Nurs73w Unit Renal Terms

Acute renal failure

clinical syndrome characterized by a rapid decline in renal function with progressive azotemia and increasing levels of serum creatinine.

Acute tubular necrosis (ATN)

a type of intrarenal acute renal failure affecting the renal tubules caused by renal ischemia and nephrotoxic injury

Arteriovenous grafts

synthetic material surgically anastomosed between an artery and a vein to provide vascular access for hemodialysis; used in place of an arteriovenous fistula for a patient with a history of severe hypertension, diabetes, prolonged IV drug use, or previous

Automate peritoneal dialysis

dialysis machine that controls the fill, dwell, and drain phases and cycles four to eight exchanges per night with one to two hours per exchange


an accumulation of nitrogenous waste products such as blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine in the blood stream



Chronic kidney disease

progressive, irreversible destruction of the nephrons in both kidneys resulting in kidney failure

Continent urinary diversion

urinary diversion to an intraabdominal urinary reservoir that is catheterizable or with an outlet controlled by the anal sphincter

Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD)

dialysis carried out manually by exchanging 1.5 to 3 L of peritoneal dialysate usually four times daily with dwell times of 4 to 10 hours

Continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT)

provides a means by which solutes and fluids can be removed slowly and continuously in the hemodynamically unstable patient; usually used to treat acute renal failure

Costovertebral angle

landmark useful in locating the kidneys, formed by the rib cage and the vertebral column


a waste product produced by muscle breakdown


inflammation of the bladder wall


a diagnostic test that evaluates the compliance (elastic property) and stability of the detrusor muscle of the bladder


inspection of the interior of the bladder with a tubular lighted scope


technique in which substances move from the blood through a semipermeable membrane and into a dialysis solution; used to correct fluid and electrolyte imbalances and to remove waste products in renal failure

End-stage renal disease (ESRD)

last stage of kidney disease; occurs when the GFR is less than 5% to 10% of normal or when creatinine clearances are less than 5 to 10 ml/min

Glomerular basement membrane

the thin, delicate underlining of the glomerular epithelium that is affected in glomerulonephritis

Glomerular filtration rate

amount of blood filtered by the glomeruli in a given time; average is 125 ml/min with 1 ml/min excreted as urine


an immune-related inflammation of the glomeruli characterized by proteinuria, hematuria, decreased urine production, and edema


a component of the nephron that is a tuft of up to 50 capillaries where blood is filtered across the semipermeable membrane into Bowman's capsule

Goodpasture syndrome

an example of cytotoxic (type II) autoimmune disease, characterized by the presence of circulating antibodies against the glomerular basement membrane and alveolar basement membrane


dialysis that uses an artificial membrane (usually made of cellulose-based or synthetic materials) as the semipermeable membrane through which the patient's blood circulates

Histocompatibility testing

a measure of the similarity of the antigens of donor and recipient of transplanted tissue


dilation or enlargement of the renal pelves and calyces resulting from obstruction in the lower urinary tract with backflow of urine to the kidney


dilation of the renal pelvis due to backflow of urine

Ileal conduit

most commonly performed incontinent urinary diversion procedure in which ureters are implanted into part of ileum or colon that has been resected from intestinal tract and abdominal stoma is created

Incontinent urinary diversion

urinary diversion to the skin, requiring a collection appliance

Interstitial cystitis

chronic, painful inflammatory disease of the bladder characterized by severe bladder and pelvic pain, urinary frequency, and urgency

Intravenous pyelogram (IVP)

a diagnostic study using an IV contrast media that is excreted through the urinary system, allowing for visualization of the urinary tract


the use of sound waves to break renal stones into small particles that can be eliminated from the urinary tract


the formation of stones in the urinary tract


the functional unit of the kidney


a vascular disease of the kidney characterized by sclerosis of the small arteries and arterioles of the kidney resulting in renal tissue necrosis

Nephrotic syndrome

an abnormal condition of the kidney characterized by peripheral edema, massive proteinuria, hyperlipidemia, and hypoalbuminemia; may occur in a severe primary form or secondary to many systemic diseases


less than 400 ml of urine in 24 hrs

Orthotopic bladder

Bladder substitutes derived from segments of the intestines that are reshaped to become a new bladder and are sutured to the ureters and urethra

Peritoneal dialysis

dialysis with the use of the peritoneal membrane as the semipermeable membrane

Polycystic kidney disease

a genetic kidney disorder in which the cortex and the medulla are filled with thin-walled cysts that enlarge and destroy surrounding tissue


infection of the renal parenchyma and collecting system

Radical cystectomy

surgical removal of bladder, prostate, seminal vesicles (in men) and uterus, cervix, urethra, and usually ovaries (in women)

Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis

glomerular disease with sudden onset of symptoms and rapid deterioration of renal function over days to weeks

Renal arteriogram

a diagnostic study performed by injecting contrast media into a renal artery to visualize the renal blood vessels

Renal artery stenosis

a partial occlusion of one or both renal arteries and their major branches; a major cause of abrupt onset hypertension

Renal biopsy

a procedure to obtain renal tissue for examination to determine renal disease; usually performed percutaneously with a biopsy needle

Renal osteodystrophy

syndrome of skeletal changes found in chronic kidney disease as a result of alterations in calcium and phosphate metabolism

Renal vein thrombosis

unilateral or bilateral thrombus formation in the renal vein caused by trauma, extrinsic compression (e.g., tumor, aortic aneurysm), renal cell carcinoma, pregnancy, contraceptive use, and nephrotic syndrome

Retrograde pyelogram

an x-ray visualization of the kidneys, ureter, and bladder after direct injection of a contrast material into the kidney via a ureteral catheter introduced through a cystoscope


a narrowing of a lumen

Transitional cell carcinoma

a malignant, usually papillary tumor derived from transitional stratified epithelium, occurring most frequently in the bladder, ureter, urethra, or renal pelvis


the condition in which renal function declines to the point that symptoms develop in multiple body systems


inflammation of the urethra


analysis of urine for color, pH, specific gravity, osmolality, and normal and abnormal constituents

Urinary diversion

surgical diversion of urine drainage to the skin, abdominal reservoir, or bladder substitute

Urinary tract calculi

formation of stones in the urinary tract