AP Human Geography Key Terms 7

International Organization

An alliance of two or more countries seeking cooperation with each other without giving up either's autonomy or self determination.

Landlocked State

A state that is completely surrounded by the land of other states, which gives it a disadvantage in terms of accessibility to and from international trade routes.

Law of the Sea

Law establishing states' rights and responsibilities concerning the ownership and use of the earth's seas and oceans and their resources.


Hilter's expansionist theory based on a drive to acquire "living space" for the German people.


Tightly knit group of individuals sharing a common language, ethnicity, religion, and other cultural attributes.


A sense of national pride to such an extent of exalting one nation above all others.


A country whose population possesses a substantial degree of cultural homogeneity and unity.

North American Free Trade Agreement

Agreement signed on January 1, 1994, that allows the opening of borders between the Unites States, Mexico, and Canada.

North Atlantic Treaty Organization

An international organization that has joined together for military purposes.

North/South Divide

The economic division between the wealthy countries of Europe and North America, Japan, and Australia and the generally poorer countries of Asia, Africa, and Latin America.

Organic Theory

The view that states resemble biological organisms with life cycles that include states of youth, maturity, and old age.

Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries

An international economic organization whose member countries all produce and export oil.

Perforated State

A state whose territory completey surrounds that of another state.

Physical Boundary

Political boundaries that correspond with prominent physical features such as mountain ranges or rivers.

Political Geography

The spatial analysis of political phenomena and processes.

Popular Vote

The tally of each individual's vote within a given geographic area.

Prorupted State

A state that exhibits a narrow, elongated land extension leading away from the main territory.


The process of a reallocation of electoral seats to defined territories.

Rectangular State

A state whose territory is rectangular in shape.


Te drawing of new electoral district boundary lines in response to population changes.

Relic Boundaries

Old political boundaries that no longer exist as international border, but that have left an enduring mark on the local cultural or environmental geography.

Rimland Theory

Nicholas Spykman's Theory that the domination of the coastal fringes of Eurasia would provide the base for world conquest.


The right of a nation to govern itself autonomously.


Supreme or independent political power.


A politically organized territory that is administered by a sovereign government and is recognized by the international community.

States' Rights

Rights and powers believed to be in the authority of the state rather than the federal government.

Subsequent Boundaries

Boundary line established after an area has been settled that considers the social and cultural characteristics of the area.

Superimposed Boundaries

Boundary line drawn in an area ignoring the existing cultural pattern.

Supranational Organization

Organization of three or more states to promote shared objectives.

Territorial Organization

Political organization that distributes political power in more easily governed units of land.


A state whose government is either believed to be divinely guided or a state under the control of a group of religious leaders.

Unitary State

A state governed constitutionally as a unit, without internal divisions or a federalist delegation of powers.

United Nations

A global supranational organization established at the end of World War II to foster international security and cooperation.

Export-Processing Zone

Areas where governments create favorable investment and trading conditions to attract export-oriented industries.


Grouping together of many firms from the same industry in a single area for collective or cooperative use of infrastructure and sharing of labor resources.

Ancillary Activities

Economic activitees that surround and support large-scale industries such as shipping and food service.

Backwash Effect

The negative effects on one region that result from economic growth within another region.

Break-Bulk Point

A location where large shipments of goods are broken up into smaller containers for delivery to local markets.

Brick-and-Mortar Business

Traditional businesses with actual stores in which trade or retail occurs; it does not exist solely on the Internet.

Bulk Gaining Industries

Industries whose final products weigh more after assembly than they did previously in their constituent parts. Such industries tend to have production facilities close to their markets.

Bulk Reducing Industries

Industries whose final products weigh less than their constituent parts, and whose processing facilities tend to be located close to the sources of raw materials.