ch 17 mb nursing care of a postpartum family


intermittent uterine contractions similar to menstrual cramps after birth, occur more often in multiparas or in women whose uterus was overly distended

diastasis reci

over stretching and separation of the abdominal musculature.
If large there will be a blushed area. modified sit-ups help usually return in 6 weeks to normal.

en face position

position which the adult's face and infant's face are 8 inches apart and on the same plane as when the mother holds the infant up in front of her face or when she nurses the baby


Painful swelling of breast tissue as a result of rapid increase in milk production and venous congestion causing interstitial tissue edema; impaired milk flow results in accumulation of milk in breasts; most often occurs between the third and fifth postpa


Characteristic sense of absorption, preoccupation, and interest in the infant demonstrated by fathers during early contact with their infants.

Homans sign

The patient is positioned in supine. The therapist maintains the leg in extension and passively dorsiflexes the patient's foot. A positive test is indicated by pain in the calf and may be indicative of deep vein thrombophlebitis.Can be present even with n


reduction in size of an organ or part (as in the return of the uterus to normal size after childbirth)

letting go phase

Mom adapts to new parenthood; time of relinquishment for mom and dad; Moms give up idealized expectations of birthj experience; Parents are sometimes disappointed in gender, size, etc. of baby but must accept their REAL baby and forget their IDEAL baby mo


substance discharged from the vagina (cellular debris and mucus and blood) that gradually decreases in amount during the weeks following childbirth
Rubra:3-4 days, color drk red, Serosa:4-10 days, color pinkish/brown, Alba:10-28 days(can be up to six week

postpartal depression

Overall feeling of sadness, extreme fatigue, inability to stop crying, increased anxiety. Is a serious problem more serious than the normal "baby blues"
Onset 1-12 months

rooming in

when the newborn stays in the room with the mother day and night in the hospital

sitz bath

cleanses and aids in reducing inflammation of the perineal and anal areas of the patient who has undergone rectal or vaginal surgery or childbirth, also discomfort from hemorrhoids or fissures

taking hold phase

Mother becomes more independent as she takes responsiblity for her own physical care. Her focus shifts to the care of her infant. Best time to teach.

taking in phase

This phase is mainly focused on the mother's need for food, fluid, & sleep. Passive behavior & she depends on others to meet her needs. Must integrate the labor & birth into reality.
2 to 3 days

uterine atony

The first hour after birth is potentially the most dangerous. The uterus is relaxed (uterine atony) and has not formed thrombi. she will lose blood very fast.