Social Psych exam questions

which of the following is NOT an example of what a social psychologist might study?a. conformityb. intelligencec. attitudesd. love

b. intelligence

According to the fundamental attribution error, observers:a. engage in situational attributionb. underestimate the situational influencesc. emphasize social circumstancesd. underestimate internal causes

b. underestimate the situational influences

Those who make dispositional attributions regarding poverty and unemployment tend to adopt political positions that:a. tend to blame the environment for their problemsb. are unsympathetic to the poorc. are more neutral regarding poverty and unemploymentd. offer direct support to the poor

b. are unsympathetic to the poor

You attend a party where you do not know anyone, but expect that people will be friendly. You behave in a warm and sociable manner. Your behavior, in turn, leads to other people being friendly to you. This situation can best be described as:a. the availability heuristicb. behavioral confirmationc. the representation heuristicd. an illusory correlation

b. behavioral confirmation

Tobias, who conducts a psychological research experiment, explains the details of the experiment to the participants after the experiment is completed. He also encourages the participants to express their opinions and share their feelings about the experiment with him. This scenario exemplifies the concept of:a. counterbalancingb. replicationc. deindividuationd. debriefing

d. debriefing

in the context of social psychology, identify a true statement about social thinking:a. it includes persuasionb. it includes prejudicec. it includes perceptionsd. it includes conformity

c. it includes perceptions

identify the true statement about self-monitoring:a. people in low self-monitoring care less about what others thinkb. people in high self-monitoring are less likely to be dissatisfied in their marriagec. people in low self-monitoring are externally guided and are less likely to talk and act as they believed. people in high self-monitoring are more committed to their relationships

a. people in low self-monitoring care less about what others think

in the context of social thinking, which of the following illustrates a dispositional attribution?a. Rhea loves spring season because the weather is cheerfulb. Chiara dislikes playing with her classmates because she is an introvertc. Ayaan seldom talks openly with his mother because she is strict and unpredictabled. Thomas falls from his bike because the road is slippery

b. Chiara dislikes playing with her classmates because she is an introvert

The cues in an experiment that tell the participants what behavior is expected are called:a. subliminal messagesb. confounding variablesc. deception tacticsd. demand characteristics

d. demand characteristics

Cameron, a swimmer, has won many national and international swimming championships. He is confident that he can win a gold medal at the next Olympic games. He is usually more persistent, less anxious, and less depressed than his competitors. Identify a true statement about Cameron in this scenario:a. he suffers from low self-esteemb. he is making the fundamental attribution errorc. he has strong feelings of self-efficacyd. he suffers from an illusion of transparency

c. he has strong feelings of self-efficacy

Belicia chooses a designated driver to drive her home whenever she goes out for a party. She believes that this virtue of hers is exceptional and that no one else is as precautious as she is. This scenario best exemplifies:a. the false consensus effectb. the false uniqueness effectc. hindsight biasd. impact bias

b. the false uniqueness effect

Evan has a job interview in a different city. The airport in his city is far from his place. Despite being aware of the heavy traffic in his city, he starts late for the airport as he is convinced he can reach on time. However, he misses his flight and is unable to attend the interview. In the context of social thinking, this scenario illustrates:a. the overconfidence phenomenonb. the availability heuristicc. the representativeness heuristicd. the misinformation effect

a. the overconfidence phenomenon

which of the following is one of the purposes of hypothesis?a. hypotheses allow us to test a theoryb. hypotheses provide explanations for research resultsc. hypotheses prove theoriesd. hypotheses communicate the results of research studies

a. hypotheses allow us to test a theory

Chloe dyes her hair blue and goes to school. She assumes that the students will stare at her and comment on her hair color. However, only a few of her friends really notice her dyed hair. Which of the following psychological effects is best exemplified in this scenario?a. the observer effectb. the halo effectc. the lawn dart effectd. the spotlight effect

d. the spotlight effect

Maxine is the captain of her school's basketball team. After losing an interschool basketball tournament by one point, she is depressed and feels guilty. She thinks that if she had not made three consecutive fouls, her team would have won the match. In the context of social thinking, this scenario illustrates:a. cognitive dissonanceb. primingc. egocentrismd. counterfactual thinking

d. counterfactual thinking

in the context of social psychology, identify a true statement about correlational research:a. it does allow researchers to reasonably predict the relation between two variablesb. it involves manipulating various important factors to see their effects on other factorsc. it is only used when there is more than one dependent variabled. it involves examining important variables in controlled laboratory environments, rather than natural settings

a. it does allow researchers to reasonably predict the relation between two variables

which of the following strategies will NOT be helpful in reducing the overconfidence bias?a. have the person consider disconfirming informationb. give the person feedback about others' performancec. give prompt feedback to the person about his/her decisionsd. have the person think about why he or she could be wrong

b. give the person feedback about others' performance

which of the following is a disadvantage of correlational research?a. it cannot explain cause and effectb. it takes place in a labc. it fails to analyze whether two variables are associatedd. it cannot be used to study everyday situations

a. it cannot explain cause and effect

Standing in the campus courtyard with a clipboard to record your observations of university students' usage of cellular phones is an example of what type of research?a. experimentalb. qualitative c. laboratoryd. field

d. field

Natalie's friend Jordan enjoys eating good food and visits new restaurants every week. He watches cooking shows regularly and does not shy away from trying new cuisines. Seeing his interest in food, Natalie assumes that Jordan is an expert cook. Which of the following concepts of psychology is illustrated in Natalie's assumption?a. belief perseverance b. the over justification effectc. counterfactual thinkingd. the representativeness heuristic

d. the representativeness heuristic

a psychiatrist is interested in determining if conditions of individuals who are clinically depressed improve with either 20 or 40 milligrams of Prozac. she administers 20 mg to a random half of her clients and 40 mg to the other half. after 6 months, she finds that the clients who took 40 mg of Prozac are significantly less depressed than those clients who took 20 mg of Prozac. which type of study did the psychiatrist conduct?a. correlationalb. controlledc. experimentald. hypothetical

c. experimental

Two major advantages that experiments have over correlational studies are:a. random sampling and field researchb. the use of surveys and the use of deceptionc. framing and biasesd. control and random assignment

