?

Made the judge "gatekeeper" to decide admissibility based upon; testing and peer review

The ultimate interpretation of the evidence is done by the:


What is an expert witness? Are they allowed to give opinions during trial?

Someone who can assist the trier of fact in interpreting and evaluating the evidence. Has to be qualified; degree .and time in the field. Yes

What determines if a witness is an expert?

degree and their field.

What is an eye witness?

Fact/Occurrence witnesses

Are shoe prints, fingerprints, tire prints, voice prints all admissible in court?

Yes, depends on the judge

Name Four federal agencies that deal with forensic evidence


Cause of death:

That which resulted in death-heart attack

Manner of death:

natural, homicidal, suicide, undetermined, accident

Mechanism of death:

Psychological reds on the body stopped living-heart stopped

Circumstantial evidence is

forensic evidence

First crime lab in the US


2nd crime lab in the NW university


Father of Criminalists

Hans Gross

When is a search warrant needed? Do arrests more commonly occur with or without a search warrant?

probable cause. Without

List 5 reasons an officer may make an arrest based on probable cause:

Flight, Physical evidence, Futile conduct, failure to explain and high crime area

Success in evidence collection is determined by:

being a skillful and trained forensic scientist

Evidence must be:

relevant and reliable


Opposing attorneys are permitted to learn the facts and expert opinions upon which the other side is basing the case prior to the actual trial.


serious crimes


Sentence to a term of imprisonment under a year


the scientific examination of physical evidence for legal purposes- physical evidence


The psychological angle, studying the crime scene for motive, traits and behavior- psychological angles

J. Edgar Hoover

Federal Crime Lab, also founded the National Police Academy

Polygraph unit

the lie detector has become an essential tool to the criminal investigation

Forensic Pathologist

Performs autopsy to establish cause of death being: natural, homicide, suicide, accident or undetermined

Forensic Entomologist

Study of insects and their relation to a criminal investigation


Any statement or material object from which reasonable conclusions can be drawn

Circumstantial Evidence

information gleaned from witness and documents that point to an individual as the perpetrator of a crime

Physical Evidence

actual objects (bodies, weapons, body fluids stains, fingerprints, etc.) that are associated with the crime and may be linked to the perpetrator

Griffin Decision

provides that the defense can have the evidence only after the prosecution has completed their testing

What is the key element in whether or not evidence is admissible?

Trustworthy. It must demonstrate accuracy (validity) and consistency (reliability)

Fyre Rule

Frye hearing gives the prosecution and defense the opportunity to attack adverse scientific evidence and try to keep it out of the trial.

What two things determine "general acceptance"?

(1) identifying the particular field into which the scientific principal or discovery falls and the relevant scientific community (2) determining whether that community accepts the technology, principal, or discovery

Why is the Frye rule been criticized?

For its overly conservative approach and its vulnerability to manipulation by those seeking to exclude novel scientific evidence

What does rule 702 state?

expert knowledge that will assist the trier of fact to understand the evidence