Exam 1 - Intro to M & P Nursing


1. If ovum is fertilized by a sperm bearing a Y chromosome, the baby will be a boy.
2. If ovum is fertilized by a sperm bearing an X chromosome, the baby will be a girl.

Secondary Sex Characteristics

Boys: Grow taller, more muscular, pubic hair, facial hair, deeper voice,testiles, penis size
Girls: hips broaden, pubic hair, axillary hair

Secondary Amenorrhea

Cessation of menses; in a health and sexually active woman is often 1st sign of pregnancy. However, strenuous exercise, changes in metabolism, and endocrine dysfunction, chronic disease, certain medications, anorexia nervosa, early menopause, or serious p

Muscle crucial in obstetrics

Strong pelvic floor muscles stabilize and support the internal and external reproductive organs. The most important of these muscles in the levator ani, which supports the 3 structures that penetrate it: urethra, vagina, and rectum. 23

What uterus looks like prior to pregnancy.

It is shaped like an upside-down pear or light bulb. Weighs 2oz. (60g) 24

When will I deliver - EDD, Nagele's rule

Identify 1 day of LNMP, count backward 3 months, and then add 7 days; correct for year. 48; last normal menstral period

Counciling new mother about breastfeeding, concerns, drugs crossing placental barrier, size, placental barrier, where lactation takes place; milk lobules in perimeter of breast - hormonal reason; what hormones influence lactation


Amniocentisis; chromosonal defects; result, take X amount of time to get lab back-ultimate decision is hers (Pt. teaching)


Male chromosomes,sperm-genetic make-up, where is penetration - head-penetrates the ova, where chromosomes stored


AVA 2 arteries, one vein




Fertilization & Implantation; where happens, time frame

Sperm can reach fallopian tubes within 5 minutes after coitus. Ovum is estimated to survive for up to 24 hr. after ovulation. Sperm remains capable of fertilizing the ovum for up to 5 days.
Fertilization occurs in the outer 3rd of the fallopian tube.


Fetal movement felt by mothers; 1st perceived at 16-20 wks. 49

Vernix Caseosa

A cheese-like substace that covers the skin of the newborn, is thought to protect skin from irritation and the effects of a watery environment in utero-amniotic fluid . 292

Polyhydramnios, Oligohydramnios

Excessive amniotic fluid; also called hydramnios. (effects of Diabetes in Pregnancy) 97
Oligohydramnios - decreased amniotic fluid - placental failure. 101

What can happen w/ too much or too little fluid - indicative of


What kind of twins; monozgotic, dizygotic


Momma gets bigger & bigger, orthostatic hypotension


Nosebleeds, ears popping - normal?

Normal-epistaxis; fullness in ears- popping

Explain graviity and parity




Presumptive & Positive signs of pregnancy;

48 hCG presumptive-tumors, hyditaform moles;Positive- fetal hear tones, quickening; ultrasound,

Calculate EDD


Lay out ob plan - spouse what's going to happen; early signs of impending labor; physician visits, 1st trimester warning signs-edema (ted hose, no salt, elevate legs)

67-68 Early signs of impending labor; physician visits-how often;

Leg cramps - dorsiflexion


Lab results - important lab values, hematocrit, Hemoglobin; titers-during 1st visit


Sexual intercourse - consult doc/placenta previa?

Depends on health

Nutrition -green leafy veg.

Folic acid and Iron


Lactating - 500; preg mom - 300

Chadwick; Goodell; Hegar; McDonald's

McDonald's manuever - shoulder dystosia; practioner is delivering baby; nurse is helping baby to come out-oozing baby's shoulder out.

Fundal heights; what stage of pregnancy-symphis pubis; lightening-engagement (diff. stages)

When fundus comes out of pubis



Ultrasonography- what, where done?


When would Cert. Nurse Midwife, good canidate for nurse midwife - situation; given that parity, that gravity


Effleurage - figure 8 massage


What pain does in preg.; in labor & delivery; when can I have pain medication; do you think I'll have a lot of pain



Middle pain

Herpes, teaching




Issues w/adolescent pregnancy - diet


Braxton Hicks


AIDS what's important; no breastfeeding


Stress tests & nonstress tests

Nonstress test-baby not challenged
Stress test-nipple stimulation so uterus contracts, put toco on, baby decels, then comes back up; maybe pharmaceutical

Changes that occur in preg. 52

Resp.- breathing
Blood volume - increases
Skin-chloasma; nipples ariola gets dark, striae, linea nigra...

Estrogen progesterone; 2 important hormones in preg.

..Estrogen, progesterone.


.Mask of pregnancy; goes away after pregnancy..

Kick counts


Contraction - stress test what ar u looking for in fetal monitor - deceleration


Gestational diabetes-Mom, what are u think of; vaginitis, macrosmia; polyhydramnios-too much fluid; how many wks gestation; high risk; measure fundal height




Warning sign in any trimester; bright red bleeding


PIH Pregnancy Induced Hypertension; Preeclampsia


Contraindicaiton of breastfeeding; AIDS, HIV


Hormones placenta produces for pregnancy


IUGR-Interuterine growth restriction; causes; baby termed SGA (306 - select all)
