ANTH 1006 Quizzes - Exam 1

anthropologists differ from other social science researchers in that they:

try to live among and get to know their informants while interviewing them personally

Bronislaw Malinowski was a:

well-respected anthropologist whose work and methods served as the basis for many other researchers' work

for anthropologists in the field, building rapport with the community you are researching refers to:

building relationships and trust with the community

the process whereby a population acquires small, inherited changes through natural selection is known as:


while studying various species of finches in the Galapagos, what were Peter and Rosemary Grant most surprised to discover?

evolution among finch populations occurred rapidly enough to be observable from one generation to the next

what happened to the peppered moths as a result of the Industrial Revolution?

the moths became darker to hide on soot-darkened trees, showing evolution in action

the researchers noted that Tai chimps:

use tools to eat, hunt small animals, work cooperatively

before being able to gather in-depth information about the Tai chimps' behaviors, it took the research team in Dim Forest, Bright Chimps 5 years to:

habituate the chimps to being around humans

when it comes to hominid evolution, the article (Dim Forest, Bright Chimps) describes all of the following EXCEPT:

men played a more important role in passing tool use skills to their offspring

as asserted in Hunting the First Hominid, making a list of key features that differentiate people from apes is:

misleading, but not difficult

according to Pat Shipman in Hunting the First Hominid, which characteristic is NOT expected in an early hominid?

a large human-like brain

according to the article Hunting the First Hominid, the first hominid appeared approximately

5-7 mya