Drug groups and Drug Endings- NCLEX


beta-adrenergic agonists (bronchodilate, increase vasc resist)
ex: norepinephrine (Levophed), dopamine (Inotropin)
used cardiac arrest, COPD
adfx: anticholinergic, dysrhythmias


adfx: depression, CNS depression, addictive. d/c slowly
caffeine and nicotine decreases effectiveness


beta blocker
adfx: bronchospasm

antibiotics general

allergic reaction (after 1st time), superinfection, liver kidney toxic
do C&S, encourage fluids, toxic when expired
peak level about an hour after IV, trough just after it's hung

-mycin (micin)

aminoglycosides-inhibit protein synthesis gram neg
adfx:oto and nephrotoxic
check cranial nerve 8 (ear)

ceph (cef)

cephalosporin-tonsillitis, prophylaxis, meningitis-bacterial wall inhibitor
adfx: bone marrow depression, GI upset, cross allergy w/pcn, protein/glucose in urine
do not drink etoh, take with food


fluoroquinalones- dna inhibitor
anthrax tx, e. coli
adfx: decreased WBC, hct. elevated liver enzymes
don't take with food


macrolide-cell membrane binder
used in pcn allergy. used for dental prophylaxis in valve disorders
adfx: confusion, increases effects of coumadin, theophylline
take without food


penicillin-inhibits synthesis of cell wall
severe infx-syphillis, lyme disease...
adfx: stomatitis, allergy
take without food

sulf, zulf, bactrim

sulfonamide-antagonizes folic acid synth
UC, crohn's, uri
adfx: peripheral neuropathy, photosensitive, crystalluria, stomatitis
take with food, encourage fluids, mouth care


tetracycline-prevents protein synthesis
baby eye drops, acne
adfx: discoloration of primary teeth in utero or in early childhood, phototoxic, toxic when expired
take without food

uti meds

furadantin-anti-infective adfx: asthma attack, take with food and cranberry juice
pyridian-urinary tract analgesic adfx: HA, vertigo, turns pee orange, take with meals
anti-impotence drugs adfx: HA, hypotn, priaprism

grapefruit juice interaction

lipitor, viagra, ...


block parasymp nerve
dilate pupil, bronchodilation, decrease secretions, decrease GI motility and secretions
uses: eye exams, motion sickness
adfx:urinary retention, dry mouth, hypotn and inc HR
probanthine, atropine, -bromide, ium
not with meals or paral


adfx: bleeding, hematuria
heparin blocks conversion of prothrombin to thrombin, used in PE, venous thrombosis, after acute MI. PTT: 30-75?
antidote for heparin: protamine sulfate
warfarin interferes with vit k clotting factors. used in PE, v


adfx: gingival hypertrophy, resp depression, aplastic anemia
turn urine pink or reddish brown
Dilantin: can cause cardiac arrest if pushed too fast CANNOT BE MIXED WITH ANOTHER MED
no carbonation with depakote

mARplan, pARnate, nARdil (trade names)

MAOI antidepressant-4 wk to effectiveness
adfx: Hypertensive crisis with tyramine foods: aged cheese, liver, yogurt, beer, wine, pickled foods, herring, bologna, salami, bananas.
potentiate alcohol, interactions with CNS stimulants or cold meds

-etine, -aline

SSRI antidepressant- 4 weeks for effect
adfx: anxiety, urinary/bowel retention, insomnia at hs, pink urine
suicide risk on upswing

tricyclic antidepressant

used also for sleep apnea
amitryptalin (Elavil), imipramine (Tofranil), desipramine (Norpramin)
adfx: postural hypotension, confusion, urinary retention
suicide risk
take at hs
2-6 weeks for effectiveness
wean off
no alcohol, care in sun

heterocyclic antidepressant

Wellbutrin, trazadone
used also for smoking cessation
adfx: wellbutrin- agitation and insomnia. trazadone- sedation
wean slowly, no alcohol


antidiabetic (also Dymelor) for type II only
adfx: skin reaction, hypoglycemia
take prior to eating- EAT. alcohol, aspirin, sulfonamides, oral birth control, maois affect action


used to reverse hypoglycemia
change glycogen to glucose and release it to the body
adfx: hypotn, bronchospasm. may repeat in 15 minutes. once alert, give longer acting carbohydrates


antidiarrheals (also immodium)
adfx: anticholinergic, constipation
cxn in unknown abd pain


trimethobenzamide (Tigan), procorperazine (Compazine), metoclopramide (Reglan), meclizine (Antivert)
block dopamine, increase GI motility
adfx: anticholinergic, sedation
prophylaxis for chemotherapy as well
may cause Reye's used during viral infx


fungizone (Amphotericin), mycostatin (Nystatin)
impair cell membrane
adfx: liver dysfunction, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, pruritis
take with food


cholsalide (Colchicine), benemid (Probenecid), Zyloprim (Allopurinol)
decreases uric acid
Probenecid increases action of Cipro
Colchicine used only in acute gout syndrome
Probenecid for chronic
adfx: agranulocytosis, renal calculi-flush kidneys at treatme


chlor-trimeton, diphenhydramine (Benadryl), promethazine (Phenergan)
adfx: drowsiness, anticholinergic, photosensitivity, bronchospasm
hard candy for dry mouth


antihyperlipidemia- statins block synthesis of cholesterol and triglycerides
(sequestrans-Questran-blocks absorption)
adfx: constipation, fat-soluble vitamin deficiency
take hs or at least 30 minutes before meals. assess diet
cannot take with other meds


