
Compared to the behaviouristic orientation, the cognitive perspective recognizes people as what type of learners?

Self-regulatory knowledge

Maria has excellent study habits. She seems to know just what to review and how long to spend on each part of every course. Maria is applying what type of knowledge?


Alec still remembers how to touch-type, even though it has been three years since he has practiced. The memory system most directly involved here is

Working memory

What you are thinking about right now is being held in what type of memory?

Bottom-up processing

Mr. Kawicki is teaching his sixth-grade science students about the scientific method. Students are instructed about each component of the method first in order to understand the whole process. This instructional strategy is based on what concept?

20 seconds

Items can typically be stored in working memory for approximately how long?


You are given a math problem to solve. As you try to remember the formula involved, what memory system is being searched?

implicit memory

Mark can answer the physics problem because of patterns of knowledge stored in his long-term memory, which he did not intentionally try to learn. This situation involves Mark using his

leads to recall of another bit of information

Because memories are organized in propositional networks, recall of one bit of information often

in directing everyday activities in different situations

A scriptis viewed by cognitive theorists as useful

Students are under-selective and highlight or underline too much

What is a common problem with students using underlining or highlighting that teachers should be aware of?

likely to be used increasingly as experience with a particular subject increases

Current beliefs about problem-solving techniques suggest that domain-specific strategies are

Analogical thinking

Which one of the following concepts is consistent with the notion of a heuristic?


Gloria thinks about the solution to a problem regarding homelessness in Toronto. She asks herself what she needs to know in order to solve the problem. She tries to think about the problem in different and, possibly, creative ways. She is then able to clarify the problem and propose a potentially useful solution. The aspect of problem solving that Gloria's strategy exemplifies is


Creativity is thought to be associated directly with what type of thinking?

situated learning

Vygotsky's notion that learning is inherently social and embedded in a particular cultural setting is consistent with

Use realistic materials and a group format to provide support for individuals

Which one of the following ways of learning an applied skill is most consistent with a constructivist approach?


Ms. French would like to have her students, while experimenting with their own structured materials, discover some key principles of gravity. Which one of the following teaching methods should be most appropriate for this purpose?

Help students to reflect on their investigations

Which one of the following behaviours is one of the teacher's roles in problem-based learning?

use the assignment of roles as a way to encourage participation


personal, environmental, and behavioural influences

The triarchic reciprocal causality emphasizes the dynamic interplay of:

There appears to be no direct relationship between self-efficacy and self-esteem

Which of the following statements concerning the relation between self-efficacy and self-esteem is true

At the beginning of each session, students should set new goals based on their previous math performance

Which one of the following teaching approaches does Lynn Fuch (2003) recommend for incorporating self-regulated learning strategies into math-problem solving?

receive rewards or other reinforcements based on the quality of their performances.

Research on self-efficacy and achievement suggests that school achievement is improved and self-efficacy is increased when students

someone who helps students plan their learning and monitor their understanding

A "self-regulation coach" is


It is the last week of school in June. The teacher is going over a lesson on mass in Science class. Emily wants to go outside to enjoy the sunny day, but reminds herself to focus on this important topic that will be covered on the final exam. As a self-regulated learner, she is demonstrating

Determine whether his deficiency needs are met

Jeremy's interest in history has been decreasing lately. According to Maslow's theory, what should the teacher do?

is attempting to acquire understanding of how the different theorems work

Maria spent many hours trying to complete her geometry proofs. A cognitive interpretation of Maria's motivation is that Maria


Pat believes that the reason for her success in reading is the effort she puts into it. Pat is reflecting what type of locus of control?


Participation in communities of practice is emphasized by what theory of motivation?

specific and moderately difficult

The type of learning goal that a person will be most motivated to reach is one that is

focus on their failures and not seek assistance

Students who demonstrate "learned helplessness" are likely to

early elementary

At what educational level is the direct teaching of classroom rules and procedures most critical for effective classroom management?

academic learning time

Which one of the following time measures would generally have the highest correlation with school achievement?

time gained over the course of the school year for learning activities

Mr. Marshall's first two science classes were devoted to demonstrating and explaining rules and procedures in the laboratory. Based on research involving effective management, this procedure will probably result in

Exclusion from group activities

Penny is an eighth-grade student in Mr. James' German class. Whenever Mr. James turns to the chalkboard, Penny pokes the student in front of her. The other students laugh, and it takes time to calm the class down. Which one of the following strategies would be the most appropriate for changing Penny's behaviour?


Kathy's student teacher works well with small groups, but she finds it difficult to keep track of the rest of the class during small group sessions. Kathy should work with her student teacher to develop

avoid abrupt and slowdown transitions

In movement management, a major problem is to

Give the student a chance to cool down and save face

What is the best way to deal first with a defiant, hostile student?

reflecting back to the student what you think that student is saying

A key element in empathetic listening is

having both the teacher and the students participate in the solution

Gordon's "no-lose" method of dealing with conflicts involves

warm demanders

Effective teachers who practice culturally responsive classroom management usually have high expectations of their students and demonstrate great care for their students. These effective teachers are often referred to as ________.

influences what students will learn

Your textbook suggests that advanced planning is important primarily because such planning

lead educators to think carefully about the objectives they construct

The primary value of Bloom's taxonomy of cognitive objectives is that it can

adopt, and act consistently with, a new value

In the highest level of the affective domain, students are expected to

Students and teachers together determine the content, activities, and learning strategies to be used

The constructivist approach to planning learning experiences emphasizes what roles for teachers and students?

where remembering, understanding and receiving information are important cognitive and affective objectives

Lecturing is most appropriate for situations

provide a prompt or cue and stay with the student for a little while

If a student who is called on to respond to a question gives a partially wrong answer, the recommended procedure is to

Guided and independent practice with feedback

What is at the heart of the direct instruction teaching model?

This is easy, any one can do it and you can too

Which one of the following statements should be AVOIDEDin order to promote high expectations of your students?

a student is ready for more challenging work but is not given the opportunity to try it because the teacher believes that he/she cannot handle it

Which of the following is an example of a sustaining expectation effect?

receive more praise for inadequate answers

In comparison to high-achieving students, students who are low-achieving


We will have weekly quizzes, but your final grade will be based only on the midterm and final exam." This decision implies that the quizzes are to be used for what type of evaluation?

is free of biases of the administrators and scorers

A test or rating scale is objective to the extent that it

measure complex learning outcomes

The most important use of essay tests is to

testing in a realistic context


Using a scoring rubric

Which one of the following procedures would improve the reliability and validity of grading short essay tests, thus refuting the complaint of sensitivity to bias and variability in grading?


Paper-and-pencil exercises, direct observations of performances, development of portfolios, and creation of artifacts are all methods of

Hiring one manager from a pool of 150 applicants

Which one of the following situations requires a norm-referenced evaluation?

Measuring mastery of basic competencies in addition and subtraction

For which one of the following situations would a criterion-referenced test be the most appropriate measure to use?

students should be promoted with their peers but provided with extra help in the summer or the next year

With regard to the practice of retaining or "holding back" students with failing grades, your text's general recommendation is that

Give ungraded assignments in order to increase exploration

Which one of the following procedures is recommended for reducing the detrimental effects of grading on students?