High Risk Labour and Delivery

Preterm Labour (PTL):

*labour occurring between 20 and 37 weeks
-10% of prenancies
-Can be idiopathic
-documented change in cervix

PTL Risk Factors: maternal

-infection (recurrent pyelonephritis, untreated bacteriuria, chorioamnionitis
-genital infection (eg. BV)
-chrnoic illness
-mechanical factors
-previous obs, gyne, and abdominal surgeries
-socio-enviro: nutrition, smoking, drugs, alcohol, stress

PTL Risk Factors: maternal-fetal

-placenta previa or abruption
-placental insufficiency

PTL Risk Factors: fetal

-multiple gestation
-congenital abnormalities of fetus
-fetal hydrops

PTL Risk Factors: Uterine

-incompetent cervix
- excessive enlargement
-malformations (leiomyomas, septate)

Prediction of PTL

-most important risk factor is prior hx of spont PTL
-cervical length (>30mm = low risk)
-fetal fibronectin

Fetal Fibronectin

*glycoprotein functioning to maintain intergrity of chorionic-decidual interface
in asympotomatic women:
-positive in cervicovaginal fluid @24 weeks predicted spont PTL (PPV =25%; NPV =96%)

PTL: Management Initial

-transfer to appropriate facility
-hydration, bed rest in LLDP, sedation, avoid pelvic exams
-U/S exam of fetus
-prophylactic abx (controversial)

PTL: Supppression of Labour (Tocolysis)

may buy time for transfer etc
-live, immature fetus, intact membranes, cervical dilatation of ?4 cm
-absence of contraindications

Tocolysis Contraindications: Maternal

-bleeding (placenta previa or abruption)
-maternal disease (htn, dm, heart disease)
-pre-eclampsia or eclampsia

Tocolysis Contraindications: Fetal

-erythroblastosis fetalis
-severe congenital anomalies
-fetal distress/demise
-multiple gestation

Tocolytic procedure

*need appropriate personnel and equipment
Ca-channel blockers: nifedipine
PG synthesis inhibitors: indomethacin
?-mimetics: ritodrine, terbutaline
Use for only ?48 hrs

Enhancement of Fetal Pulmonary Maturity

betamethasone or dexamethasone
28-34 weeks GA: reduces incidence of RDS
24-28 weeks GA: reduces severity of RDS, overall mortality and rate of intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH)
Maternal contraindications: active TB, viral keratosis, maternal DM

PTL Prognosis

-leading cause of perinatal morbidity and mortality
-30 weeks or 1.5 kg = 90% survival
-33 weeks or 2 kg = 99% survival
-asphyxia, hypoxia, sepsis, RDS, IVH, thermal instability, retinopathy of prematurity, bronchopulmonary dysplasia

Premature Rupture of Membranes (PROM)

*rupture of membranes prior to labour at any GA

Prolonged ROM

>24 hrs prior to onset of labour

Preterm ROM

ROM prior to 37 weeks GA


preterm premature ROM

PROM Risk factors

Maternal: multiparity, cervical incompetence, infection, fam hx, low socioeconomic class/poor nutrition
Fetal: congenital anomaly, multiple gestation
see PTL risk factors too

PROM Investigations

sterile speculum exam:
-pooling of fluid in the posterior fornix
-fluid leaking out of cervix on cough
Nitrazine paper blue (+ with blood, urine or semen)
U/S: fetal anomalies, assess GA and BPP

PROM Management

-admit and monitor
-culture for GC and GBS
-assess fetal lung maturity
-weigh degree of prematurity vs. risk of amnioinitis and sepsis
-if not in labour or labour not indicated consider antibiotics
-deliver urgently if evidence of fetal distress and/or ch

PROM: prematurity

<24 weeks: consider termination
26-34 weeks: expectant management (prematurity complications high)
34-36 weeks: rds and neonatal sepsis risk is the same
>36 weeks: induction of labour

PROM: Prognosis

90% of women with PROM at 28-34 weeks go into spont labour within a week
50% of women with PROM at <26 weeks go into spont labour within a week
Complications: cord prolapse, intrauterine infection, premature delivery, limb contracture

Breech Presentation

Complete (10%): flexion at hips and knees
Frank (60%): flexion at hips, extension at knees; most common to be delivered vaginally
Footling (30%): may be single or double with extension at hip(s) and knee(s)