Chapter 9 Notes

clearly caused by physical illness/injury to the brain

Organic Disorder

the result of psychological causes in which NO clear brain damage is involved

Functional Disorder

an illness of the mind that can affect thoughts, feelings and behaviors of a person.

mental disorder

Anxiety, Somatoform, affective and personality disorders

4 types of functional disorders

illness that prevents a person from enjoying life. Real or imagined

anxiety disorder

PTSD, panic disorder, phobias, OCD

Types of anxiety disorders

a fear so strong, a person goes to extreme measures to avoid


acrophobia - heightsastraphobia - lightning taphephobia - being buried alive nomophobia - fear of no mobile phone contact

examples of phobias

persistent recurrent, unwanted thoughts or ideas that keep from thinking other things


urgent, repeated, irresistible behaviors


major problems w/ commitments in life, lose track of time. lose trust in what brain tells them

OCD symptoms

panic disorder

most difficult of anxiety disorders to treat

a condition in which fear or anxiety prevails and gets in the way of functioning life

panic disorder

may feel anxious, fearful, upset most of the time

People with panic disorder

racing heart beat, trembling, shortness of breathe, dizziness, fear of losing control or dying

symptoms of panic disorder

a condition in which a person has experienced/witnessed a traumatic event. Feels severe/long lasting


veterans, rape survivors, survivors of natural disasters

PTSD often common in these people

flashbacks, nightmares, emotional numbness, sleeplessness, guilt, extreme reaction to images or sounds

symptoms of PTSD