ch 4 psychology

post conventional

formal operational thought is most necessary for the development of ____ morality


according to erikson, committing oneself to meaningful social roles would be most indicative of

haidt's social intuition theory

which theory emphasizes the immediate gut level feelings often precdede and influence our moral reasoning


according to erikson, later adlthood is to integrity as young adulthood is to


during which stage do children understand the world primarily by observing the effects of their own actions on other ppl, objects and events

neural connections

poor memory for early life experiences results from a baby's relative lack of


identical twins typically begin walking on nearly the same day. this best illustrates the importance of _____ to motor skills

predictability of development

stage theories of adult development are most likely to be criticized for exaggerating the

less more

adolescent females spend ____ time alone and _____ time praying then do adolescent males


a reduction in estrogen levels is most closely associated with

later adulthood

ppl differ the most in their learning and memory abilities during

solid disk facelike image

newborns habituate more rapidly to a ____ than to a _____.

gut level intuitions

the sexual abuse of a very young child is so emotionally repulsive to most ppl that they immediately recognize it as shamefully immoral. this best ilustrates that moral judgments may reflect