ACE Inhibitors-affect arteries-vasodilation in whole body
use for HTN and CHF
adfx: lethargy initially, orthostatic hypotension
take without food


beta adrenergic blockers- decreases excitability of heart, decreases oxygen consumption
use: angina, SVT, HTN
adfx: bronchospasm, HR changes
take with food, taper off to avoid rebound HTN


also diltiazem, verapamil
calcium channel blocker-inhibit calcium influx across cell membrane to slow conduction and dilate coronary vessels and decrease HR
uses: angina, HTN, interstitial cystitis
adfx: hypotn, GI upset
SR-do not chew,


angiotensin II-receptors
uses: HTN, heart failure, MI, neuropathy, stroke prophylaxis
adfx: dizziness, GI distress
SR-do not chew, crush, open


alpha 1-adrenergic blockers in peripheral vasculature
use: HTN, BPH
adfx: orthostatic hypotn, reflex tachycardia, Nasal Congestion, periph edema
first dose at HS-causes fainting initially

centrally acting alpha-adrenergic

centrally acting alpha-adrenergic-decrease rate and force of contraction
Catapres, Aldomet
uses: HTN
adfx: orthostatic hypotn, Sedation
taper off

direct acting vasodilators

minoxidil, hydralazine (Apresoline)-relax smooth muscle
uses: HTN
minoxidil topical is Rogaine
adfx: ortho hypotn, tachycardia (may use with B-blocker to prevent), increased hair
check pulse when taking med

meds for bipolar disorder

lithium, Tegretol, Depakote
block catecholamines
Lithium salt is dangerous: tight therapeutic range. blood drawn 2-3 weeks. 3000 mL water/day. evaluated q2-3 wk
Tegretol, Depakote: antipsychotic/convulsant watch kidney and liver
adfx: GI upset, Tremors, p

alkylating agents

anti-neoplastic- interferes with rapid DNA replication
used: leukemia, multiple myeloma
Csplatin, busulfan (Mylerin), cyclophosphamide (Cytoxin)
adfx: very hepatotoxic, basic chemo adfx: bone marrow suppression, decreased WBC, platelets, RBCs, bleeding, G


anti-neoplastic-inhibit DNA polymerase
fluorouracil (5-FU), Methotrexate
used: ALL, CA of breast, colon, pancreas
adfx: basic- GI-N/V, ulcers, decreased RBC, WBC, plt

CA -mycin (trade name)

anti-tumor antineoplastic-interfere with DNA and RNA synthesis.
use: CA
adfx: basic chemo: stomatitis, alopecia, bone marrow suppression

hormonal agents

antineoplastic- block hormone input into CA cells
ex: tomoxifen, testosterone
use: hormone-sensitive CA
adfx: leukopenia, bone pain, hypercalcemia, effects of individual hormone


Vinca-alkyloid antineoplastic. derived from periwinkle. interferes with cell division
ex: vinblastine
use: CA- affects every rapid producing cell in body
adfx: CNA Depression, stomatitis, alopecia, bone marrow suppression
check reflexes, give with Zylopri


antiparkinson. essentially replace dopamine
(also parlodil)
adfx: ataxia, anticholinergic, dizziness
B6 can reverse effects, avoid CNS depressants


antipsychotic-block dopamine receptors
adfx: akasthesia, dyskinesia, dystonia, parkinsonian, tardive dyskinesia, leukopenia, can stunt growth in kids
avoid etoh and caffeine


antiviral, inhibits DNA and RNA (includes non -cyclovirs too)
use in herpes, HIV
adfx: HA, dizziness, GI
doesn't cure.


biophosphenates- antiosteoporosis inhibit bone resorption
adfx: esophagitis, arthralgia

-tropium, -ol, -phylline

uses:COPD, asthma (terbutaline for preterm labor)
adfx: tachycardia, dysrhythmias, palpitations, anticholinergic
take bronchodilator first


anti-glaucoma, decreases production of aqueous humor
adfx: blurred vision, lethargy, depression, anorexia, decrease potassium


cardiac glycoside-increase force of myocardial contraction, slow HR
Left heart failure
adfx: bradycardias, N/V, visual disturbance
hold if pulse <60 in adult, <70 in older kids, <90 in infants, young kids
check K+ levels- low potassium increases risk of t


cytoprotective agents
form barrier on duodenal ulcers
adfx: constipation, vertigo, flatulance
take without food


uses: asthma, COPD, some leukemias, Addison's, Crohn's
adfx: infxn, mask s/s of infxn, insomnia, hypoglycemia, hypokalemia, psychosis, depression, stunted growth
wean over time