Chapter 14 Stress and Health, Ava Whetzel


a persons reaction to his or her inability to cope with a certain tense event or situation.


a stress-producing event or situation.

Stress Reaction

the body's response to a stressor


a positive stress, which results from motivating striving and challenges


stress that stems from acute anxiety or pressure

Conflict Situation

when a person must choose between two or more options that tend to result from opposing motives


a vague, generalized apprehension or feeling that one is in danger

Type A

competitive, hard-driving, impatient, verbally aggressive, and anger-prone people

Type B

easygoing, relaxed people

Immune System

a complex response system that protects the body from bacteria, viruses, and other foreign substances

General Adaptation Syndrome

Seyle's concept that the body responds to stress with alarm, resistance and exhaustion


two desirable alternatives, cognitive dissonance


positive and negative aspects of desired product, guilt of desire occurs


facing a choice with two undesirable alternatives

Double Approach-Avoidance

2 goals, each has positive and negatives