Final Exam CJ

Warrantless Searches

A search of someones body or property conducted by law-enforcement personnel without the issuance of a search warrant.


discouraging criminal acts by threatening punishment

Goals of Criminal Sanction

Deterrence, incapacitation, rehabilitation, restitution, and retribution


Prevent future crime by removing defendant from society


Prevent future crime by reforming behavior


Repairing the harm caused to the victim


Prevent future crime by demanding a sanction against defendant regardless of its rehabilitate impact

Routine Activity Theory

1: motivated offender, 2:suitable target, 3: absence of capable guardian

Rational Choice

Punishment vs reward + pain

Situational Crime Prevention (target hardening)

Avoid having a daily routine, go to where the capable guardians are, buddy system, common sense


The transition from life in jail or prison to life in the community