Book Ch.4 Key terms

Reconnaissance attacks

Can be passive (OSINT) or active (network and port scans)

Basic Port scan

a scan that involves scanning a predetermined TCP/UDP port by sending specifically configured packets that contain the port number of the port that was elected

TCP scan

a scan of a series ports on a machine to determine port availability(i.e, TCP SYNCH)

TCP FIN scan

this technique jumps straight to the shutdown-sends FIN packet to the target port (usually only effective on UNIX devices)

ICMP scan

these scans are typically used for ping sweeps to discover what devices may be in network


a social engineering technique where the attacker presents a link that looks like a valid, trusted resource

spear phishing

a targeted attack that is constructed in a specific way and directly targeted at specific individuals


a method where a threat actor redirects a victim from a valid resource to a malicious resource that could be made to appear as the valid site for the user


the act of incorporating malicious ads on trusted websites

SMS Phishing

phishing through text message

what is the main purpose of a MiTM attack

eavesdropping so an attacker can see all the information

ARP poisining

A layer 2 attack, where the attacker spoofs the layer 2 MAC address to make the devices on a LAN believe that the layer 2 address of the attacker is the Layer 2 address of its default gateway

MiTM attack where the attacker places a rogue router on the network and then tricking the other routers into believing that this new router has a better path

A layer 3 attack

3 types of DDoS


Direct DoS attack

Also known as a SYN flood attackoccurs when the attacker directly launches a DoS to a web server (the victim) by sending numerous TCP SYN packets

Reflected DDoS attack

Occurs when the sources of the attack are sent spoofed packets that appear to be from the victim, and then the "sources" of the attack become unwitting participants in the DDoS attacks by sending the response traffic back to the intended victim

Amplification Attack

a type of reflected attack in which the response traffic (sent by the unwitting participant) is made up of packets that are much larger in size than those that were originally sent by the attacker (spoofing the victim)

SQL Injection

allow the attacker to view, insert, delete, or modify, records in a database


forces the end user to execute malicious steps on a web application


this occurs when a malicious script is injected into legitimate and trusted websites

