Geography: Chapter 11- Australia, New Zeland, and the South Pacific

Two-thirds of Australia is occupied by this mass of old shield rocks.

Western Plateau

Which of the following physical regions of Australia is the remnant of an old folded mountain range with a steep escarpment on the eastern flanks?

Eastern Highlands

What are the dry interior drainage basins often called?


Geologically speaking, which is the oldest?


The ____ portion of New Guinea is the independent nation of Papua New Guinea.


The climate of _____ is dominated by the westerly wind belt.

New Zealand

The eastern coasts of New Zealand are much drier than western coasts because they lie in the _______.

rainshadow to the east of the mountains

Which type of mammal lay eggs?


New Zealand was heavily forested with _____ prior to the arrival of humans about 1000 years ago.

kuari tree

The textbook includes this large land mass as part of Oceania.


Guam is the overseas territory of:

the United States

The largest island in the Melanesian group is:

New Guinea

All of these are islands in the Micronesian group, except: (Fiji, Nauru, Kiribati, Palau, Guam)


The Hawaiian Islands, ethnically and linguistically, are considered part of this island group.


The highest mountain in Australia is approximately this many ____ feet above sea level.


The migration of humans into what is today New Guinea and Australia began about _______ years ago.


New Zealand's original human population probably arrived about _____ years ago from _____.


One of the most serious ecological disasters in Australia was the introduction of the _____ to Australia in 1859.

European rabbit

Which of the following was originally a British colony? (Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, only Australia and Papua New Guinea, all were)

They all were

Most of the people in Oceania live in:


Which colonial power claimed Van Dieman's Land in 1642, which was later named Tasmania?


What was the name given to the first region of Australia settled by the British as a penal colony?

New South Wales

Where in Australia was gold first discovered?

New south Wales

Who was the Treaty of Waitangi made between?


What technological innovation helped to increase Australia and New Zealand's role in global agricultural trade after 1882

refrigerated shipping

When did Australia become independent?


What was the effect on Australia after entering World War I?

contributed to the growth of industry

During which decade of the 20th century did Australia and New Zealand decide to dramatically reduce government intervention and regulation of the economy?


What event caused a scarcity of cotton and the establishment of cotton plantations on Fiji?

US Civil War

Who first established formal colonial rule in the Pacific?


Which of the following major income source for Pacific Islands?


Vocab: Remittance

money sent home to family or friends by people working temporarily or permanently in other countries

Most people in Oceania speak:


Which of these countries has tested nuclear weapons in the South Pacific? (US, France, UK, all, none)

they all have

The political conflict on Fiji is between the native Fijians and:

people of South Asian ancestry

The main mineral resource in Papua New Guinea is:


The main mineral resource in New Caledonia is:


The White Australia policy favored immigration from _______, followed by _______.

Northern Europe/Southern Europe

New Zealand's immigration policy prior to World War II discriminated against what particular group?

none of the above

The South Pacific Forum is an institution that promotes discussion and cooperation on trade, fisheries, and tourism, which consists of ______.

all independent and self governing states of Oceania

The Alliance of Small Island States ______.

maintains a strong voice in international negotiations to reduce the treat of global climate change