EEB 301: Mating Systems and Mate Choice 1: Male strategies

#MaleProblems(just list)

competing malesuncooperative females seasonality, synchronyreproductive skew

Male-male competition

-main mechanism of sexual selection gives rise to a variety of secondary sexual characteristics

Various points at which male-male competition occurs

Group membership: esp. one-m groups >> geladas, impala, plains zebras, elephant sealsMate access w/in groups esp. multi-m groups -- chimps, baboons, buffalo dominance hierachires

Reproductive skew in relation to male-male competition

Bc overt competition is risky, we expect to see it most where the stakes are highest (i.e: high reproductive skew)

Sperm competition

Raffle tickets"-competitive adaptations: speed, secretions, proteins, spines

Mate guarding

defense against sperm competitionphysiological: copulatory plugs copulatory ties (the 1 ejaculation, and for the time, no__fox can mate with her)behavioral: consortship— strategic male bonding ex: "go on a date" while receptive pair-bonding— ex: gibbon grooming

Male Choice

-not traditionally considered females are supposed to be the choosy ones! the underlying assumption: males can mate w/ unlimited females, so why be choosy?

Male choice, and male priorities What do males want?

qualities that increase the likelihood of successful reproduction fecundity (body condition, age) [basically that lead to a successful pregnancy] fertility (sexual swellings) high dominance rank good mothering skills?

Infanticide what types of animals

widespread in primates

infanticide why do it?

lactational amenorrhea—this may last long time depends on stimulation of mammary glandslong periods of infant dependence

infanticide: adaptive strategy or aberrant behavior?

if adaptive... should occur following changes in male dominance or residence males shouldn't kill their own offspring males should only kill it when it will make females become receptive sooner mal should mate w/ female whose infant he killed