COMD 3700 exam 3

why is speech audiometry important

PTA doesn't reflect the degree of handicap in speech communication

how does an SLP use speech audiometry

as a basis for therapy planning and counseling

what are the factors in speech audiometry

test environment, test procedures, test equipment, patient, clinician

sound field

when the output comes from loudspeakers its as if the client is "sitting in a field of sound

what is speech audiometry equation

20 dB SPL = 0 dB HL

if audiometer dial is set to 0

the stimulus delivered is actually 20dB SPL

how does MLV work

monitored live voice is where the clinician must monitor on the VU meter the level of her voice so that the input = the output.

what does the VU meter do

it indicates the volume of intensity of input

if the VU meter is standing at 0 then

the level of the attenuator is true output

if VU is not at 0

then we need to either add or subtract that amount of dB to the attenuator to show the true output

why need two room suite for MLV

because the client can hear the examiners voice directly instead of through the microphone with the measured dB

what is the advantage of a patient speaking the response

faster, rapport maintained between client and examiner

what is the disadvantage of a patient speaking the response

patient may have poor or unitelligible speech

why use or not use written response

advantage: patient's speech may be poor, perm. record
disadvantage: slow, takes time to score so rarely used


speech detection threshold: Lowest level in dB that can just detect presence of speech and identify it as speech 50% of the time


speech awareness threshold commonly used synonym for SDT

cold running speech

no particular meaning or interest; continuous without breaks, monotonous


Speech Recognition Threshold: lowest level in dB that can identify correctly the speech stimuli 50% of the time

speech reception threshold

earlier name for SRT


1947; came up with list of 84 words to use for SRT

criteria for words for SRT

1. familiarity 2. phonetic dissimilarity 3. normal sampling of English words 4. homogeneity with respect to audibility


1952 refined the list of words to 36 words; 2 lists of 18 words

spondaic or spondee words

two-syllable words spoken with equal stress on each syllable and are easy to understand at faint hearing levels

examples of spondee words

airplane, toothbrush, hotdog, sidewalk, baseball, pancake, cowboy, armchair, eardrum

carrier phrase

say the word" not necessary but allows clinician to monitor voice on VU meter and make changes before saying spondee word if necessary

SRT testing procedures

similar to pure tone testing
down 10dB up 5 dB

Martin and Dowdy

1986 established the testing procedure for SRT

why use Martin and Dowdy's procedure

it requires no knowledge of other test results
similar to pure tone testing using the 5dB steps

what is SRT results used for

as a basis for setting a level for Word Recognition (WRS) testing; as a check on pure tone results; to categorize hearing loss; to help with judgements as to need for amplification; in hearing aid evaluations

what is the cross check equation

SRT = PTA +/- 5dB