d. control and random assignment

which of the following scenarios demonstrates the concept of random assignment?a. a researcher selects participants from a study in such a way that every person in the population being studied has an equal chance of being randomly selectedb. a researcher prepares questions for a survey in such a way that all response options are randomly distributed throughout the surveyc. a researcher randomly divides her sample such that half of the participants experiences one level of the IV and the other half experiences the other level of the IVd. a researcher allows participants to randomly share their feelings with her after conducting the experiment

c. a researcher randomly divides her sample such that half of the participants experiences one level of the IV and the other half experiences the other level of the IV

which of the following is an example of the use of social comparison?a. Matt feels he is rich when his friends have a lower annual incomeb. Matt feels he is smart after he scores high on an examc. Matt feels he should take care of his health after he suffers from a cardiac arrestd. Matt feels he is satisfied with his life after meditating by himself

a. Matt feels he is rich when his friends have a lower annual income

when asked "Tell me something about yourself?", Juanita answers "I am athletic and intelligent." Juanita's answer most likely describes for:a. locus of controlb. self-schemac. ideal selfd. possible self

b. self-schema

people with low self-esteem are more likely than people with high self-esteem to:a. believe that their partners like themb. take a negative view of everythingc. be satisfied with their relationshipsd. have an inflated sense of self

b. take a negative view of everything

Sharon typically follows those news channels that support her existing political beliefs. She is not inclined to watch news on other channels as they may disprove her preconceptions. Sharon's approach illustrates the:a. base-rate fallacyb. I knew it all along phenomenonc. confirmation biasd. misinformation effect

c. confirmation bias

which of the following statements is true of narcissists?a. they think that others are better than themb. they care deeply about their relationships with othersc. they typically have high self-esteemd. they have deep-seated feelings of inferiority

c. they typically have high self-esteem

when asked who Chloe thinks will win the next presidential election, she replies that she does not know. however, after the election, results are declared, she claims that it was obvious all along who the winner of the election will be. in the context of social psychology, this scenario illustrates:a. distinction biasb. hindsight biasc. optimism biasd. automation bias

b. hindsight bias

The fact that we usually attribute more responsibility to our partners than to ourselves when problems arise in a relationship is an example of:a. social surroundings affect our self-awarenessb. self-interest influence our social judgement c. social relationships help define our selfd. self-concern motivates our social behavior

b. self-interest influence our social judgement

which of the following statements is true of the interdependent self?a. with an interdependent self, one's personal identity is established by individual traits and goalsb. with an interdependent self, one has a greater sense of belongingc. the interdependent self creates social barriers as it disapproves of conformity and adopts egotismd. the interdependent self if not strongly embedded in social membership

b. with an interdependent self, one has a greater sense of belonging

the major purpose of random assignment in an experiment is to:a. maximize the differences between groupsb. minimize the differences between groupsc. control the dependent variabled. control the independent variable

b. minimize the differences between groups

Despite reading numerous research studies that report the association of fast food consumption with heart disease and diabetes, Rachel continues to eat fast food and thinks that it is harmless. Rachel's thinking is an example of:a. the operation of the availability heuristicb. belief assumptionc. belief perseverance d. belief consolidation

c. belief perseverance

according to research findings, an individualistic western worldview predisposes people to...:a. assume that individuals cause eventsb. believe that events are caused by situationsc. socially reject internal explanation for happeningsd. explain others' behaviors in terms of environmental factors

a. assume that individuals cause events

which is a characteristic of collectivist cultures?a. approve of egotismb. disapprove of conformity c. their motto is To thine own self be trued. identity is social and defined by connections with others

d. identity is social and defined by connections with others

in the context of social thinking, which of the following exemplifies a situational attribution?a. Paula is restless because it is a hot day, and she gets irritated when her brother invites her to play basketballb. Daniel believes that others dislike him because he is not as good in mathematics as they arec. Harry decides not to go shopping during the weekend as he dislikes crowded placesd. Harper visits art museums in her leisure because she loves painting

a. Paula is restless because it is a hot day, and she gets irritated when her brother invites her to play basketball

good theories do all of the following EXCEPT:a. make predictions that generate new research projectsb. make assumptions about conceptsc. suggest practical applicationsd. summarize observations

b. make assumptions about concepts

in the context of reconstructing past attitudes, researchers asked students to answer a long survey that included a question about student control over the university curriculum. a week later, they agreed to write an essay opposing student control. after doing so, their attitudes shifted toward greater opposition to student control. when asked to recall how they had felt about the same issue a week earlier, most of the students:a. couldn't remember how they feltb. admitted they had always supported student control of the university curriculum but pretended to oppose it in their essaysc. remembered having felt the same as they do nowd. remembered having held a very different attitude

c. remembered having felt the same as they do now

in the context of impression management, high self-monitoring involves:a. disparaging oneself (false modesty) to elicit reassuranceb. self-introspection to attain self-realization and self-actualizationc. adjusting one's performance to create the desired impressiond. protecting one's self image by creating an excuse for later failure

c. adjusting one's performance to create the desired impression

Andrea's mother invites Andrea and her boyfriend for dinner. She tells Andrea that she will make sushi. Hearing this, Andrea remembers a previous instance when her boyfriend had an allergic reaction to seafood. This scenario exemplifies:a. primingb. inductionc. belief perseveranced. reconstruction

a. priming

which of the following theories proposes that people exhibit self-protective emotional and cognitive responses, including adhering more strongly to their cultural worldview and prejudices, when confronted with reminders of their mortality?a. attachment theoryb. sociocultural theoryc. terror management theory d. motivation crowding theory

c. terror management theory

which of the following is not an influence on the development of our self-concept?a. other's judgementsb. successes and failuresc. social comparisond. our fundamental attributions

d. our fundamental attributions

After reading a newspaper article about teenagers who illegally download music from the Internet, you conclude that those who engage in such behavior are morally bankrupt. It never occurs to you that the reason teenagers download music from the Internet is because they are not able to afford the price of a compact disc, or the temptation to download, coupled with the peer pressure to do so, is often great. Your thinking on this matter can be characterized by the:a. misinformation effectb. dispositional biasc. fundamental attribution errord. false consensus bias

c. fundamental attribution error

After 9/11, many people abandoned air travel because of the:a. confirmation biasb. availability heuristicc. planning fallacyd. representativeness heuristic

b. availability heuristic

you notice that your niece is unusually persistent when working on her homework. she rarely claims that she is unable to complete an assignment and is academically successful. you would be correct in speculating that she likely has strong feelings of:a. narcissismb. transparencyc. collectivismd. self-efficacy

d. self-efficacy

in the context of self-serving bias, which of the following statements represents the concept of self-serving attributions?a. people attribute their success to their ability and failure to external factorsb. people anticipate problems and use their anxiety to motivate effective actionc. people overestimate the commonality of their opinions and their undesirable behaviord. people attribute their effort and failure to their lack of ability

a. people attribute their success to their ability and failure to external factors

