Types of Infection & Chain of Infection - Exam 3 Nursing 1

Endogenous Infections

Infection or disease that originates within the body. For example, metabolic disorders, congenital abnormalities, tumors, and infections cause by microorganisms.

Exogenous Infections

Infection or disease that originates outside of the body. For example, pathogenic organism that invade the body, radiation, chemical agents, trauma, electric shock, and temperature extremes. hospital acquired infections are exogenous.

Exogenous Infections

Pathogenic organism that invade the body, radiation, chemical agents, trauma, electric shock, and temperature extremes are said to be?

Endogenous Infections

Metabolic disorders, congenital abnormalities, tumors, and infections cause by microorganisms are said to be?

Nosocomial Infections

Infection that is acquired by a individual in a health care facility such as a hospital or long-term care facility. Transmitted from health care worker to patient.

Opportunistic Infections

Infection that occur when the body's defense are weak. For example the development of Kaposi's sarcoma, Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in individuals with AIDS.

Endogenous Infections, Exogenous Infections, Nosocomial Infections, Opportunistic Infections

What are the types of infections?

Causative agent

First step in the chain of infection. A pathogen, such as a bacterium or virus that can cause a disease.


Second step in the chain of infection. An area where the causative agent can live. For example, the human, animals, the environment, and fomites.


A type of reservoir. An object that is contaminated with infectious material that contain the pathogens.

Portal of exit

Third step in the chain of infection. A way for the causative agent to escape from the reservoir in which it has been growing.

Mode of transmission

Fourth step in the chain of infection. A way that the causative agent can be transmitted to another reservoir or host where it can live.

Direct Contact

Physical contact, sexual contact, or body secretion containing the pathogen. Contaminated hands are one of the most common sources of ____

Mode of transmission

Direct contact is one way a pathogen can be transmitted. Thus making it apart of which chain of infection?

Indirect Contact

When pathogen is transmitted via food, air, soil, insects, feces, clothing, instruments, and equipment.

Portal of entry

Fifth step in the chain of infection. A way for the causative agent to enter a new reservoir or host. For example, Breaks in the skin, mucous membrane, or the respiratory tract.

Mucous Membrane

Lines the respiratory, digestive, and reproductive tracts and traps pathogens.


Tiny, hairlike structures that line the respiratory tract and propels pathogens out of the body.

Susceptible host

Sixth step in the chain of infection. A person likely to get an infection or disease, usually because body defenses are weak.

Types of precautions

Standard precautions: precautions to protect you from the patients, body fluids, blood. needle safety.
Transmission based precautions are:
Contact - C. Diff, RSV, norovirus
Airborne-chicken pox, measles, active TB - negative pressure room.
Droplet- flu, pertussis, mumps