Gov Ch 2 SG

Explain 2 of the powers the Articles of Confederation lacked and 2 powers they had


Why were the Articles written so that the Federal Government was weak and the States were strong?


How did Shay's Rebellion lead to the destruction of the Articles and what was the outcome in the aftermath of the rebellion?


Explain the Virginia and New Jersey Plans and compare and contrast how the 3 branches were set up under each type of plan

~VA: (Madison) big state plan, oath to support union, republican form of government;- Legislative: 2 houses with representation based on population or amount of money given to support central government (House - popular election in each state; Senate - chosen by house based off a list given to them by the state legislature)- Executive: chosen by legislative branch, includes one executive- Judicial: chosen by legislative branch, 1 supreme court, and multiple inferior courts~NJ: (Paterson) small state plan, came up with original Supremacy Clause idea, 3 branches- Legislative: unicameral legislature with equal representation (all same powers as Articles but added power to tax and regulate trade)- Executive: 3 people, chosen by congress and removed by request of majority of state governors- Judicial: Single Supreme court appoint by the executive branch

After the Connecticut Compromise, how were the 3 branches going to be set up?

- Legislative: laws made by 2 houses (House - popular election, based on population; Senate - Each state would have 2 - voted on by the House of Representatives from a list given by the states)- Executive: 1 person, elected by electoral college, would carry out the laws- Judicial: Supreme Court Of The United States and all inferior courts, make sure laws were constitutional

Explain why the 3/5ths compromise was a victory for the South

- Slaves would be counted as 3/5ths person (for every 5 slaves, 3 of them counted toward the population)- Boosted their representation in the House because of the large amount of population gained -- gave the South immense power and control of the government for the next 90 years

Explain the differences between the Federalist and Anti-Federalists viewpoints


What was the main issue the Anti-Federalists had with the new constitution?


How did the Federalists try to gain support for the Constitution?

- Argued that 3 branches would keep any branch from becoming more powerful and they were already in state constitutions- Wrote Federalist Papers to allow others to see their side, urged New Yorkers to ratify Constitution, encouraged separation into 3 branches

Why were New York and Virginia so important to the ratification process?

- Biggest and most influential states in North and South- NY was needed because it split the rest of New England from the other colonies and VA was needed because if was the largest state with the most population in the union- Needed in order to ratify the constitution- NY victory is secured by Hamilton, VA victory is secured by Madison, ratified on July 26th, 1788

Who took over as President and Vice-President?