Brian does not prepare well for an upcoming psychology exam. he is religious and prays regularly before the exam to score well. when he scores more than he expected, he assumes that he did well because he prayed. in the context of social thinking, this scenario illustrates the:a. principle of authorityb. representative heuristicc. gambler's fallacyd. illusion of control

d. illusion of control

identify a true statement about social psychology:a. compared with sociology, social psychology focuses more on individualsb. compared with personality psychology, social psychology focuses less on how people view and affect one anotherc. compared with sociology, social psychology performs less experimentsd. compared with personality psychology, social psychology focuses more on the differences between individuals

a. compared with sociology, social psychology focuses more on individuals

the degree to which an experiment absorbs and involves its participants is known as:a. experimental realismb. realistic experimentationc. mundane realismd. televised reality

a. experimental realism

Barbara was really shocked when her candidate was not elected. She had assumed that everyone felt as she did and supported her candidate's ideas. This is an example of the:a. unrealistic optimismb. defensive pessimism c. the self-serving biasd. the false consensus effect

d. the false consensus effect

Though Lisa is opposed to capital punishment, she is asked to give a speech in favor of it to conclude a class debate. In the context of insufficient justification, dissonance theory predicts that her true attitude will undergo the most change if she:a. makes a speech implying capital punishment is wrongb. agrees to give the speech but only if she favors both sidesc. agrees to give the speech for a large rewardd. agrees to give the speech without special incentives

d. agrees to give the speech without special incentives

Whether a one- or two-sided message is more persuasive depends on all of the following EXCEPT:a. whether the audience already agrees with the message b. whether the audience is unlikely later to consider the oppositionc. whether the audience is unaware of opposing argumentsd. whether the audience thinks information is being shared in an appropriate way

d. whether the audience thinks information is being shared in an appropriate way

When Milgram's experimental series was reenacted in Bridgeport, Connecticut, far from the prestige and authority of Yale University, the proportion of participants who fully complied with orders to shock the learner _______ compared to the Yale rate.a. remained unchangedb. decreasedc. doubledd. increased moderately

b. decreased

in the context of classic studies on conformity, identify the similarity between the Asch and the Milgram studies:a. they desensitize individuals to moral conflicts in their livesb. they acknowledge the absence of the link between behavior and attitudes and the power of the situationc. they succeed in pressuring people to go against their own consciencesd. they show how moral sense can take precedence over compliance

c. they succeed in pressuring people to go against their own consciences

what is the effect of fear-arousing communication?a. generally, the more frightened people feel, they more they respondb. fear appeals have an effect on women rather than menc. fear renders a communication ineffectived. evoking a low level of fear is effective, unlike producing a high level of fear

a. generally, the more frightened people feel, they more they respond

in the context of conformity, Asch's experiments lacked ___ but did possess ___:a. validity; reliabilityb. reliability; validityc. experimental realism; mundane realismd. mundane realism; experimental realism

d. mundane realism; experimental realism

During the 1970s, the military junta in power in Greece initially selected candidates for officers based on their submission to authority. The candidates were first asked to guard prisoners, then to observe torture, and then to eventually practice torture. This process demonstrates how _______ can breed _______.a. acceptance; complianceb. obedience; conformityc. compliance; acceptanced. conformity; obedience

c. compliance; acceptance

in the context of the elements of persuasion, a communicator is consider credible if:a. he/she is able to convince people that he/she is trying to persuade themb. he/she speaks slowly and haltinglyc. he/she is seen as knowledgeable on a topicd. he/she uses you know or uh when speaking or stumbles over his/her words

c. he/she is seen as knowledgeable on a topic

Myra's neighbor, a little boy, practices his saxophone loudly and annoyingly. According to the overjustification effect, if Myra wants to get him to quit playing, she should:a. show her annoyanceb. pay him to quit playingc. pay him a small amount to quit playing and then offer him more and mored. pay him to play and gradually offer him less

d. pay him to play and gradually offer him less

if you have a positive attitude toward "pro-choice" what function would your attitude likely serve?a. social expressiveb. defensivec. value expressived. knowledge

c. value expressive

during a group discussion on smoking, Ethan says that one should avoid smoking as it is injurious to health and it symbolized weakness. Later, Ethan avoids smoking in front of his classmates fearing his views on smoking will contradict his words. He also wishes to appear consistent. Which of the following theories of psychology best explains Ethan's behavior?a. social penetration theoryb. cognitive dissonance theoryc. self-presentation theoryd. motivation crowding theory

c. self-presentation theory

typically, difficult messages are most persuasive when ___ , and easy messages are most persuasive when ___a. written; videotaped given slowlyb. given quicklyc. audiotapedd. videotaped spoken; written

a. written; videotaped given slowly

After hearing so much about the dangers of smoking cigarettes from the media and seeing numbers of people who quit the habit, Jacob finally realizes that smoking is dangerous and therefore he quits. His behavior is an example of:a. complianceb. obediencec. acceptanced. reactance

c. acceptance

After hearing a great deal about the benefits of soy products from your friends, you decide to drink soy milk instead of cow's milk. Your behavior is an example of:a. acceptanceb. obediencec. complianced. progression

a. acceptance

Dr. Spark, a psychology professor, discusses the positive aspects of mercy killing with his students. After a week, he discusses the negative aspects of mercy killing with the same group of students and asks for their opinions immediately. The students who initially seemed to support mercy killing vote against it. In the context of persuasion, this scenario illustrates:a. the foot in the door phenomenonb. the recency effectc. the door in the face phenomenond. the primacy effect

