Sociology Exam 2- CH 12 Gender

female circumcision

the removal of a woman's sexually sensitive clitoris


an intellectual,consciousness-raising movement to get people to understand that gender is an organizing principle of life. The underlying belief is that women and men should be accorded equal opportunities and respect


the natural or biological differences that distinguish makes and females


refers to desire, sexual preference, sexual identity, and behavior


denotes a social position, the set of social arrangements that are built around sex


line of thought that explains social phenomena in terms of natural ones.

biological determinism

a line of thought that explains social behavior in terms of biological givens ex: if you are born with male parts you are essentially a man and should be attracted to women only, as preordained by nature.


an either/or category, like black or white, with no shades of grey between two mutually exclusive categories

hegemonic masculinity

dominant and privileged, if invisible, category of men; shapes the socialization experiences of boys and girls from birth


a historical process in which a dominant group, by virtue of its moral and intellectual leadership in society, secures the voluntary consent of the masses

gender roles

sets of behavioral norms assumed to accompany one's status as a male or female


a nearly universal system involving the subordination of femininity to masculinity

Sex role theory

Talcott Parsons: men and women perform their sex roles as breadwinners and wives/mothers respectively, because the nuclear family is the ideal arrangement in modern societies,fulfilling the function of reproducing workers.


the social identity of a person who has sexual attraction to and/or relations with persons of the same sex


occurs when a person's ex is the basis of judgment, or discrimination, and hatred against him or her

sexual harrassment

an illegal form of discrimination, involving everything from inappropriate jokes on the job to outright sexual assault to sexual barter- all intended to make women feel uncomfortable and unwelcome,particularly on the job

glass ceiling

an invisible lid on women's climb up the employment ladder

glass escalator

the promotional ride men take to the top of a work organization, especially in feminized jobs


those who are born with some combo of male and female genitalia( 1 to 2 in every 1,000 births)


disregarding convetional ideas of how males and females should look or behave (transexuals, transvestites)

sexual orientation

an individual's preference in terms of sexual partners: Heterosexuality,homosexuality, bisexuality, and asexuality


percentage of people who feel homosexuality is morally wrong

The gayby boom generation

kids adopted or raised by gay couples, beginning in the late 1980's early 90's. ( more than 10 million kids)

76% of men and 66% of women

percentage of males and females who have sex by their senior year of high school

hooking up

any physical encounter ,from kissing to intercourse, usually under the influence of alcohol, with no commitment attached. 40% of college women say they have hooked up during time on campus


percentage of college women who still hope to meet their husband on campus


social organization where females dominate males;rare beyond strictly tribal societies.

hegemonic masculinity: family

Jessie Bernard: female world revolves around passivity and emotion, while male world revolves around action and independence

hegemonic masculinity: peer group

Janet Lever: playground socialization; boys favored team sports, aggression, winning; girls did team sports too, but also cooperative games such as jump rope,hopscotch, "house

Hegemonic masculinity: schooling

curricula encourage children to embrace gender appropriate classes,college majors (males: sciences/maths females: humanities and arts)

Hegemonic masculinity: mass media

Goffman: advertising promotes subtle biases against women

Naomi Wolfe

The beauty Myth: society teaches women to measure themselves in terms of physical appearance, yet the standards of beauty are unattainable for most women

Gender stratification

unequal distribution of wealth,power and privlege between men and women.

79 cents

how much women earn for every dollar man earns


percentage of women who work


percentage of women who hold these 2 types of jobs: administrative work, and low end service work (pink collar jobs)

comparable worth

theory that goes beyond 'equal pay for equal work"; people should be paid based on the worth of the work they actually do rather than according to this historical double standard

98% and 21%

percentage of women as kindergarten teachers; % of women as university presidents

inverse relationship

as pay and prestige increases, the % of women decreases in a profession which is seen largely as female dominated

second shift

women put in an average of 17 hrs per week working at home while men put in 9 hours

Conflict theory on gender

capitalism turns women into economic property of men; into consumers in order to seek personal fulfillment; and into domestic and low wage slaves

feminism theory on gender

social equality for men and women in opposition to patriarchy,violence and sexism

liberal feminism

feminism that adheres to basic themes

social feminism

feminism that states capitalism is culprit

black feminism

feminism that examines gender, race and class

post modern gender theory

the fragmented identity and "playful blurring of sex and gender boundaries: makes eliminating gender itself impossible