Checks and Balances

separation of powers

Constitutional division of powers among the legislative, executive, and judicial branches, with the legislative branch making law, the executive applying and enforcing the law, and the judiciary interpreting the law

legislative branch

Branch of government that makes the laws

executive branch

Branch of government that enforces the laws


Chief Executive of the United States, Head of State and Commander and Chief of the US Armed Forces. The President of the United States is elected every 4 years, by the Electoral College. Signs or veto's bills passed to them by Congress.

judicial branch

A branch of the system of checks and balances that interprets Congressional laws


A person chosen to interpret laws, decide on a winner, or settle a controversy


Contrary to what is permitted by the constitution


permitted by the constitution


Chief executive's power to reject a bill passed by a legislature


An action taken by Congress to reverse a presidential veto, requiring a two-thirds majority in each chamber.

checks and balances

A system that allows each branch of government to limit the powers of the other branches in order to prevent abuse of power


The study of the rights and duties of citizens


Has the power to ratify treaties and delcare war, and the powere to make laws.


A document which spells out the principles by which a government runs and the fundamental laws that govern a society