b. the recency effect

people's attitudes toward religion is a(n)___ predictor of whether they will go to religious services during the coming weeka. strongb. reliablec. poord. average

c. poor

a store owner is concerned about shoplifting. research on potent attitudes that influence shoplifting suggests that he can reduce theft by:a. installing eye-level mirrors in his storeb. placing security guards at all exitsc. attaching anti-theft devices on his merchandised. installing metal detectors

a. installing eye-level mirrors in his store

according to research findings, who among the following is most likely to have a low need for cognition?a. Anna, an employee, prefers utilizing her mental resources before making a purchase decisionb. Lukas, a teenager, responds quickly to such cues such as the pleasantness of the surroundingsc. Felix, a manager, overlooks a speaker's personality when analyzing arguments and formulating responsesd. Martina, a homemaker, is analytical by nature and enjoys thinking carefully about issues

b. Lukas, a teenager, responds quickly to such cues such as the pleasantness of the surroundings

When social psychologists try to measure attitudes of people they:a. typically use a lie-detector testb. end up measuring expressed attitudesc. easily obtain attitudinal changes by controlling all external social influencesd. predominantly avoid recording and evaluating implicit and explicit attitudes

b. end up measuring expressed attitudes

Robert needs his sister Alisa to help him make a model of human heart for the upcoming science exhibition in his school. However, he is not sure if she will oblige. So, he initially convinces Alisa to accompany him to the arts and crafts store to buy materials for the model. A day later Robert asks Alisa if she would help him complete the model. Alisa readily agrees to this proposal. In the context of persuasion this scenario exemplifies:a. the recency effectb. the door in the face phenomenonc. the primacy effectd. the foot in the door phenomenon

d. the foot in the door phenomenon

the attitudes follow behavior effect is strongest when:a. people feel that they have some choice in their behaviorb. people are rewarded for their behaviorc. people feel that they have no choice for their behaviord. people's reactions have no foreseeable consequences

a. people feel that they have some choice in their behavior

the effect of ___ on ___ was vividly demonstrated in Zimbardo's (1971) classic study of a simulated prison:a. roles; attitudesb. attitudes; behaviorc. attitudes; rolesd. roles; behaviors

d. roles; behaviors

which of the following scenarios best exemplifies Asch's studies on group pressure?a. Avery, a young adult, ends up eating more when she dines with her friends than when she is aloneb. Mary, a teenager, follows the high school dress code because she thinks it looks better than getting punishedc. Hunter, a soldier, shoots 10 terrorists on the command of his captaind. Brian, a sophomore, chats with his mother when his roommates chat with theirs

a. Avery, a young adult, ends up eating more when she dines with her friends than when she is alone

which attitude function is most closely related to normative influence?a. value experienceb. knowledgec. social expressived. defensive

c. social expressive

Sherif's study demonstrates:a. social ostracismb. normative influencec. informational influenced. false consensus

c. informational influence

Asch's study demonstrates:a. false consensusb. informational influencec. social ostracismd. normative influence

d. normative influence

Keysha wakes up one morning and feels happy and cheerful. she concludes that she must be happy because her best friend paid her a visit the previous evening after a long time. in the context of psychology, which of the following theories best supports Keysha's conclusion?a. Erikson's stages of developmentb. cognitive dissonance theoryc. self-perception theoryd. Maslow's hierarchy of needs

c. self-perception theory

When Milgram conducted his first series of experiments with a sample of 20- to 50-year-old men, he found that over 60 percent of them:a. asked to be released from the experiment by 135 voltsb. refused to deliver shocks beyond 150 voltsc. went all the way to 450 voltsd. refused to deliver shocks past the 300-volt level

c. went all the way to 450 volts

Festinger and Carlsmith found that participants paid just $1 to lie to another student about how much they enjoyed a task displayed greater attitude change than those paid $20 to tell the same lie. These results are best explained by:a. the insufficient justification effectb. the overjustification effectc. self-perception theoryd. the foot in the door phenomenon

a. the insufficient justification effect

Owen gets a lucrative job offer from a multinational company soon after he receives his undergraduate degree. At the same time, he gets a research scholarship from a renowned foreign university. He is in a dilemma and is unable to choose the right course of action. Which of the following theories best explains this scenario?a. self perception theoryb. regulatory focus theoryc. cognitive dissonance theoryd. self perception theory

c. cognitive dissonance theory

Brianna watches a new ice-cream commercial on television. The commercial features an attractive supermodel who claims that the ice-cream is specially manufactured for health-conscious people. When Brianna goes to purchase ice cream the next time, without giving further thought, she buys the ice-cream endorsed by the attractive model in the ice-cream commercial. In the context of persuasion, this scenario exemplifies:a. rosy retrospectionb. the central route to persuasionc. belief perseveranced. the peripheral route to persuasion

d. the peripheral route to persuasion

in a variation of the Milgram study, the learner was in the same room as the teacher. under these conditions:a. there was a decrease in compliance to shockb. there was no change in resulting shocksc. there was less complaints from the victimsd. there was an increase in compliance to shock

a. there was a decrease in compliance to shock

in the context of persuasion, the factor that generally determines if we call attempts at persuasion education or propaganda is whether:a. we believe themb. the message is emotional in tonec. we know the communicatord. the message is one-sided

a. we believe them

Compared to people in individualistic countries, those in collectivist countries are:a. more susceptible to the fundamental attribution errorb. more likely to be independentc. more likely to be conformingd. more likely to express psychological reactance

c. more likely to be conforming

since the U.S. supreme court's 1954 decision to desegregate schools, the percentage of European Americans in favor of desegregated schools has increased and now includes nearly everyone. this is an example of:a. attitude inoculationb. self-handicappingc. how behavior influences attitudesd. how attitudes influence behavior

c. how behavior influences attitudes

high school students Aisha and Jared have been dating each other casually . when Aisha's parents tell her to stop seeing Jared and ask her to go out with nicer boys...a. collective narcissism b. psychological reactancec. the fundamental attribution errord. impact bias

