wound care primary intention

what is healing by primary intention

all tissues, including the skin, are mechanically held closed (staples, tape, suture, glue etc)

what type of wound would use primary intention healing

little tissue loss, wound edges closely approximate,

how does the healing take place

direct union of granulating surfaces

does clotting take place

yes, it is a small clot

what is the cosmetic impact of healing by primary intention

little or no scar

what commonly inflicted wounds are usually healed by primary intention

surgical incisions

what is healing by secondary intention

wound left open to heal from inside out

how do secondary intention wounds close

edges come together naturally by means of granulation and contraction

what would suggest a wound should heal by secondary intention

gaping wound, significant tissue loss

what is healing by third intention

wound left open for a number of days, closed if it is found to be clean

what are the advantages of healing contaminated/dirty wounds by third intention

less chance of SSIs than primary, less scarring than secondary

is there a fourth mode of healing

yes, partial thickness wounds just heal by epithelisation

how is the clot and scar different for secondary intention

larger clot and scar form