ap gov terms #1


The institutions that make, implement, and enforce public policy for a society


The process by which government leaders are selected and policy decisions are made

linkage institutions

organizations that connect citizens to their government officials (Media, Interest groups)

Policy Agenda

The issues that attract the serious attention of the public and policy makers

policymaking institutions

Officials select the issues that are most pressing and work to address them

Public Policy

Laws, rules and regulations made by the government to respond to an issue


A system of selecting policymakers and of organizing government so that policy represents and responds to the public's preferences.

Direct (Participatory) Democracy

All political decisions are made by the people directly

Representative Democracy (Republic Government)

People elect representatives to make political decisions for them

Majority Rule

Larger number has greater power


The policymaking process is open to the participation of all groups with various interests with no single group usually dominating


American society is divided along class lines and power is held by the upper-class elite


The existence of to many competing groups weakens the government's ability to make policy; creates policy gridlock

Policy Gridlock

Politicians with different policy interests/goals become unwilling to compromise and unable to pass laws

Political Culture

American democracy endures because citizens generally share a common set of political values