b. psychological reactance

Mark is interested in purchasing a bike. He consults various online automobile magazines to analyze the features of the latest bikes available in the market. finally, he selects a bike that meets his requirements. in the context of persuasion, this scenario illustrates:a. the foot in the door phenomenonb. the central route to persuasionc. the door in the face phenomenond. the peripheral route to persuasion

b. the central route to persuasion

in the contexts of the elements of persuasion, one thing that does not improve persuasion is:a. fluent speech by a confident-seeming personb. direct eye contact between a communicator and his or her audiencec. the belief of an audience that the communicator is not trying to persuade themd. an expert and trustworthy communicator

b. direct eye contact between a communicator and his or her audience

according to contemporary research findings, who is likely the most responsive to rational appeals?a. well-educated and analytical peopleb. less educated and non analytical peoplec. well-educated and non analytical peopled. less educated and analytical people

a. well-educated and analytical people

which of the following is the most effective advice for persuasion?a. avoid associating your message with good feelingsb. go first or last for best resultsc. use logic, regardless of the audience or the message d. avoid making a big request before asking a small favor

b. go first or last for best results

Bill is a car salesman. He is trying to sell a moderately expensive car to a client. In order to use the door-in-the-face technique effectively, Bill must:a. quote one price and stick to itb. quote a high price first and reduce it laterc. use a one-sided argument to convince the clientd. make an initial offer and increase the price later

b. quote a high price first and reduce it later

After much deliberation, you decide on a college to attend. After you have made your decision, you find yourself reducing any dissonance by _______ the chosen university and _______ the unchosen universities:a. upgrading; downgradingb. downgrading; upgradingc. revamping; emphasizingd. emphasizing; revamping

a. upgrading; downgrading

in the context of the Milgram studies, which of the following is one of the factors that determined obedience?a. the liberating effects of an obedient fellow victimb. the learner's emotional distressc. the learner's closeness and legitimacyd. the learner's similarity to the teacher

b. the learner's emotional distress

which of the following illustrates the attitudes-follow-behavior principle in psychology?a. we dislike people we hurtb. Kayla, a student, is convinced that she will fail her exam but is surprised when she performs exceptionally wellc. Caleb tends to ignore those situations that are not under his controld. we hurt people we dislike

a. we dislike people we hurt

identify a true statement about cognitive dissonance theory:a. it assumes that for strategic reasons we express attitudes that make us appear consistentb. it is most commonly referred to as the planning fallacyc. it focusses on doing acts without providing any justification for such actsd. it highlights the arousal of tension when two incompatible thoughts coexist

d. it highlights the arousal of tension when two incompatible thoughts coexist

which of the following factors increases the likelihood of obedience in Milgram's studies?a. the legitimacy of the participantb. the age and gender of the experimenterc. the social status of the participantd. the closeness of an authority

d. the closeness of an authority

which of the following would better predict a person's racial biases?a. the Rorschach inkblot testb. his/her explicit attitudec. his/her implicit attituded. the explicit association test

c. his/her implicit attitude

identify the situation in which conformity is likely the highest?a. when a group has fewer than 3 peopleb. when a group lacks cohesivenessc. when a response is public and made without prior commitmentd. when people are required to give their opinions privately

c. when a response is public and made without prior commitment

Justin, an affluent entrepreneur, is a member of a group that fights whaling in the Antarctic seas. He pledges an amount of 1 million dollars toward this purpose in one of their group meetings. According to conformity studies, Justin is most likely to donate the pledged amount because of his _____.a. prior commitmentb. cohesionc. public responsed. status

c. public response

Myra wants to ask her husband to buy her a diamond necklace. which of the following strategies used by Myra reflects the lowball technique?a. Myra gets her husband to agree to buy her a diamond ring, and at the jewelry store she informs him that she wants a diamond necklaceb. Myra takes her husband out to dinner and asks if he would gift her a diamond necklacec. Myra lets her husband know how much she loves him and tells him that if he loved her as much, he would get her what she wantsd. Myra cooks a tasty dinner for her husband, and she shows him a picture of the necklace she likes

a. Myra gets her husband to agree to buy her a diamond ring, and at the jewelry store she informs him that she wants a diamond necklace

which of the following is an example of a motivational source of prejudice?a. social dominance orientationb. religionc. social identityd. unequal status in society

c. social identity

All of the below are needed for "groupthink" to occur EXCEPT:a. group cohesivenessb. a directive leaderc. members being well-informed regarding the issuesd. isolation of the group from dissenting views

c. members being well-informed regarding the issues

Dismissing outgroup members' positive behaviors and attributing negative behaviors to their dispositions is known as:a. ultimate attribution errorb. intragroup discriminationc. in-group favoritism d. stereotype lift

a. ultimate attribution error

a major biochemical cause of aggressive behavior is:a. frustrationb. alcoholc. the media d. an all you can eat buffet

b. alcohol

all of the following are antecedents of genocide except:a. false uniqueness effectb. elaborate social change c. conflict between groups d. authoritarianism

a. false uniqueness effect

the tendency of people to perform simple or well-learned tasks better when others are present is the original meaning of:a. the false uniqueness effectb. the false consensus effectc. the groupthink effectd. the social facilitation effect

d. the social facilitation effect

according to the Bobo doll studies, an important influence on one's tendency to be aggressive is:a. observations of others' behaviorb. one's hereditary predispositions to be aggressivec. how much anger or frustration has built up insided. hormonal factors

a. observations of others' behavior

the behavior of a rioting mob is a good example of:a. social loafingb. minority influencec. social ostracismd. deindividuation

d. deindividuation

consistent with what is known about group polarization, one would predict that a group of French students' dislike for certain other people would ___ after a discussion of the group's shared negative impressions:a. be neutralb. decreasec. increased. stayed the same

c. increase

When in groups, aggression can increase because of all of the following EXCEPT:a. increasing conformity pressuresb. diminishing self-identityc. increasing deindividuationd. decreasing anonymity

d. decreasing anonymity

playing violent video games has been linked to all of the following EXCEPT:a. increased aggressive behaviorb. increased empathyc. increased aggressive feelingsd. decreased prosocial behavior

b. increased empathy

frequently viewing sexually violent movies ___ men to brutality and results in ___ for domestic violence victims:a. desensitizes; less empathyb. sensitizes; less sympathyc. sensitizes; more sympathyd. desensitizes; more sympathy

