
In regression analysis, the variable that is being predicted is the ______.a. a and bb. independent variablec. dependent variable d. Pendall variable

dependent variable

In a simple linear regression model, the slope coefficient measures:a. the elasticity of Y with respect to Xb. the change in Y given a one unit change in Xc. the change in X given a one unit change in Yd. the ratio of Y/x

Change in Y given a one unit change in X

Which of the following is the most appropriate definition of 95% confidence interval?a. Probability of estimated valueb. Probability of the true value

The true value

What is the range for R^2 value?


What is the range for R value?


The term E in the regression model representsa. an error termb. a correction for mistakesc. a correction for the fact that we are taking a sampled. the slop of the regression model

an error term

In the equation Y=B0+B1X1+E the terms B0 and B1 area. estimated slope and intercept values, respectivelyb. estimated intercept and slope values, respectivelyc. estimated random variablesd. all of these

estimated intercept and slope values, espectively

When using the regression tool in excel, the dependent variable in entered as the a. X Rangeb. Y Rangec. dependent ranged. independent range


The relationship between the number of beers consumed and the BAC ... the model would predict that he would be:a 0.112b. 0.099c. 0.019d. none of the above

0.019 above the legal limit

The following statement "in regression the best fitting line is a straight line that simultaneously ensures that the residual of each observation is as small as possible is: truefalse


The scatterplot between X and Y indicates:a. The two variables are negatively correlatedb. The two variables are independent of each other c. The two variables are positively correlatedd. The relationship between the two variables is nonlinear

a. the two variables are negatively correlated

Match the letters A, B, C1. Fitted or predicted2. Residual3. Observed value

1. B2. C3. A

In a simple linear regression model, in which both dependent and independent have been transformed to LOGARITHMS, the slope coefficients measurea. the elasticity of Y with respect to Xb. the change in Y given a one unit change in Xc. the change in X given a one unit change in Yd. the ratio of Y/x

c. The elasticity of Y with respect to X

For the hypothesis test that states...then we would ____ at the 95% confidence level?a. reject the null hypothesisb. fail to reject the null hypothesisc. we do not have enough informationd. none of the above

Fail to reject the null hypothesis

The marginal effect of the price of beef on pork per capita consumption is: a. -0.0239b. 0.0118c. 0.0002-2d. -0.0002

a. -0.0239