
*systematic, logical, and empirical inquiry into the possible relationship among particular phenomena
*scientific method for gathering, analyzing, and disseminating new information
*links nursing theory, education, and practice
*is developed from practice

Three types of research


Descriptive research

*obtains accurate information about the phenomenon under investigation; the investigator observes, describes, and classifies

Explanatory research

*attempts to understand the relationship among the phenomenon under investigation; investigator explains observed events and their relationship to each other and to outside influences

Predictive research

*uses statistical measures to forecast the relationships among phenomena

Types of nursing research


Quantitative nursing research

*involves systematic collection of data in numerical format, under strict researcher control, and analysis of that data to describe, explain, or predict a particular phenomenon

Qualitative nursing research

*involves systematic collection and analysis of subjective information -with attempts to minimize researcher-imposed control in the absence of statistical methodology- in order to understand the depth of a particular phenomenon

Research questions are complex

*some researchers believe that neither qualitative nor quantitative method of research alone is enough

Phases of nursing research

*gathering data
*manipulating data
*reporting data

Gathering data- first phase of nursing research
Requires 8 steps

*consider research ethics and rights of human subjects
*select a nursing problem
*identify the research question
*state the research problem
*review the literature
*develop a theory -theoretical framework
*develop a hypothesis
*build the research design

Manipulating data- second phase of nursing research

*involves measurement and analysis of quantitative and qualitative information

Reporting data- final phase of nursing research

*uses descriptive or inferential statistical methods to reveal the results of the study

Role of nurse in nursing research

*use of research findings enables the nurse to provide the best possible nursing care
*nurses can participate in research and document the unique role nursing plays in health care system
*through participation in research studies, nurse contributes toward

Use of research findings in nursing practice

*nurse evaluates relevance of research findings and can apply that knowledge in practice
*because nurse is aware of significant number of studies with common sample characteristics, nurse can implement a similar study in own clinical setting or environmen

Variables in research projects

*properties that differ from one subject to another

Dependent variables

*concepts that researcher wants to explain or predict; referred to as the "consequence"; assumed to vary with changes in the independent variables

Independent -antecedent- variables

*affect the dependent variable; researcher typically manipulates these variables in experimental study

Review of literature

*researcher conducts thorough review before collecting data to identify potential gaps in literature and examine approaches others have taken in studying problem

Data-based review of literature

*addresses the problem of interest

Conceptual review of literature

*addresses underlying theories of problem

Review of literature

*should encompass statistics, research findings, methods and procedures, opinions, beliefs, and clinical impressions and situations relevant to the study

Primary sources of research

*articles written by the investigator who conducted the research or proposed the theory

Secondary sources of research

*reviews of primary sources; should not be substituted for primary sources; they provide less detail and may expose to second author's bias


*a statement that attempts to describe, explain, or predict some phenomenon
*it guides the researcher in separating critical and necessary factors or relationships from accidental ones
*consists of abstract concepts being studied and a set of propositions


*derived from the theory and serves a predication or preliminary explanation of the relationship among variables
*written as a declarative statement, delineates relationship between at least 2 variables, one dependent, one independent

Simple hypothesis

*expresses an expected relationship between one dependent and one independent variable

Complex hypothesis

*expresses a relationship between two or more independent and two or more dependent variables

Directionally formulated hypothesis

*researcher predicts nature as well as existence of relationship

Nondirectionally formulated hypothesis

*researcher predicts the existence of a relationship only

Research hypothesis

*expresses a relationship between the independent and dependent variable

Statistical -or null- hypothesis

*states that no relationship exists between the independent and dependent variable

Validity of research tool

*the extent that it measures what it claims to measure

Three types of validity

content *construct


*the extent that an instrument yields the same results on repeated trials

Statistical techniques

*enable researcher to analyze numerical data

Four methods to evaluate instruments reliability

*alternative form
*coefficient alpha


*process of selecting a portion of the population to represent the entire group

Types of probability sampling

simple sampling
stratified random sampling
cluster sampling
systematic sampling

Descriptive statistics

*organize, summarize, and present information coherently -ex.measurement of mean, median, mode and standard deviation

Inferential statistics

*make inferences about populations based on samples taken, using logic that chance is the only thing that produces variations in the study

Types of inferential statistics

*t-tests, F tests, chi-square, ANOVA, and regression analysis

Role of nurse in nursing research

*use of research findings enables nurse to provide best possible nursing care
*nurse can participate in research and document unique role nursing plays in health care system
*through participation in research studies, nurse contributes toward construction

Use of research findings in nursing practice

*nurse evaluates relevance of research finding and can apply that knowledge in practice
*nurse can implement a similar study in nurse's own clinical setting or environment
*information from research studies can be reviewed by nurse for its applicability t