a. desensitizes; less empathy

a motivation to have one's group be high in status and on the top over other social groups is what social psychologists call:a. egalitarianismb. social comparisonc. authoritarian personalityd. social dominance orientation

d. social dominance orientation

Most terrorism is considered _______ aggression. a. hostileb. manipulativec. instrumentald. social

c. instrumental

people who are made self-aware by acting in front of a mirror or TV camera have been found to:a. exhibit increased self-confidenceb. be less thoughtful in analyzing complex social issuesc. be more vulnerable to persuasive appeals that run counter to social normsd. behave more consistently with their attitudes

d. behave more consistently with their attitudes

according to social psychologists, which is NOT a factor in why other people create arousal in us?a. mere presenceb. evaluation apprehensionc. distractiond. vanity

d. vanity

Mr. Watson's belief that Blacks are lazy is an example of ___. His refusal to rent an apartment to a Black family is an example of ____:a. discrimination; prejudiceb. racism; prejudicec. prejudice; stigmad. stereotype; discrimination

d. stereotype; discrimination

which of the following is a cognitive source of prejudice:a. foot sizeb. unequal statusc. social identityd. the just-world phenomenon

d. the just-world phenomenon

a false impression of what most other people are thinking or feeling is what social psychologists call:a. groupthinkb. pluralistic ignorancec. an imaginary audienced. social comparison

b. pluralistic ignorance

in examining photographs of people in magazines and newspapers, researchers have found that, relative to the average female photos, the average male photo is more likely to:a. include the situational contextb. display a standing posturec. emphasize the bodyd. emphasize the face

d. emphasize the face

the perception that one is less well off than others with whom one compares is referred to as:a. unjust-world principleb. relative deprivationc. social ostracismd. adaptation level phenomenon

b. relative deprivation

cultural attitudes, values and stereotypes are mostly acquired through:a. imitationsb. extrinsic beliefsc. public educationd. socialization

d. socialization

the tendency for people to more accurately recognize faces of their same race is called the:a. outgroup homogeneity effectb. face-ism effectc. in-group heterogeneity effectd. own-race bias

d. own-race bias

Norms are _____. Stereotypes are _____.a. descriptive; prescriptiveb. implicit; explicit c. prescriptive; descriptived. explicit; implicit

c. prescriptive; descriptive

a consistent finding concerning Christianity in North America is that, white church members are ___ than non-members:a. more sexism but less racismb. more conformity but less authoritarianism c. less racial prejudiced. more racial prejudice

d. more racial prejudice

in the context of social learning approach, we can reduce aggression by:a. being regularlyb. training parents how to discipline without violencec. forbidding children to watch TVd. outlawing video games

b. training parents how to discipline without violence

your coworker tells you that she has both a pet snake and a pet dog at home, you are likely to describe her to new office employees as:a. a snake ownerb. a dog ownerc. my bood. a snake and a dog owner

a. a snake owner

which of the following is a cause of groupthink?a. decision stressb. conformity pressurec. false consensusd. group polarization

a. decision stress

when people's efforts are pooled on a task and individual effort is not recorded, evaluation apprehension is ___ and the probability of social loafing is ___:a. high; highb. low; highc. high; lowd. low; low

b. low; high

which of the following is not one of the functions that groups can serve:a. generativityb. affectionc. supportd. exploration

b. affection

When people experience a loss of self-awareness as well as evaluation apprehension, they are in a state of:a. deindividuationb. groupthinkc. confusiond. reactance

a. deindividuation

groups typically increase aggression in their members due in part to:a. diffusion of responsibilityb. providing role modelsc. authoritarianismd. underarm odors

a. diffusion of responsibility

Frustration grows when:a. our motivations to achieve a goal is weakenedb. we do not expect gratificationc. we are blocked in attaining our goald. we are surprised by a consequence

c. we are blocked in attaining our goal

mind guards protect group leaders from:a. illusions of anonymityb. disagreeable factsc. illusions of unanimityd. bad breath

b. disagreeable facts

in the context of effects of media on aggression, one reason that TV viewing affects behavior is that it:a. lowers arousalb. distracts from other activitiesc. evokes imitationd. has a catharsis effect

c. evokes imitation

which of the following best help to explain the causes of group polarization:a. minority influences and social facilitationb. informational influences and normative influencesc. psychological reactance and deindividuationd. collective narcissism and self-realization

b. informational influences and normative influences

The realistic group conflict theory suggests that prejudice arises:a. when groups compete for scarce resourcesb. when the full moon risesc. between groups who fail to communicate clearly with each otherd. when people believe that they get what they deserve and deserve what they get

a. when groups compete for scarce resources

stereotype threat explains why:a. people evaluate individuals more positively than groupsb. individuals hide their prejudicial biases in most social situationsc. stereotypes can be unwarranted generalizations across situationsd. individuals sometimes perform poorly when apprehensive about being stereotyped

d. individuals sometimes perform poorly when apprehensive about being stereotyped

a belief in the superiority of one's own cultural group, and having a corresponding disdain for all other groups is called:a. misogynyb. groupthinkc. ethnocentrismd. egalitarianism

c. ethnocentrism

____ are exceptions to the group; ___ are acknowledged as part of the overall group:a. intragroups; ingroupsb. in-groups; intragroupsc. subtypes; subgroupsd. subgroups; subtypes

c. subtypes; subgroups

More lynching of Blacks took place in the old South during years when cotton prices were low, suggesting that prejudice is partly explained by:a. the just-world hypothesisb. brutalityc. antisemitismd. displaced aggression

d. displaced aggression

according to researchers, playing violent games might have a more toxic effect than watching violent television because:a. TV violence is rewardedb. the players are passivec. players play the role of a violent characterd. TV appears more real

c. players play the role of a violent character

in a revision of the frustration-aggression theory, researchers emphasize the importance of:a. catharsis as a reducer of frustrationb. relative deprivation and the adaptation level phenomenonc. anger in causing aggressiond. the role of biochemical influences such as alcohol

c. anger in causing aggression

according to your text, violent crimes are more likely:a. when the weather is hotb. on nights with a full moonc. when the weather is stormyd. in the winter than summer months

