Chapter 10 review questions

The study of how behavior changes over time is called_____

developmental psychology

The ______fallacy is the assumption that because on event happend before another event, the two events are causually related.

post hoc

In a____ design, researchers obtain a "snapshot" of people of different ages at a single point in time.


_____can be observed when a sample of participants grew up in the same time period

cohort effects

The best way to examine developmental effects is to use a ______Design in which subjects can be tracked over time.


Research shows that most children (are/arent) remarkbly resilient and capable of withstanding stress


Both____our genetic endowment, and _____the enviornments we encounter play powerful roles in shaping our development.

nature, nuture

Caspi and colleges' longitudinal study of children with low levesl of MAO illistrates the phenomenon of____ ____, in which the effect of genes depends on enviornment, and vice versa.

Gene-envornment; interaction

When a highly fearful child selects enviornments that protect him from his anixieties illistrates____ ____ ____

nature via nuture

Genes turning off or on when they are triggered by enviornmental experiences is called____ ______

gene expression.

Early in pregnancy, a ball of identical cells that hasn't yet taken on any specific function is called the_____


The embryonic stage of prenatal development occurs from the_____ to the_____week of pregancy

second to the eight

the embroy becomes ____once the major organs are estabishe and the hear has begun to beat.


The_____begins to develope 18 days after fertilization and unlike most others organs keeps developing though adolescence and sometimes into early adulthood.

brain development

Enviornmental factors that can have a negative effect on prenatal development are called_____


The____point at which infants can typically survive on their own is 25 weeks but a full term baby is born at____Weeks.

viability poing; 40

Full term babies who have a___ ___ ____face a higher risk of death, infection and deveopmental disorders than premature babies.

low birth weight

The concept of growth spurts(has/hasnt) been scientifically demonstrated.


Infants are born with certain_____that are triggered by specific types o stimulation and help them kno how to survive in the world.


Children rely on_____ ____As they learn how to coordinate their movements in order to reach or crawl.

Motor behavior

Piagets ______theory maintianed that children construct an understanding of the world based on observations of the results of their actions

consructive theroy

According to Piaget, when children can no loner use____ to absorb a new experience into their current knowledge structures, they will enage in____ by altering an existing belief to make it more compatable with the new experience

Assimilation, acccommodation

In the first of Piaget's four stages of development, the____Stage (birth to 2 years) children fous on the here and now and lack an understand of object_____

sensorimotoer stage; object permanence

Children in Piagets second stage called the_____stage cant perform____

properational ; object permanence

Modern research suggests that cognitive development is (more/less) continuous and (less/more) general than Piaget theorized.

more, less

Whereas Piaget emphasized childrens exploration of the physcial would, Vygotsky believed that children's interactions with the____world was their primary source of learning.


Vygotsky identified the zone of______ _____ as the pahse hen a chids is receptive to learning a new skill and can make use of____ the structure provided by parents to aid the childs learning.

Prozimal development, scaffolding

Infants(do/dont) have a basic understanding of the physcis of an objects behavior


A classic test of ____ ___ ___is the false belief task which examines childrens ability to reason about what other peple know or believe

Theory of mind

If a child has trouble understanding that two cars are the same number as two apples that childs in struggleing with the principle of_____


Usually starting at 8 or 9 months, babies can deveop ___ ___ which may be a adaptive mechanism for keeping infants away from danger

stanger anxiety

The strong emotional conncetion we share with those to whome we feel closest is called___


Lorenz showed that newborn goslings bonded to the first moving thing they see, a phenomenon called_____


Harlows experiment with rhesus monkeys demonstrated the phenomenon of __ ____

contact comfort

Ainsworth's_____ ____provided a systmatic way to cassify infants attachment styles into four categories

strane situation

A persons basic emotional style that appears early in development and is largely genetic is called______


Most attachment theorists accept the central assumption that infants attachment styles (are/arent) attributable largely to their parents responsiveness to them.


Research suggests that specific parenting styles may not matter so much as whether the parent can provide the ___ ___ enviornment

average expectable enviornment

Kohlberg studied the development of _____by scoring the _____ ____ people used as they wrestled with moral dilemma

morality, reasoning processes

An individuals sense of being male or female is called___and the behaviors that tend to accompany being male or femaile is called gender_____

gender idenity, gender roles

The transition between childhood and adult hood comonly associated with the teenage yeras is called____


sexual maturation includes changes in____ ___ such as the reproductive orangs and genitals and _____ __ _____ such as breast enlargement in girls and deepening voices in boys.

primary sex characteristics' secondary sex characteristics

One of the challenges during adolescence is to get a handle on our____,our sense of who we are and how we fit in the wrold.


Erikson coine the term ____ ____ to describe the confusiopni that most adlescents experience regarding their sense of self.

psychosocial crisis

According to Eriksons theroy of human development we travel through____Stages and we fave a different____ at each stage

8, crisis

On of the biggest transitions an adult can go through is becoming a _______


A 65 year old person who is in escellent heath and top physcial condtion may have a ____ of 45 yeas of age

Biological age

A major physical milestone of aging in women is_____


Some aspects of physical decline may be related to decreasing ____capacities


(all/notall) aspects of cognitive function decline as we age.

not all