Which of the following concepts defines who we are in relation to others?
In U.S society, which of the following is typically a master status?
physical or mental disability
Role set refers to
a number of roles attached to a single status
Frank excels at football at his college, but with the time sports demands, he doesnt have enough time to study. He is experiencing the problem of
Role conflict
The Thomas theorem states that
situations defined as real are real in their consequences
Which of the following is the correct meaning of "presentation of self.
efforts to create impressions in the minds of others
Research supports the conclusion that people around the world
experience the same six basic emotions
In terms of dramaturgical analysis, tact is understood as
helping someone "save face.
In her study of human emotion, Arlie Hochschild explains that many companies
try to regulate the emotions of workers
People are likely to "get" a joke when they
understand the two different realities being presented
What is the term for humans who have some combinations of female and male genitalia?
Intersexual people
A global perspective on human sexuality shows us that
although sex involves our biology, it is also a cultural trait that varies from place to place
Why is the incest taboo found in every society
It limits sexual competition between members of families, it helps define peoples rights and obligations toward one another, it helps connect members of a family to others in the larger society
The sexual revolution came of age during the
Survey data show that the largest share of U.S adults reject which of the following sexual practices
extramarital sex
According to the Laumann study of sexuality in the United States,
there is great diversity in levels of sexual activity, so no one stereotype is correct
Which concept refers to sexual attraction to people of both sexes?
Compared to 1950, the U.S. rate of teenage pregnancy today is
By what point in their lives do half of young people in the United States today experience sexual intercourse?
by the end of high school
If we look back in history, we see that once a society develops birth control technology
attitudes about sexuality become more permissibe
pursue goal by legitment ways
pursue goals by illegitiment ways, by making money by selling drugs
continue to go through the motions but dont pursue
give up, drop outs
has goals, but alternative goals
conflict theory
symbolic interationist theory
negative label, disgraced, or "spoiled" identity something few people "want
when a person sees themselves as others see them
self-fulfilling prophecy
set of expectations, cause behavior fulfilling the expectations
primary deviance
normalized" deviance, no stigma applied
secondary deviance
labeled by others and accepts that they are that way
legitimate means
allowable ways to achieve the cultural goals. EXAMPLE: career, inheritance, lottery.
goals and means dont fit together
absolute perspective
rule breaking behavior
relative perspective
rule making processes
the recognized violation of cultural norms
rules and expectations by which society guides behaviors
the violation of a society's enacted criminal law
social control
attempts by society to regulate peoples thoughts and behaviors
minor norms. EXAMPLE: way you dress, greeting people, eating behavior
major norms
norms that matter and are important