a. when the weather is hot

online communities offer individuals the ability to adopt different disguises, thus concerning their true identities and enabling them to be more mean or cruel. this is an example of how ___ contribute(s) to individuation:a. arousalb. anonymityc. group sized. narcissism

b. anonymity

your boss just told that she is giving you a $5 raise starting with your next paycheck. you are very pleased to hear this good news until you learn that some of your coworkers earned a $10 raise. now you are unhappy and angry about your raise. your experience is best explained in terms of:a. Parkinson's second lawb. the relative deprivation principlec. displacementd. the adaptation level phenomenon

b. the relative deprivation principle

which of the following has NOT been linked with aggressive behavior?a. physical painb. feeling deprivedc. an unexpected requestd. a personal insult

c. an unexpected request

group polarization occurs when group discussion ____ group members initial inclinations: a. strengthensb. challengesc. reversesd. neutralizes

a. strengthens

the results of the Schachter and Singer (1962) experiment in which participants were injected with adrenaline prior to spending time with either a hostile or a euphoric person support the idea that:a. frustration is largely a function of our prior experience and whom we compare ourselves withb. distinct physiological differences exist among emotionsc. every emotion triggers an opposing emotiond. bodily arousal feeds one emotion or another depending on how we interpret the arousal

d. bodily arousal feeds one emotion or another depending on how we interpret the arousal

task leadership is to a ____ style as social leadership is to a ___ style:a. directive; democraticb. collectivistic; individualisticc. democratic; directived. feminine; masculine

a. directive; democratic

If victims seem to have created their own problems by laziness or lack of foresight, people are less willing to offer help. Helping responses are thus closely tied to:a. the over justification effectb. attributionsc. self-conceptsd. cognitive dissonance

b. attributions

which of the following is a recommended strategy for increasing the accuracy of eyewitnesses?a. have police officers take the witness to the crime sceneb. ask witnesses to scan a lineup of several mug shots simultaneouslyc. have officers write out their questions for the witnessd. educate jurors about the factors influencing eyewitness testimony

d. educate jurors about the factors influencing eyewitness testimony

according to personality researchers, which of the following is a characteristic of a person who is predisposed to helpfulness?a. high in narcissismb. low in self-efficacyc. high in positive emotionalityd. low in empathy

c. high in positive emotionality

the affection we feel for those with whom our lives are deeply intertwined is called:a. companionate loveb. romantic lovec. secure attachmentd. committed friendship

a. companionate love

research has shown that other things being equal, we guess ____ people are happier, sexually warmer, more outgoing, and more successful than others:a. intelligentb. friendlyc. funnyd. attractive

d. attractive

Omitting certain people from one's circle of moral concern is called:a. moral inclusionb. exclusive altruismc. in-group moralismd. moral exclusion

d. moral exclusion

according to the film on helping, what must happen first for you to offer assistance in an emergency:a. you need to weigh the costs and benefits of helpingb. you need to take responsibility for the incidentc. you need to be a family or a close relative to the victimd. you need to notice the incident

d. you need to notice the incident

reactance refers to:a. a motive to protect or restore one's sense of freedomb. a perceived incompatibility of actions or goalsc. a reciprocal view of each other held by parties in conflictd. a situation in which the conflicting parties become caught in mutually destructive behavior

a. a motive to protect or restore one's sense of freedom

jury deliberations can be influenced by all of the following processes EXCEPT:a. informational influenceb. deindividuationc. group polarizationd. minority influence

b. deindividuation

if people are reprimanded at a zoo for feeding unauthorized food to bears, they are ____ to help another person afterward than if they had not been reprimanded:a. less willingb. less likelyc. more hesitantd. more likely

d. more likely

two jurors will be more likely to persuade the other ten when the two are all of the following EXCEPT:a. persistentb. consistentc. conservatived. self-confident

c. conservative

according to research findings, African Americans are ____ as defendants, and ____ as victims:a. undervalued; undervaluedb. over punished; overvaluedc. undervalued; overvaluedd. over punished; undervalued

d. over punished; undervalued

a classmate of Bianca's wants to borrow Bianca's notes to study for an upcoming exam. in the context of the social-responsibility norm, research suggests that Bianca will most likely agree if the classmate says she needs the notes because she:a. has been absent due to an illnessb. takes inadequate notesc. has not been able to concentrate in classd. does not like this class as well as her other courses

a. has been absent due to an illness

Before Paul went out of town he asked his neighbor to stop by to water his lawn. His neighbor was happy to agree. This type of helping is an example of:a. outgroup biasb. reactancec. social capitald. the bystander effect

c. social capital

in an enactment of the Good Samaritan situation, researchers studied the helpfulness of seminary students in order to assess whether helping behavior would be influenced by:a. time pressuresb. age differencesc. group differencesd. the weather

a. time pressures

who is likely to get more responses to their personal advertisements:a. Tony because he emphasizes his love of gamblingb. Mark because he emphasizes his physical attractivenessc. Bill because he emphasizes his income and educationd. David because he emphasizes his shoe size

c. Bill because he emphasizes his income and education

research findings suggest that men who have recently been gazing at centerfolds/pictures of seminude models, will likely view average women and even their own wives as:a. more passionateb. extremely beautifulc. less attractived. very feminine

c. less attractive

Mary, a talkative, extraverted young woman, is strongly attracted to Shane, a quiet, introverted, middle-aged man. Mary's attraction to Shane would be predicted by the:a. matching phenomenonb. complementarityc. exchange theoryd. weather forecast

b. complementarity

love is defined in your text as consisting of all of the following components EXCEPT:a. intimacyb. commitmentc. passiond. attachment

d. attachment

a police interrogator questioning an eyewitness to a robbery hopes to learn whether the assailant was wearing a bright green hat similar to one seen in another robbery. according to research, which of the following questions will elicit the most detailed, undistorted recall from the eyewitness:a. can you describe the hat the robber was wearing?b. did you see whether the robber was wearing a hat?c. how was the robber dressed?d. what color was the robber's hat?

c. how was the robber dressed?

