Learning and Processes Test

Four Major Perspectives on Education Psychology

Applications, Concerns, Focus, Goals

Applications (Perspective on Edu Psychology)

Classroom teaching activities, and school life

Concerns (Perspective on Edu Psychology)


Focus (Perspective on Edu Psychology)

Learning, teaching, and research methods

Goals (Perspective on Edu Psychology)

Improve teaching processes

Research Methods

Descriptive, Ethnographic, Correlation, Experimental

Descriptive Research

Studying and describing events

Ethngraphic Research

Studying a group

Correlation Research

Relationship between studies

Experimental Research

Uses manipulated variables to study cause and effect

How do teachers use research?

Making cause and effect, and classroom decisions

Factors in good teaching

Commitment, teaching a range of students, knowing subject matter, high expectations

Prediction for 2020

60 % (2/3) of all school age students in Nation will be minority children

Causes of cognitive differences

students raised in regions with fewer resources tend to fair poorly in school, different experiences in and out of school

The Federal Government Intervention in the 1960s

Head Start Education Program, Upward Bound Education, Job Corp Education Programs

Erikson's stages of Development

Trust vs mistrust 12-18 months, Autonomy vs. Shame 18 months-3 years, Initiative vs. Guilt 3-6 years, Industry vs. Inferiority 6-12, Identity vs. Role Confusion

Adolescent Identities

Identity achievement, identity foreclosure, identity diffusion

Kohlbergs's stages of moral development

1 pre-conventional, 2 conventional, 3 post-conventional

Perspective taking abilities

understanding alternative views

What is learning?

A change in behavior due to experiences and interactions

Behavioral theory of learning

Emphasizes observable actions and contiguity, de-emphasizes internal learning

Thorndike's Theory on Learning

The Law of Effect - actions that result in good results will be repeated, actions are related to consequences

Teacher Strategies

Satiation, social isolation, extinction, group consequences, response cost, tokens, ripple effect

Fluid intelligence

non verbal, not influenced by culture

Crystallized intelligence

cultural intelligence

Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligence

Linguistic, logical, spatial, kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalistic

Tracking systems

Joplin (cross grade), in between ability, predictive

Basic types of students

The reflective, the field dependent (big pic), field independent (details), impulsive, surface processing, anxiety

Basic Student Goal Orientations

Mastery, task involved (lost in work), performance ego, work avoiding, failure accepting, failure avoiding

Cultural Deficit Concept: 1960s-1970s

believed that minority and immigrant students were at a cultural disadvantage so they could not do well in school.

About Erickson

8 stages of development, Psychosocial perspectives, Childhood crisis (need to solve problems during childhood)


a cognitive structure determining how you see yourself


an Affective reaction, how you feel about yourself, is increased the most when one is doing well in one's valued subject

Classroom applications of Contiguity

rewards, Thorndike's Law of effect (actions are related to consequences)

Dealing with Misbehavior

cueing as a management method, deal with chronic misbehaviors PRIVATELY