social ostracism is associated with a brain response similar to that triggered by:a. feelings of loveb. video gamesc. panic attacksd. physical pain

d. physical pain

Brent is a White man who has been given a choice to work with Darwin or Ken. Darwin is a Black man who shares many of Brent's values and attitudes, and Ken is a White man who shares little in common with Brent. Who will Brent like and want to work with most?a. Darwinb. Brent will probably choose to work alonec. all else being equal, his liking will be equally high for Darwin and Kend. Ken

a. Darwin

Before agreeing to help out at the local homeless shelter, Sharon weighs the costs (e.g., getting up at dawn) and benefits (e.g., feeling good about herself) of doing so. This strategy can be predicted by the:a. social comparison theoryb. social-exchange theoryc. self-perception theoryd. self-presentation theory

b. social-exchange theory

which of the following defendant's characteristics has been shown to influence the likelihood of conviction and/or the severity of punishment?a. similarity to the jurorsb. defendant's educationc. defendant's hat sized. defendant's religion

a. similarity to the jurors

In terms of adult attachment styles, individuals with _____ attachment seem to be possessive and jealous, while individuals with _____ attachment are less invested in relationships and more likely to leave them.a. anxious; avoidantb. insecure; apatheticc. secure; insecured. avoidant; preoccupied

a. anxious; avoidant

which of the following statements is true of death penalty and homicide rates?a. homicide rates drop when states initiate the death penaltyb. states with the death penalty do not have lower homicide ratesc. homicide rates increase when states abolish the death penaltyd. states with the death penalty have lower homicide rate

b. states with the death penalty do not have lower homicide rates

which theory suggests that love is a function of physiological arousal along with the label that we give to our arousal?a. two-factor theoryb. triangle theoryc. Big Bang theoryd. reward theory

a. two-factor theory

research experiments show that incorrect eyewitnesses are believed ____ of the time:a. 20%b. 80%c. 50%d. 60%

b. 80%

in observing people's responses to staged emergencies, researchers found that ____ greatly decreased helping:a. bystandersb. social alienationc. concern for othersd. too much empathy

a. bystanders

which of the following factors is NOT likely to lead to a lighter sentence for the person convicted?a. physical attractivenessb. baby-faced featuresc. high statusd. height

d. height

research indicates that it is the ____ witnesses whom jurors find to be more credible than the others:a. emotionalb. confidentc. visionally impairedd. teenage

b. confident

if convicted, ____ people get longer sentences, especially if they are sexual offenders:a. unattractiveb. attractivec. cute/baby facedd. underage

a. unattractive

which of the following is a necessary condition for altruism?a. sympathyb. acnec. empathyd. narcissism

c. empathy

functional distance refers to:a. the natural geographic route between two locationsb. functions between loved onesc. how far the hurricane is from charlestond. how often people's paths cross

d. how often people's paths cross

in the context of similarity vs. complementarity, which of the following is true?a. similar attitudes tend to enhance likingb. similar attitudes enhance liking but not as much as dissimilar attitudesc. dissimilar and similar attitudes are equally powerfuld. attitudes have little effect on liking

a. similar attitudes tend to enhance liking

Support for capital punishment in the United States has _______ since 1994.a. reducedb. increased slightlyc. increased significantlyd. remained stable

a. reduced

Ruth is quite attractive (a on a 6 point scale), but Naomi is strikingly attractive (a 6 on a 6-point scale). Research suggests that if Ruth makes $35,000 a year on her job, Naomi will probably make _______ doing the same job.a. the same amountb. significantly less moneyc. more moneyd. slightly less money

c. more money

which of the following statements is true of retelling?a. rehearsing answers before taking the witness stand decreases the confidence of those who are wrongb. retelling events accurately makes people less resistant to the misinformation effectc. retelling has no effect on memoryd. retelling events commits people to their recollections, accurate or not

d. retelling events commits people to their recollections, accurate or not

in comparison to women, men fall in love more ___ and out of love more ___:a. slowly; slowlyb. readily; readilyc. slowly; readilyd. readily; slowly

d. readily; slowly

which of the following is one of the ways that your textbook suggests to increase social altruism?a. vote republicanb. pursue narcissismc. increase ambiguity and decrease responsibilityd. teach moral inclusion

d. teach moral inclusion

in terms of responses to relationship distress, which of the following is both constructive and active:a. loyalty (await improvement)b. exit (end relationship)c. neglect (ignore partner)d. voice (seek to improve relationship)

d. voice (seek to improve relationship

the tendency for stimuli to be liked more after repeated exposure to them is referred to as:a. the effect of repetitionb. display likingc. the novelty phenomenond. the mere exposure effect

d. the mere exposure effect

which of the following best expresses the meaning of the physical attractiveness stereotype:a. what is beautiful is superficialb. what is beautiful is unpredictablec. what is beautiful is goodd. what is beautiful is un touchable

c. what is beautiful is good

jurors are more likely persuaded when:a. viewing live vs. videotaped witnessesb. attorneys present evidence in a narrative, story type fashionc. the judge is femaled. they have heard about the case before they became jurors

b. attorneys present evidence in a narrative, story type fashion

Research on false memories in children find that children:a. cannot reliably separate real from false memoriesb. are not very confident about their memoriesc. very rarely lie about their memoriesd. are unlikely to make false accusations

a. cannot reliably separate real from false memories

in which of the following countries is the norm of social responsibility most likely to be strongest:a. indiab. englandc. the USd. canada

a. india

which of the following statements is true about eyewitness testimony?a. eyewitnesses who remember trivial details are more accurate than those who do notb. neither of the options are truec. the testimony of eyewitnesses is the most accurate form of evidence d. jurors find confident eyewitnesses the least believable though they are often correct

b. neither of the options are true

research on gender and helping norms revealed that:a. males offer to help males and females equallyb. females seek more help than malesc. females offer more help to males than males do to femalesd. both males and females help others equally

b. females seek more help than males

the idea that evolution has selected altruism toward one's close relatives to enhance the survival of mutually shared genes is referred to as:a. self-serving helpfulnessb. nominative determinismc. kin selectiond. altruistic selection

c. kin selection

Joshua, a student at a medical school, gets help from his roommate to fix a chair, and Joshua helps his roommate with the laundry. According to the social-exchange theory, Joshua and his roommate exhibit ________ in this scenario. a. an illusion of transparency b.a pluralistic ignorance c. the reciprocity normd. the social-responsibility norm

c. the reciprocity norm